Infographic | Open secrets? Guarding value in the intangible economy

Securing the digital city: Cyber-threats and responses

While the IT systems of critical infrastructure providers face the same level of risk from cyber-attacks as do other enterprises in the private and public sectors, a cyber-attack on critical infrastructure can have much broader and deeper consequences for society and the economy. This puts added pressure on IT decision makers and influences how they design, implement and maintain their cyber-defences.

Corporate treasurer viewpoints: Baudouin Courau at Faurecia in France

Please watch Baudouin Courau, Vice President financing and Treasury, at Faurecia in France, share his views on the risks and opportunities of third-parties and cyber security.

The 2017 Eurofinance conference brought together leading corporate treasury to discuss third-party risks and cyber-security

The recent EuroFinance annual flagship conference, International Cash & Treasury Management, in Barcelona, Spain, provided a fantastic platform to launch a new Economist Intelligence Unit report, Third-party risks: the cyber dimension, sponsored by Deutsche Bank. The session was part of the main afternoon programme and brought together leading corporate treasury experts and information security experts to discuss the key issues around data protection, cyber-security risks for the corporate treasury function and the type of response needed to protect the corporate treasury function.

Corporate treasurer viewpoints: George Zinn at Microsoft in the USA

Please watch George Zinn, Corporate Vice President and Treasurer, at Microsoft in the USA, share his views on the risks and opportunities of third-parties and cyber security. 

Third-Party Risks: The Cyber Dimension

Executives were drawn from 19 different sectors, including aerospace/defence, agriculture and agribusiness, automotive, chemicals, construction and real estate, consumer goods, education, energy and natural resources, entertainment, media and publishing, financial services, government/public sector, healthcare, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, IT and technology, logistics and distribution, manufacturing, professional services, retailing, telecommunications, transport, travel and tourism.

Infographic: Third-Party Risks: The Cyber Dimension

Cyber-security – what are the risks from increased connectivity?

Cyber-security practices in critical infrastructure traditionally relied upon isolation of the operational networks from the enterprise environment and the outside world to avoid attacks and minimise incidents. Today, that approach is no longer tenable as increased connectivity and converged platforms have blurred that divide.

Preventing the Internet of Things turning into cyber arsenal

Technical evolution has seen manufacturing move from manual production lines, through mass production via assembly lines, to the adoption of computers and automation. As working practices continue to evolve, our manufacturing plants are moving into what is being described as ‘Smart Factories’ or ‘Industry 4.0.’

Putting machine learning to work on your cyber-security front line

Cyber-security is a top concern for all businesses with the annual global cost of cyber-security predicted to reach US$6tn by 2021, up from US$3tn in 2015.

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