Navigating regulatory shifts with better data

In the first half of 2018, two major data-related EU regulations—the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II), which went into effect in January, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will be implemented on May 25th—are changing how financial services firms manage data. Although legislated in the EU, these two regulations apply to organizations that conduct business in Europe, requiring global firms to come up to speed on compliance.

Meanwhile, other countries face their own regulatory changes and proposals, such as:

Transforming data into action: The business outlook for data governance

This report, developed by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Collibra, draws on a survey of more than 500 business executives working in North America and Europe in the financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, retail and consumer packaged goods, telecommunications and technology industries.

Additionally, we conducted in-depth interviews with corporate leaders and experts in data governance. We would like to thank the following for their insights and contribution to this research:

From data overload to effective decision-making

The same data deluge applies to business—never before have companies and the executives who lead them had access to so much readily available data. But is this abundance of data leading to better decisions?

A survey of European C-suite executives, conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Workday, set out to answer this question. The results show that those who consider their organisations to be market leaders are more data-driven in their decision-making. But they also reveal widespread room for improvement in making decisions with data.

The data-driven CFO

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data can all facilitate financial reporting and compliance, monitor market movements, track supply chain inefficiencies, enable smarter outsourcing, support workforce and talent management efforts, and predict future trends. When they fail, modern technologies can destroy entire businesses and their reputations: most notable are the hacks and privacy breaches that are increasingly a top worry about executives across the C-suite. 


Broken links: Why analytics investments have yet to pay off

Sales and marketing analytics is integral to the ability of companies to thrive in today’s markets. In an EIU survey of 448 senior U.S. executives conducted for this study, 70% of respondents say sales and marketing analytics is already “very” or “extremely important” to their own business’s competitive advantage. In just two years, 89% of respondents expect this to be the case. 

Service on-demand-Korean

이름을 붙이는 것 조차 어렵다는 것은 확실히 새로운 현상이라는 증거입니다. 현재 수많은 업종의 판도를 변화시키고 있는 경제 현상은 바로 이런 특성을 가지고 있습니다. 특히 “공유”, “기그(gig)”, “온 디맨드”, “P2P 경제” 같은 용어는 부정확하거나 불완전한 표현이라는 비판을 받아 왔습니다. 현업 컨설턴트이자 세계 경제 포럼의 글로벌 청년 지도자 공유 경제 연구 그룹의 대표를 맡고 있는 April Rinne은 이렇게 설명합니다. “이런 용어는 새롭고, 복잡하며, 흔히 어지럽기까지 한 현 상황의 변화 양상을 묘사하고 있습니다. 모두 어떻게 보면 맞는 말이지만 완벽한 표현은 아니죠.”

‘공유 경제’는 가장 일반적인 명칭으로 소규모 사용자와 공급자로 구성된 커뮤니티가 일시적인 상품 사용이나 서비스를 교환하고 이에 대한 대금 결제 또는 상호 접근을 위해 통상적으로 휴대폰 기반의 기술 플랫폼에 의존하여 비즈니스를 하는 업체들을 의미합니다. 

The Business of Data

Contextual marketing: The next steps in the evolution of marketing

Contextual marketing—it’s the current buzzword among marketers and, arguably, the next step in the evolution of marketing beyond personalisation.

Computing with emotions

Affective computing is the use of sensors and data analytics to detect human emotions. Do we need new rules to govern its use?

Connecting Companies

Connecting companies: Strategic partnerships for the digital age is a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), sponsored by Telstra. It is designed to guide senior executives through the global trend for digital partnerships between organisations, which are connecting regions, crossing industries and linking generations. Specific industry analysis can be found in separate briefings that accompany this report.

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