Five CIOs Offer Insight
Watch our video above to learn how CIOs can pioneer leadership at their organisations. Our video features:
-Theresa Payton, former CIO of the White House, current CEO of Fortalice Solutions
-Ritesh Sarda, CIO Sunlife Financial Hong Kong
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Accelerating urban intelligence: People, business and the cities of tomorro...
About the research
Accelerating urban intelligence: People, business and the cities of tomorrow is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Nutanix. It explores expectations of citizens and businesses for smart-city development in some of the world’s major urban centres. The analysis is based on two parallel surveys conducted in 19 cities: one of 6,746 residents and another of 969 business executives. The cities included are Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Dubai, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, New York, Paris, Riyadh, San Francisco, São Paulo, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo and Zurich.
Respondents to the citizen survey were evenly balanced by age (roughly one-third in each of the 18-38, 39-54 and 55 years and older age groups) and gender. A majority (56%) had household incomes above the median level in their city, with 44% below it. Respondents to the business survey were mainly senior executives (65% at C-suite or director level) working in a range of different functions. They work in large, midsize and small firms in over a dozen industries. See the report appendix for full survey results and demographics.
Additional insights were obtained from indepth interviews with city officials, smart-city experts at NGOs and other institutions, and business executives. We would like to thank the following individuals for their time and insights.
Pascual Berrone, academic co-director, Cities in Motion, and professor, strategic management, IESE Business School (Barcelona) Lawrence Boya, director, Smart City Programme, city of Johannesburg Amanda Daflos, chief innovation officer, city of Los Angeles Linda Gerull, chief information officer, city of San Francisco Praveen Pardeshi, municipal commissioner, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (Mumbai) • Brian Roberts, policy analyst, city of San Francisco Sameer Sharma, global general manager, Internet of Things (IoT), Intel • Marius Sylvestersen, programme director, Copenhagen Solutions Lab Tan Kok Yam, deputy secretary of the Smart Nation and Digital Government, Prime Minister’s Office, SingaporeThe report was written by Denis McCauley and edited by Michael Gold.

Talent for innovation
Talent for innovation: Getting noticed in a global market incorporates case studies of the 34 companies selected as Technology Pioneers in biotechnology/health, energy/environmental technology, and information technology.
Leonardo Da Vinci unquestionably had it in the 15th century; so did Thomas Edison in the 19th century. But today, "talent for innovation" means something rather different. Innovation is no longer the work of one individual toiling in a workshop. In today's globalised, interconnected world, innovation is the work of teams, often based in particular innovation hotspots, and often collaborating with partners, suppliers and customers both nearby and in other countries.
Innovation has become a global activity as it has become easier for ideas and talented people to move from one country to another. This has both quickened the pace of technological development and presented many new opportunities, as creative individuals have become increasingly prized and there has been greater recognition of new sources of talent, beyond the traditional innovation hotspots of the developed world.
The result is a global exchange of ideas, and a global market for innovation talent. Along with growth in international trade and foreign direct investment, the mobility of talent is one of the hallmarks of modern globalisation. Talented innovators are regarded by companies, universities and governments as a vital resource, as precious as oil or water. They are sought after for the simple reason that innovation in products and services is generally agreed to be a large component, if not the largest component, in driving economic growth. It should be noted that "innovation" in this context does not simply mean the development of new, cutting-edge technologies by researchers.
It also includes the creative ways in which other people then refine, repackage and combine those technologies and bring them to market. Indeed, in his recent book, "The Venturesome Economy", Amar Bhidé, professor of business at Columbia University, argues that such "orchestration" of innovation can actually be more important in driving economic activity than pure research. "In a world where breakthrough ideas easily cross national borders, the origin of ideas is inconsequential," he writes. Ideas cross borders not just in the form of research papers, e-mails and web pages, but also inside the heads of talented people. This movement of talent is not simply driven by financial incentives. Individuals may also be motivated by a desire for greater academic freedom, better access to research facilities and funding, or the opportunity to work with key researchers in a particular field.
Countries that can attract talented individuals can benefit from more rapid economic growth, closer collaboration with the countries where those individuals originated, and the likelihood that immigrant entrepreneurs will set up new companies and create jobs. Mobility of talent helps to link companies to sources of foreign innovation and research expertise, to the benefit of both. Workers who emigrate to another country may bring valuable knowledge of their home markets with them, which can subsequently help companies in the destination country to enter those markets more easily. Analysis of scientific journals suggests that international co-authorship is increasing, and there is some evidence thatcollaborative work has a greater impact than work carried out in one country. Skilled individuals also act as repositories of knowledge, training the next generation and passing on their accumulated wisdom.
But the picture is complicated by a number of concerns. In developed countries which have historically depended to a large extent on foreign talent (such as the United States), there is anxiety that it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract talent as new opportunities arise elsewhere. Compared with the situation a decade ago, Indian software engineers, for example, may be more inclined to set up a company in India, rather than moving to America to work for a software company there. In developed countries that have not historically relied on foreign talent (such as Germany), meanwhile, the ageing of the population as the birth rate falls and life expectancy increases means there is a need to widen the supply of talent, as skilled workers leave the workforce and young people show less interest than they used to in technical subjects. And in developing countries, where there is a huge supply of new talent (hundreds of thousands of engineers graduate from Indian and Chinese universities every year), the worry is that these graduates have a broad technical grounding but may lack the specialised skills demanded by particular industries.
Other shifts are also under way. The increasing sophistication of emerging economies (notably India and China) is overturning the old model of "create in the West, customise for the East". Indian and Chinese companies are now globally competitive in many industries. And although the mobility of talent is increasing, workers who move to another country are less likely to stay for the long-term, and are more likely to return to their country of origin. The number of Chinese students studying abroad increased from 125,000 in 2002 to 134,000 in 2006, for example, but the proportion who stayed in the country where they studied after graduating fell from 85% to 69% over the same period, according to figures from the OECD (see page 10).
What is clear is that the emergence of a global market for talent means gifted innovators are more likely to be able to succeed, and new and unexpected opportunities are being exploited, as this year's Technology Pioneers demonstrate. They highlight three important aspects of the global market for talent: the benefits of mobility, the significant role of diasporas, and the importance of network effects in catalysing innovation.
Brain drain, or gain?
Perhaps the most familiar aspect of the debate about flows of talent is the widely expressed concern about the "brain drain" from countries that supply talented workers. If a country educates workers at the taxpayers' expense, does it not have a claim on their talent? There are also worries that the loss of skilled workers can hamper institutional development and drive up the cost of technical services. But such concerns must be weighed against the benefits of greater mobility.
There are not always opportunities for skilled individuals in their country of birth. The prospect of emigration can encourage the development of skills by individuals who may not in fact decide to emigrate. Workers who emigrate may send remittances back to their families at home, which can be a significant source of income and can help to alleviate poverty. And skilled workers may return to their home countries after a period working abroad, further stimulating knowledge transfer and improving the prospects for domestic growth, since they will maintain contacts with researchers overseas. As a result, argues a recent report from the OECD, it makes more sense to talk of a complex process of "brain circulation" rather than a one-way "brain drain". The movement of talent is not simply a zero-sum gain in which sending countries lose, and receiving countries benefit. Greater availability and mobility of talent opens up new possibilities and can benefit everyone.
Consider, for example, BioMedica Diagnostics of Windsor, Nova Scotia. The company makes medical diagnostic systems, some of them battery-operated, that can be used to provide health care in remote regions to people who would otherwise lack access to it. It was founded by Abdullah Kirumira, a Ugandan biochemist who moved to Canada in 1990 and became a professor at Acadia University. There he developed a rapid test for HIV in conjunction with one of his students, Hermes Chan (a native of Hong Kong who had moved to Canada to study). According to the United States Centers for Disease Control, around one-third of people tested for HIV do not return to get the result when it takes days or weeks to determine. Dr Kirumira and Dr Chan developed a new test that provides the result in three minutes, so that a diagnosis can be made on the spot. Dr Kirumira is a prolific inventor who went on to found several companies, and has been described as "the pioneer of Nova Scotia's biotechnology sector".
Today BioMedica makes a range of diagnostic products that are portable, affordable and robust, making them ideally suited for use in developing countries. They allow people to be rapidly screened for a range of conditions, including HIV, hepatitis, malaria, rubella, typhoid and cholera. The firm's customers include the World Health Organisation. Providing such tests to patients in the developing world is a personal mission of Dr Kirumira's, but it also makes sound business sense: the market for invitro diagnostics in the developing world is growing by over 25% a year, the company notes, compared with growth of only 5% a year in developed nations.
Moving to Canada gave Dr Kirumira research opportunities and access to venture funding that were not available in Uganda. His innovations now provide an affordable way for hospitals in his native continent of Africa to perform vital tests. A similar example is provided by mPedigree, a start-up that has developed a mobile-phone-based system that allows people to verify the authenticity of medicines. Counterfeit drugs are widespread in the developing world: they are estimated to account for 10-25% of all drugs sold, and over 80% in some countries. The World Health Organisation estimates that a fake vaccine for meningitis, distributed in Niger in 1995, killed over 2,500 people. mPedigree was established by Bright Simons, a Ghanaian social entrepreneur, in conjunction with Ashifi Gogo, a fellow Ghanaian. The two were more than just acquaintances having met at Secondary School. There are many high-tech authentication systems available in the developed world for drug packaging, involving radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips, DNA tags, and so forth.
The mPedigree system developed my Mr Gogo, an engineering student, is much cheaper and simpler and only requires the use of a mobile phone — an item that is now spreading more quickly in Africa than in any other region of the world. Once the drugs have been purchased, a panel on the label is scratched off to reveal a special code. The patient then sends this code, by text message, to a particular number. The code is looked up in a database and a message is sent back specifying whether the drugs are genuine. The system is free to use because the drug companies cover the cost of the text messages. It was launched in Ghana in 2007, and mPedigree's founders hope to extend it to all 48 sub-Saharan African countries within a decade, and to other parts of in the developing world.
The effort is being supported by Ghana's Food and Drug Board, and by local telecoms operators and drug manufacturers. Mr Gogo has now been admitted into a special progamme at Dartmouth College in the United States that develops entrepreneurial skills, in addition to technical skills, in engineers. Like Dr Kirumira, he is benefiting from opportunities that did not exist in his home country, and his country is benefiting too. This case of mPedigree shows that it is wrong to assume that the movement of talent is one-way (from poor to rich countries) and permanent. As it has become easier to travel and communications technology has improved, skilled workers have become more likely to spend brief spells in other countries that provide opportunities, rather than emigrating permanently.
And many entrepreneurs and innovators shuttle between two or more places — between Tel Aviv and Silicon Valley, for example, or Silicon Valley and Hsinchu in Taiwan — in a pattern of "circular" migration, in which it is no longer meaningful to distinguish between "sending" and "receiving" countries.
The benefits of a diaspora
Migration (whether temporary, permanent or circular) to a foreign country can be facilitated by the existence of a diaspora, since it can be easier to adjust to a new culture when you are surrounded by compatriots who have already done so. Some observers worry that diasporas make migration too easy, in the sense that they may encourage a larger number of talented individuals to leave their home country than would otherwise be the case, to the detriment of that country.
But as with the broader debate about migration, this turns out to be only part of the story. Diasporas can have a powerful positive effect in promoting innovation and benefiting the home country. Large American technology firms, for example, have set up research centres in India in part because they have been impressed by the calibre of the migrant Indian engineers they have employed in America. Diasporas also provide a channel for knowledge and skills to pass back to the home country.
James Nakagawa, a Canadian of Japanese origin and the founder of Mobile Healthcare, is a case in point. A third-generation immigrant, he grew up in Canada but decided in 1994 to move to Japan, where he worked for a number of technology firms and set up his own financial-services consultancy. In 2000 he had the idea that led him to found Mobile Healthcare, when a friend was diagnosed with diabetes and lamented that he found it difficult to determine which foods to eat, and which to avoid.
The rapid spread of advanced mobile phones in Japan, a world leader in mobile telecoms, prompted Mr Nakagawa to devise Lifewatcher, Mobile Healthcare's main product. It is a "disease selfmanagement system" used in conjunction with a doctor, based around a secure online database that can be accessed via a mobile phone. Patients record what medicines they are taking and what food they are eating, taking a picture of each meal. A database of common foodstuffs, including menu items from restaurants and fast-food chains, helps users work out what they can safely eat. Patients can also call up their medical records to follow the progress of key health indicators, such as blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and calorie intake.
All of this information can also be accessed online by the patient's doctor or nutritionist. The system allows people with diabetes or obesity (both of which are rapidly becoming more prevalent in Japan and elsewhere) to take an active role in managing their conditions. Mr Nakagawa did three months of research in the United States and Canada while developing Lifewatcher, which was created with support from Apple (which helped with hardware and software), the Japanese Red Cross and Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare (which provided full access to its nutritional database).
Japanese patients who are enrolled in the system have 70% of the cost covered by their health insurance. Mr Nakagawa is now working to introduce Lifewatcher in the United States and Canada, where obesity and diabetes are also becoming more widespread — along advanced mobile phones of the kind once only found in Japan. Mr Nakagawa's ability to move freely between Japanese and North American cultures, combining the telecoms expertise of the former with the entrepreneurial approach of the latter, has resulted in a system that can benefit both.
The story of Calvin Chin, the Chinese-American founder of Qifang, is similar. Mr Chin was born and educated in America, and worked in the financial services and technology industries for several years before moving to China. Expatriate Chinese who return to the country, enticed by opportunities in its fast-growing economy, are known as "returning turtles". Qifang is a "peer to peer" (P2P) lending site that enables students to borrow money to finance their education from other users of the site. P2P lending has been pioneered in other countries by sites such as Zopa and Prosper in other countries.
Such sites require would-be borrowers to provide a range of personal details about themselves to reassure lenders, and perform credit checks on them. Borrowers pay above-market rates, which is what attracts lenders. Qifang adds several twists to this formula. It is concentrating solely on student loans, which means that regulators are more likely to look favourably on the company's unusual business model. It allows payments to be made directly to educational institutions, to make sure the money goes to the right place. Qifang also requires borrowers to give their parents' names when taking out a loan, which increases the social pressure on them not to default, since that would cause the family to lose face.
Mr Chin has thus tuned an existing business model to take account of the cultural and regulatory environment in China, where P2P lending could be particularly attractive, given the relatively undeveloped state of China's financial-services market. In a sense, Qifang is just an updated, online version of the community group-lending schemes that are commonly used to finance education in China. The company's motto is that "everyone should be able to get an education, no matter their financial means".
Just as Mr Chin is trying to use knowledge acquired in the developed world to help people in his mother country of China, Sachin Duggal hopes his company, Nivio, will do something similar for people in India. Mr Duggal was born in Britain and is of Indian extraction. He worked in financial services, including a stint as a technologist at Deutsche Bank, before setting up Nivio, which essentially provides a PC desktop, personalised with a user's software and documents, that can be accessed from any web browser.
This approach makes it possible to centralise the management of PCs in a large company, and is already popular in the business world. But Mr Duggal hopes that it will also make computing more accessible to people who find the prospect of owning and managing their own PCs (and dealing with spam and viruses) too daunting, or simply cannot afford a PC at all. Nivio's software was developed in India, where Mr Duggal teamed up with Iqbal Gandham, the founder of Net4India, one of India's first internet service providers. Mr Duggal believes that the "virtual webtop" model could have great potential in extending access to computers to rural parts of India, and thus spreading the opportunities associated with the country's high-tech boom. A survey of the bosses of Indian software firms clearly shows how diasporas can promote innovation.
It found that those bosses who had lived abroad and returned to India made far more use of diaspora links upon their return than entrepreneurs who had never lived abroad, which gave them access to capital and skills in other countries. Diasporas can, in other words, help to ensure that "brain drain" does indeed turn into "brain gain", provided the government of the country in question puts appropriate policies in place to facilitate the movement of people, technology and capital.
Making the connection
Multinational companies can also play an important role in providing new opportunities for talented individuals, and facilitating the transfer of skills. In recent years many technology companies have set up large operations in India, for example, in order to benefit from the availability of talented engineers and the services provided by local companies. Is this simply exploitation of low-paid workers by Western companies?
The example of JiGrahak Mobility Solutions, a start-up based in Bangalore, illustrates why it is not. The company was founded by Sourabh Jain, an engineering graduate from the Delhi Institute of Technology. After completing his studies he went to work for the Indian research arm of Lucent Technologies, an American telecoms-equipment firm. This gave him a solid grounding in mobile-phone technology, which subsequently enabled him to set up JiGrahak, a company that provides a mobile-commerce service called Ngpay.
In India, where many people first experience the internet on a mobile phone, rather than a PC, and where mobile phones are far more widespread than PCs, there is much potential for phone-based shopping and payment services. Ngpay lets users buy tickets, pay bills and transfer money using their handsets. Such is its popularity that with months of its launch in 2008, Ngpay accounted for 4% of ticket sales at Fame, an Indian cinema chain.
The role of large companies in nurturing talented individuals, who then leave to set up their own companies, is widely understood in Silicon Valley. Start-ups are often founded by alumni from Sun, HP, Oracle and other big names. Rather than worrying that they could be raising their own future competitors, large companies understand that the resulting dynamic, innovative environment benefits everyone, as large firms spawn, compete with and acquire smaller ones.
As large firms establish outposts in developing countries, such catalysis of innovation is becoming more widespread. Companies with large numbers of employees and former employees spread around the world can function rather like a corporate diaspora, in short, providing another form of network along which skills and technology can diffuse. The network that has had the greatest impact on spreading ideas, promoting innovation and allowing potential partners to find out about each other's research is, of course, the internet. As access to the internet becomes more widespread, it can allow developing countries to link up more closely with developed countries, as the rise of India's software industry illustrates. But it can also promote links between developing countries.
The Cows to Kilowatts Partnership, based in Nigeria, provides an unusual example. It was founded by Joseph Adelagan, a Nigerian engineer, who was concerned about the impact on local rivers of effluent from the Bodija Market abattoir in Ibadan. As well as the polluting the water supply of several nearby villages, the effluent carried animal diseases that could be passed to humans. Dr Adelagan proposed setting up an effluent-treatment plant.
He discovered, however, that although treating the effluent would reduce water pollution, the process would produce carbon-dioxide and methane emissions that contribute to climate change. So he began to look for ways to capture these gases and make use of them. Researching the subject online, he found that a research institution in Thailand, the Centre for Waste Utilisation and Management at King Mongkut University of Technology Thonburi, had developed anaerobic reactors that could transform agro-industrial waste into biogas. He made contact with the Thai researchers, and together they developed a version of the technology
suitable for use in Nigeria that turns the abattoir waste into clean household cooking gas and organic fertiliser, thus reducing the need for expensive chemical fertiliser. The same approach could be applied across Africa, Dr Adelagan believes. The Cows to Kilowatts project illustrates the global nature of modern innovation, facilitated by the free movement of both ideas and people. Thanks to the internet, people in one part of the world can easily make contact with people trying to solve similar problems elsewhere.
Lessons learned
What policies should governments adopt in order to develop and attract innovation talent, encourage its movement and benefit from its circulation? At the most basic level, investment in education is vital. Perhaps surprisingly, however, Amar Bhidé of Columbia University suggests that promoting innovation does not mean pushing as many students as possible into technical subjects.
Although researchers and technologists provide the raw material for innovation, he points out, a crucial role in orchestrating innovation is also played by entrepreneurs who may not have a technical background. So it is important to promote a mixture of skills. A strong education system also has the potential to attract skilled foreign students, academics and researchers, and gives foreign companies an incentive to establish nearby research and development operations.
Many countries already offer research grants, scholarships and tax benefits to attract talented immigrants. In many cases immigration procedures are "fast tracked" for individuals working in science and technology. But there is still scope to remove barriers to the mobility of talent. Mobility of skilled workers increasingly involves short stays, rather than permanent moves, but this is not yet widely reflected in immigration policy. Removing barriers to short-term stays can increase "brain circulation" and promote diaspora links.
Another problem for many skilled workers is that their qualifications are not always recognised in other countries. Greater harmonisation of standards for qualifications is one way to tackle this problem; some countries also have formal systems to evaluate foreign qualifications and determine their local equivalents. Countries must also provide an open and flexible business environment to ensure that promising innovations can be brought to market. If market access or financial backing are not available, after all, today's global-trotting innovators increasingly have the option of going elsewhere.
The most important point is that the global competition for talent is not a zero-sum game in which some countries win, and others lose. As the Technology Pioneers described here demonstrate, the nature of innovation, and the global movement of talent and ideas, is far more complicated that the simplistic notion of a "talent war" between developed and developing nations would suggest. Innovation is a global activity, and granting the greatest possible freedom to innovators can help to ensure that the ideas they generate will benefit the greatest possible number of people.

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Watch our video above to learn how CIOs can pioneer leadership at their organisations:
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Accelerating urban intelligence: People, business and the cities of tomorro...
About the research
Accelerating urban intelligence: People, business and the cities of tomorrow is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Nutanix. It explores expectations of citizens and businesses for smart-city development in some of the world’s major urban centres. The analysis is based on two parallel surveys conducted in 19 cities: one of 6,746 residents and another of 969 business executives. The cities included are Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Dubai, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, New York, Paris, Riyadh, San Francisco, São Paulo, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo and Zurich.
Respondents to the citizen survey were evenly balanced by age (roughly one-third in each of the 18-38, 39-54 and 55 years and older age groups) and gender. A majority (56%) had household incomes above the median level in their city, with 44% below it. Respondents to the business survey were mainly senior executives (65% at C-suite or director level) working in a range of different functions. They work in large, midsize and small firms in over a dozen industries. See the report appendix for full survey results and demographics.
Additional insights were obtained from indepth interviews with city officials, smart-city experts at NGOs and other institutions, and business executives. We would like to thank the following individuals for their time and insights.
Pascual Berrone, academic co-director, Cities in Motion, and professor, strategic management, IESE Business School (Barcelona) Lawrence Boya, director, Smart City Programme, city of Johannesburg Amanda Daflos, chief innovation officer, city of Los Angeles Linda Gerull, chief information officer, city of San Francisco Praveen Pardeshi, municipal commissioner, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (Mumbai) • Brian Roberts, policy analyst, city of San Francisco Sameer Sharma, global general manager, Internet of Things (IoT), Intel • Marius Sylvestersen, programme director, Copenhagen Solutions Lab Tan Kok Yam, deputy secretary of the Smart Nation and Digital Government, Prime Minister’s Office, SingaporeThe report was written by Denis McCauley and edited by Michael Gold.

Talent for innovation
Talent for innovation: Getting noticed in a global market incorporates case studies of the 34 companies selected as Technology Pioneers in biotechnology/health, energy/environmental technology, and information technology.
Leonardo Da Vinci unquestionably had it in the 15th century; so did Thomas Edison in the 19th century. But today, "talent for innovation" means something rather different. Innovation is no longer the work of one individual toiling in a workshop. In today's globalised, interconnected world, innovation is the work of teams, often based in particular innovation hotspots, and often collaborating with partners, suppliers and customers both nearby and in other countries.
Innovation has become a global activity as it has become easier for ideas and talented people to move from one country to another. This has both quickened the pace of technological development and presented many new opportunities, as creative individuals have become increasingly prized and there has been greater recognition of new sources of talent, beyond the traditional innovation hotspots of the developed world.
The result is a global exchange of ideas, and a global market for innovation talent. Along with growth in international trade and foreign direct investment, the mobility of talent is one of the hallmarks of modern globalisation. Talented innovators are regarded by companies, universities and governments as a vital resource, as precious as oil or water. They are sought after for the simple reason that innovation in products and services is generally agreed to be a large component, if not the largest component, in driving economic growth. It should be noted that "innovation" in this context does not simply mean the development of new, cutting-edge technologies by researchers.
It also includes the creative ways in which other people then refine, repackage and combine those technologies and bring them to market. Indeed, in his recent book, "The Venturesome Economy", Amar Bhidé, professor of business at Columbia University, argues that such "orchestration" of innovation can actually be more important in driving economic activity than pure research. "In a world where breakthrough ideas easily cross national borders, the origin of ideas is inconsequential," he writes. Ideas cross borders not just in the form of research papers, e-mails and web pages, but also inside the heads of talented people. This movement of talent is not simply driven by financial incentives. Individuals may also be motivated by a desire for greater academic freedom, better access to research facilities and funding, or the opportunity to work with key researchers in a particular field.
Countries that can attract talented individuals can benefit from more rapid economic growth, closer collaboration with the countries where those individuals originated, and the likelihood that immigrant entrepreneurs will set up new companies and create jobs. Mobility of talent helps to link companies to sources of foreign innovation and research expertise, to the benefit of both. Workers who emigrate to another country may bring valuable knowledge of their home markets with them, which can subsequently help companies in the destination country to enter those markets more easily. Analysis of scientific journals suggests that international co-authorship is increasing, and there is some evidence thatcollaborative work has a greater impact than work carried out in one country. Skilled individuals also act as repositories of knowledge, training the next generation and passing on their accumulated wisdom.
But the picture is complicated by a number of concerns. In developed countries which have historically depended to a large extent on foreign talent (such as the United States), there is anxiety that it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract talent as new opportunities arise elsewhere. Compared with the situation a decade ago, Indian software engineers, for example, may be more inclined to set up a company in India, rather than moving to America to work for a software company there. In developed countries that have not historically relied on foreign talent (such as Germany), meanwhile, the ageing of the population as the birth rate falls and life expectancy increases means there is a need to widen the supply of talent, as skilled workers leave the workforce and young people show less interest than they used to in technical subjects. And in developing countries, where there is a huge supply of new talent (hundreds of thousands of engineers graduate from Indian and Chinese universities every year), the worry is that these graduates have a broad technical grounding but may lack the specialised skills demanded by particular industries.
Other shifts are also under way. The increasing sophistication of emerging economies (notably India and China) is overturning the old model of "create in the West, customise for the East". Indian and Chinese companies are now globally competitive in many industries. And although the mobility of talent is increasing, workers who move to another country are less likely to stay for the long-term, and are more likely to return to their country of origin. The number of Chinese students studying abroad increased from 125,000 in 2002 to 134,000 in 2006, for example, but the proportion who stayed in the country where they studied after graduating fell from 85% to 69% over the same period, according to figures from the OECD (see page 10).
What is clear is that the emergence of a global market for talent means gifted innovators are more likely to be able to succeed, and new and unexpected opportunities are being exploited, as this year's Technology Pioneers demonstrate. They highlight three important aspects of the global market for talent: the benefits of mobility, the significant role of diasporas, and the importance of network effects in catalysing innovation.
Brain drain, or gain?
Perhaps the most familiar aspect of the debate about flows of talent is the widely expressed concern about the "brain drain" from countries that supply talented workers. If a country educates workers at the taxpayers' expense, does it not have a claim on their talent? There are also worries that the loss of skilled workers can hamper institutional development and drive up the cost of technical services. But such concerns must be weighed against the benefits of greater mobility.
There are not always opportunities for skilled individuals in their country of birth. The prospect of emigration can encourage the development of skills by individuals who may not in fact decide to emigrate. Workers who emigrate may send remittances back to their families at home, which can be a significant source of income and can help to alleviate poverty. And skilled workers may return to their home countries after a period working abroad, further stimulating knowledge transfer and improving the prospects for domestic growth, since they will maintain contacts with researchers overseas. As a result, argues a recent report from the OECD, it makes more sense to talk of a complex process of "brain circulation" rather than a one-way "brain drain". The movement of talent is not simply a zero-sum gain in which sending countries lose, and receiving countries benefit. Greater availability and mobility of talent opens up new possibilities and can benefit everyone.
Consider, for example, BioMedica Diagnostics of Windsor, Nova Scotia. The company makes medical diagnostic systems, some of them battery-operated, that can be used to provide health care in remote regions to people who would otherwise lack access to it. It was founded by Abdullah Kirumira, a Ugandan biochemist who moved to Canada in 1990 and became a professor at Acadia University. There he developed a rapid test for HIV in conjunction with one of his students, Hermes Chan (a native of Hong Kong who had moved to Canada to study). According to the United States Centers for Disease Control, around one-third of people tested for HIV do not return to get the result when it takes days or weeks to determine. Dr Kirumira and Dr Chan developed a new test that provides the result in three minutes, so that a diagnosis can be made on the spot. Dr Kirumira is a prolific inventor who went on to found several companies, and has been described as "the pioneer of Nova Scotia's biotechnology sector".
Today BioMedica makes a range of diagnostic products that are portable, affordable and robust, making them ideally suited for use in developing countries. They allow people to be rapidly screened for a range of conditions, including HIV, hepatitis, malaria, rubella, typhoid and cholera. The firm's customers include the World Health Organisation. Providing such tests to patients in the developing world is a personal mission of Dr Kirumira's, but it also makes sound business sense: the market for invitro diagnostics in the developing world is growing by over 25% a year, the company notes, compared with growth of only 5% a year in developed nations.
Moving to Canada gave Dr Kirumira research opportunities and access to venture funding that were not available in Uganda. His innovations now provide an affordable way for hospitals in his native continent of Africa to perform vital tests. A similar example is provided by mPedigree, a start-up that has developed a mobile-phone-based system that allows people to verify the authenticity of medicines. Counterfeit drugs are widespread in the developing world: they are estimated to account for 10-25% of all drugs sold, and over 80% in some countries. The World Health Organisation estimates that a fake vaccine for meningitis, distributed in Niger in 1995, killed over 2,500 people. mPedigree was established by Bright Simons, a Ghanaian social entrepreneur, in conjunction with Ashifi Gogo, a fellow Ghanaian. The two were more than just acquaintances having met at Secondary School. There are many high-tech authentication systems available in the developed world for drug packaging, involving radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips, DNA tags, and so forth.
The mPedigree system developed my Mr Gogo, an engineering student, is much cheaper and simpler and only requires the use of a mobile phone — an item that is now spreading more quickly in Africa than in any other region of the world. Once the drugs have been purchased, a panel on the label is scratched off to reveal a special code. The patient then sends this code, by text message, to a particular number. The code is looked up in a database and a message is sent back specifying whether the drugs are genuine. The system is free to use because the drug companies cover the cost of the text messages. It was launched in Ghana in 2007, and mPedigree's founders hope to extend it to all 48 sub-Saharan African countries within a decade, and to other parts of in the developing world.
The effort is being supported by Ghana's Food and Drug Board, and by local telecoms operators and drug manufacturers. Mr Gogo has now been admitted into a special progamme at Dartmouth College in the United States that develops entrepreneurial skills, in addition to technical skills, in engineers. Like Dr Kirumira, he is benefiting from opportunities that did not exist in his home country, and his country is benefiting too. This case of mPedigree shows that it is wrong to assume that the movement of talent is one-way (from poor to rich countries) and permanent. As it has become easier to travel and communications technology has improved, skilled workers have become more likely to spend brief spells in other countries that provide opportunities, rather than emigrating permanently.
And many entrepreneurs and innovators shuttle between two or more places — between Tel Aviv and Silicon Valley, for example, or Silicon Valley and Hsinchu in Taiwan — in a pattern of "circular" migration, in which it is no longer meaningful to distinguish between "sending" and "receiving" countries.
The benefits of a diaspora
Migration (whether temporary, permanent or circular) to a foreign country can be facilitated by the existence of a diaspora, since it can be easier to adjust to a new culture when you are surrounded by compatriots who have already done so. Some observers worry that diasporas make migration too easy, in the sense that they may encourage a larger number of talented individuals to leave their home country than would otherwise be the case, to the detriment of that country.
But as with the broader debate about migration, this turns out to be only part of the story. Diasporas can have a powerful positive effect in promoting innovation and benefiting the home country. Large American technology firms, for example, have set up research centres in India in part because they have been impressed by the calibre of the migrant Indian engineers they have employed in America. Diasporas also provide a channel for knowledge and skills to pass back to the home country.
James Nakagawa, a Canadian of Japanese origin and the founder of Mobile Healthcare, is a case in point. A third-generation immigrant, he grew up in Canada but decided in 1994 to move to Japan, where he worked for a number of technology firms and set up his own financial-services consultancy. In 2000 he had the idea that led him to found Mobile Healthcare, when a friend was diagnosed with diabetes and lamented that he found it difficult to determine which foods to eat, and which to avoid.
The rapid spread of advanced mobile phones in Japan, a world leader in mobile telecoms, prompted Mr Nakagawa to devise Lifewatcher, Mobile Healthcare's main product. It is a "disease selfmanagement system" used in conjunction with a doctor, based around a secure online database that can be accessed via a mobile phone. Patients record what medicines they are taking and what food they are eating, taking a picture of each meal. A database of common foodstuffs, including menu items from restaurants and fast-food chains, helps users work out what they can safely eat. Patients can also call up their medical records to follow the progress of key health indicators, such as blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and calorie intake.
All of this information can also be accessed online by the patient's doctor or nutritionist. The system allows people with diabetes or obesity (both of which are rapidly becoming more prevalent in Japan and elsewhere) to take an active role in managing their conditions. Mr Nakagawa did three months of research in the United States and Canada while developing Lifewatcher, which was created with support from Apple (which helped with hardware and software), the Japanese Red Cross and Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare (which provided full access to its nutritional database).
Japanese patients who are enrolled in the system have 70% of the cost covered by their health insurance. Mr Nakagawa is now working to introduce Lifewatcher in the United States and Canada, where obesity and diabetes are also becoming more widespread — along advanced mobile phones of the kind once only found in Japan. Mr Nakagawa's ability to move freely between Japanese and North American cultures, combining the telecoms expertise of the former with the entrepreneurial approach of the latter, has resulted in a system that can benefit both.
The story of Calvin Chin, the Chinese-American founder of Qifang, is similar. Mr Chin was born and educated in America, and worked in the financial services and technology industries for several years before moving to China. Expatriate Chinese who return to the country, enticed by opportunities in its fast-growing economy, are known as "returning turtles". Qifang is a "peer to peer" (P2P) lending site that enables students to borrow money to finance their education from other users of the site. P2P lending has been pioneered in other countries by sites such as Zopa and Prosper in other countries.
Such sites require would-be borrowers to provide a range of personal details about themselves to reassure lenders, and perform credit checks on them. Borrowers pay above-market rates, which is what attracts lenders. Qifang adds several twists to this formula. It is concentrating solely on student loans, which means that regulators are more likely to look favourably on the company's unusual business model. It allows payments to be made directly to educational institutions, to make sure the money goes to the right place. Qifang also requires borrowers to give their parents' names when taking out a loan, which increases the social pressure on them not to default, since that would cause the family to lose face.
Mr Chin has thus tuned an existing business model to take account of the cultural and regulatory environment in China, where P2P lending could be particularly attractive, given the relatively undeveloped state of China's financial-services market. In a sense, Qifang is just an updated, online version of the community group-lending schemes that are commonly used to finance education in China. The company's motto is that "everyone should be able to get an education, no matter their financial means".
Just as Mr Chin is trying to use knowledge acquired in the developed world to help people in his mother country of China, Sachin Duggal hopes his company, Nivio, will do something similar for people in India. Mr Duggal was born in Britain and is of Indian extraction. He worked in financial services, including a stint as a technologist at Deutsche Bank, before setting up Nivio, which essentially provides a PC desktop, personalised with a user's software and documents, that can be accessed from any web browser.
This approach makes it possible to centralise the management of PCs in a large company, and is already popular in the business world. But Mr Duggal hopes that it will also make computing more accessible to people who find the prospect of owning and managing their own PCs (and dealing with spam and viruses) too daunting, or simply cannot afford a PC at all. Nivio's software was developed in India, where Mr Duggal teamed up with Iqbal Gandham, the founder of Net4India, one of India's first internet service providers. Mr Duggal believes that the "virtual webtop" model could have great potential in extending access to computers to rural parts of India, and thus spreading the opportunities associated with the country's high-tech boom. A survey of the bosses of Indian software firms clearly shows how diasporas can promote innovation.
It found that those bosses who had lived abroad and returned to India made far more use of diaspora links upon their return than entrepreneurs who had never lived abroad, which gave them access to capital and skills in other countries. Diasporas can, in other words, help to ensure that "brain drain" does indeed turn into "brain gain", provided the government of the country in question puts appropriate policies in place to facilitate the movement of people, technology and capital.
Making the connection
Multinational companies can also play an important role in providing new opportunities for talented individuals, and facilitating the transfer of skills. In recent years many technology companies have set up large operations in India, for example, in order to benefit from the availability of talented engineers and the services provided by local companies. Is this simply exploitation of low-paid workers by Western companies?
The example of JiGrahak Mobility Solutions, a start-up based in Bangalore, illustrates why it is not. The company was founded by Sourabh Jain, an engineering graduate from the Delhi Institute of Technology. After completing his studies he went to work for the Indian research arm of Lucent Technologies, an American telecoms-equipment firm. This gave him a solid grounding in mobile-phone technology, which subsequently enabled him to set up JiGrahak, a company that provides a mobile-commerce service called Ngpay.
In India, where many people first experience the internet on a mobile phone, rather than a PC, and where mobile phones are far more widespread than PCs, there is much potential for phone-based shopping and payment services. Ngpay lets users buy tickets, pay bills and transfer money using their handsets. Such is its popularity that with months of its launch in 2008, Ngpay accounted for 4% of ticket sales at Fame, an Indian cinema chain.
The role of large companies in nurturing talented individuals, who then leave to set up their own companies, is widely understood in Silicon Valley. Start-ups are often founded by alumni from Sun, HP, Oracle and other big names. Rather than worrying that they could be raising their own future competitors, large companies understand that the resulting dynamic, innovative environment benefits everyone, as large firms spawn, compete with and acquire smaller ones.
As large firms establish outposts in developing countries, such catalysis of innovation is becoming more widespread. Companies with large numbers of employees and former employees spread around the world can function rather like a corporate diaspora, in short, providing another form of network along which skills and technology can diffuse. The network that has had the greatest impact on spreading ideas, promoting innovation and allowing potential partners to find out about each other's research is, of course, the internet. As access to the internet becomes more widespread, it can allow developing countries to link up more closely with developed countries, as the rise of India's software industry illustrates. But it can also promote links between developing countries.
The Cows to Kilowatts Partnership, based in Nigeria, provides an unusual example. It was founded by Joseph Adelagan, a Nigerian engineer, who was concerned about the impact on local rivers of effluent from the Bodija Market abattoir in Ibadan. As well as the polluting the water supply of several nearby villages, the effluent carried animal diseases that could be passed to humans. Dr Adelagan proposed setting up an effluent-treatment plant.
He discovered, however, that although treating the effluent would reduce water pollution, the process would produce carbon-dioxide and methane emissions that contribute to climate change. So he began to look for ways to capture these gases and make use of them. Researching the subject online, he found that a research institution in Thailand, the Centre for Waste Utilisation and Management at King Mongkut University of Technology Thonburi, had developed anaerobic reactors that could transform agro-industrial waste into biogas. He made contact with the Thai researchers, and together they developed a version of the technology
suitable for use in Nigeria that turns the abattoir waste into clean household cooking gas and organic fertiliser, thus reducing the need for expensive chemical fertiliser. The same approach could be applied across Africa, Dr Adelagan believes. The Cows to Kilowatts project illustrates the global nature of modern innovation, facilitated by the free movement of both ideas and people. Thanks to the internet, people in one part of the world can easily make contact with people trying to solve similar problems elsewhere.
Lessons learned
What policies should governments adopt in order to develop and attract innovation talent, encourage its movement and benefit from its circulation? At the most basic level, investment in education is vital. Perhaps surprisingly, however, Amar Bhidé of Columbia University suggests that promoting innovation does not mean pushing as many students as possible into technical subjects.
Although researchers and technologists provide the raw material for innovation, he points out, a crucial role in orchestrating innovation is also played by entrepreneurs who may not have a technical background. So it is important to promote a mixture of skills. A strong education system also has the potential to attract skilled foreign students, academics and researchers, and gives foreign companies an incentive to establish nearby research and development operations.
Many countries already offer research grants, scholarships and tax benefits to attract talented immigrants. In many cases immigration procedures are "fast tracked" for individuals working in science and technology. But there is still scope to remove barriers to the mobility of talent. Mobility of skilled workers increasingly involves short stays, rather than permanent moves, but this is not yet widely reflected in immigration policy. Removing barriers to short-term stays can increase "brain circulation" and promote diaspora links.
Another problem for many skilled workers is that their qualifications are not always recognised in other countries. Greater harmonisation of standards for qualifications is one way to tackle this problem; some countries also have formal systems to evaluate foreign qualifications and determine their local equivalents. Countries must also provide an open and flexible business environment to ensure that promising innovations can be brought to market. If market access or financial backing are not available, after all, today's global-trotting innovators increasingly have the option of going elsewhere.
The most important point is that the global competition for talent is not a zero-sum game in which some countries win, and others lose. As the Technology Pioneers described here demonstrate, the nature of innovation, and the global movement of talent and ideas, is far more complicated that the simplistic notion of a "talent war" between developed and developing nations would suggest. Innovation is a global activity, and granting the greatest possible freedom to innovators can help to ensure that the ideas they generate will benefit the greatest possible number of people.

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Modern customers have it good. Spoilt for choice and convenience, today’s empowered consumers have come to expect more from the businesses they interact with. This doesn’t just apply to their wanting a quality product at a fair price, but also tailored goods, swift and effective customer service across different channels, and a connected experience across their online shopping and in-store experience, with easy access to information they need when they want it.
Meeting these expectations is a significant challenge for organisations. For many, it requires restructuring long-standing operating models, re-engineering business processes and adopting a fundamental shift in mindset to put customer experience at the heart of business decision- making. Download our report to learn more.
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About the research
Accelerating urban intelligence: People, business and the cities of tomorrow is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Nutanix. It explores expectations of citizens and businesses for smart-city development in some of the world’s major urban centres. The analysis is based on two parallel surveys conducted in 19 cities: one of 6,746 residents and another of 969 business executives. The cities included are Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Dubai, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, New York, Paris, Riyadh, San Francisco, São Paulo, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo and Zurich.
Respondents to the citizen survey were evenly balanced by age (roughly one-third in each of the 18-38, 39-54 and 55 years and older age groups) and gender. A majority (56%) had household incomes above the median level in their city, with 44% below it. Respondents to the business survey were mainly senior executives (65% at C-suite or director level) working in a range of different functions. They work in large, midsize and small firms in over a dozen industries. See the report appendix for full survey results and demographics.
Additional insights were obtained from indepth interviews with city officials, smart-city experts at NGOs and other institutions, and business executives. We would like to thank the following individuals for their time and insights.
Pascual Berrone, academic co-director, Cities in Motion, and professor, strategic management, IESE Business School (Barcelona) Lawrence Boya, director, Smart City Programme, city of Johannesburg Amanda Daflos, chief innovation officer, city of Los Angeles Linda Gerull, chief information officer, city of San Francisco Praveen Pardeshi, municipal commissioner, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (Mumbai) • Brian Roberts, policy analyst, city of San Francisco Sameer Sharma, global general manager, Internet of Things (IoT), Intel • Marius Sylvestersen, programme director, Copenhagen Solutions Lab Tan Kok Yam, deputy secretary of the Smart Nation and Digital Government, Prime Minister’s Office, SingaporeThe report was written by Denis McCauley and edited by Michael Gold.

Talent for innovation
Talent for innovation: Getting noticed in a global market incorporates case studies of the 34 companies selected as Technology Pioneers in biotechnology/health, energy/environmental technology, and information technology.
Leonardo Da Vinci unquestionably had it in the 15th century; so did Thomas Edison in the 19th century. But today, "talent for innovation" means something rather different. Innovation is no longer the work of one individual toiling in a workshop. In today's globalised, interconnected world, innovation is the work of teams, often based in particular innovation hotspots, and often collaborating with partners, suppliers and customers both nearby and in other countries.
Innovation has become a global activity as it has become easier for ideas and talented people to move from one country to another. This has both quickened the pace of technological development and presented many new opportunities, as creative individuals have become increasingly prized and there has been greater recognition of new sources of talent, beyond the traditional innovation hotspots of the developed world.
The result is a global exchange of ideas, and a global market for innovation talent. Along with growth in international trade and foreign direct investment, the mobility of talent is one of the hallmarks of modern globalisation. Talented innovators are regarded by companies, universities and governments as a vital resource, as precious as oil or water. They are sought after for the simple reason that innovation in products and services is generally agreed to be a large component, if not the largest component, in driving economic growth. It should be noted that "innovation" in this context does not simply mean the development of new, cutting-edge technologies by researchers.
It also includes the creative ways in which other people then refine, repackage and combine those technologies and bring them to market. Indeed, in his recent book, "The Venturesome Economy", Amar Bhidé, professor of business at Columbia University, argues that such "orchestration" of innovation can actually be more important in driving economic activity than pure research. "In a world where breakthrough ideas easily cross national borders, the origin of ideas is inconsequential," he writes. Ideas cross borders not just in the form of research papers, e-mails and web pages, but also inside the heads of talented people. This movement of talent is not simply driven by financial incentives. Individuals may also be motivated by a desire for greater academic freedom, better access to research facilities and funding, or the opportunity to work with key researchers in a particular field.
Countries that can attract talented individuals can benefit from more rapid economic growth, closer collaboration with the countries where those individuals originated, and the likelihood that immigrant entrepreneurs will set up new companies and create jobs. Mobility of talent helps to link companies to sources of foreign innovation and research expertise, to the benefit of both. Workers who emigrate to another country may bring valuable knowledge of their home markets with them, which can subsequently help companies in the destination country to enter those markets more easily. Analysis of scientific journals suggests that international co-authorship is increasing, and there is some evidence thatcollaborative work has a greater impact than work carried out in one country. Skilled individuals also act as repositories of knowledge, training the next generation and passing on their accumulated wisdom.
But the picture is complicated by a number of concerns. In developed countries which have historically depended to a large extent on foreign talent (such as the United States), there is anxiety that it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract talent as new opportunities arise elsewhere. Compared with the situation a decade ago, Indian software engineers, for example, may be more inclined to set up a company in India, rather than moving to America to work for a software company there. In developed countries that have not historically relied on foreign talent (such as Germany), meanwhile, the ageing of the population as the birth rate falls and life expectancy increases means there is a need to widen the supply of talent, as skilled workers leave the workforce and young people show less interest than they used to in technical subjects. And in developing countries, where there is a huge supply of new talent (hundreds of thousands of engineers graduate from Indian and Chinese universities every year), the worry is that these graduates have a broad technical grounding but may lack the specialised skills demanded by particular industries.
Other shifts are also under way. The increasing sophistication of emerging economies (notably India and China) is overturning the old model of "create in the West, customise for the East". Indian and Chinese companies are now globally competitive in many industries. And although the mobility of talent is increasing, workers who move to another country are less likely to stay for the long-term, and are more likely to return to their country of origin. The number of Chinese students studying abroad increased from 125,000 in 2002 to 134,000 in 2006, for example, but the proportion who stayed in the country where they studied after graduating fell from 85% to 69% over the same period, according to figures from the OECD (see page 10).
What is clear is that the emergence of a global market for talent means gifted innovators are more likely to be able to succeed, and new and unexpected opportunities are being exploited, as this year's Technology Pioneers demonstrate. They highlight three important aspects of the global market for talent: the benefits of mobility, the significant role of diasporas, and the importance of network effects in catalysing innovation.
Brain drain, or gain?
Perhaps the most familiar aspect of the debate about flows of talent is the widely expressed concern about the "brain drain" from countries that supply talented workers. If a country educates workers at the taxpayers' expense, does it not have a claim on their talent? There are also worries that the loss of skilled workers can hamper institutional development and drive up the cost of technical services. But such concerns must be weighed against the benefits of greater mobility.
There are not always opportunities for skilled individuals in their country of birth. The prospect of emigration can encourage the development of skills by individuals who may not in fact decide to emigrate. Workers who emigrate may send remittances back to their families at home, which can be a significant source of income and can help to alleviate poverty. And skilled workers may return to their home countries after a period working abroad, further stimulating knowledge transfer and improving the prospects for domestic growth, since they will maintain contacts with researchers overseas. As a result, argues a recent report from the OECD, it makes more sense to talk of a complex process of "brain circulation" rather than a one-way "brain drain". The movement of talent is not simply a zero-sum gain in which sending countries lose, and receiving countries benefit. Greater availability and mobility of talent opens up new possibilities and can benefit everyone.
Consider, for example, BioMedica Diagnostics of Windsor, Nova Scotia. The company makes medical diagnostic systems, some of them battery-operated, that can be used to provide health care in remote regions to people who would otherwise lack access to it. It was founded by Abdullah Kirumira, a Ugandan biochemist who moved to Canada in 1990 and became a professor at Acadia University. There he developed a rapid test for HIV in conjunction with one of his students, Hermes Chan (a native of Hong Kong who had moved to Canada to study). According to the United States Centers for Disease Control, around one-third of people tested for HIV do not return to get the result when it takes days or weeks to determine. Dr Kirumira and Dr Chan developed a new test that provides the result in three minutes, so that a diagnosis can be made on the spot. Dr Kirumira is a prolific inventor who went on to found several companies, and has been described as "the pioneer of Nova Scotia's biotechnology sector".
Today BioMedica makes a range of diagnostic products that are portable, affordable and robust, making them ideally suited for use in developing countries. They allow people to be rapidly screened for a range of conditions, including HIV, hepatitis, malaria, rubella, typhoid and cholera. The firm's customers include the World Health Organisation. Providing such tests to patients in the developing world is a personal mission of Dr Kirumira's, but it also makes sound business sense: the market for invitro diagnostics in the developing world is growing by over 25% a year, the company notes, compared with growth of only 5% a year in developed nations.
Moving to Canada gave Dr Kirumira research opportunities and access to venture funding that were not available in Uganda. His innovations now provide an affordable way for hospitals in his native continent of Africa to perform vital tests. A similar example is provided by mPedigree, a start-up that has developed a mobile-phone-based system that allows people to verify the authenticity of medicines. Counterfeit drugs are widespread in the developing world: they are estimated to account for 10-25% of all drugs sold, and over 80% in some countries. The World Health Organisation estimates that a fake vaccine for meningitis, distributed in Niger in 1995, killed over 2,500 people. mPedigree was established by Bright Simons, a Ghanaian social entrepreneur, in conjunction with Ashifi Gogo, a fellow Ghanaian. The two were more than just acquaintances having met at Secondary School. There are many high-tech authentication systems available in the developed world for drug packaging, involving radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips, DNA tags, and so forth.
The mPedigree system developed my Mr Gogo, an engineering student, is much cheaper and simpler and only requires the use of a mobile phone — an item that is now spreading more quickly in Africa than in any other region of the world. Once the drugs have been purchased, a panel on the label is scratched off to reveal a special code. The patient then sends this code, by text message, to a particular number. The code is looked up in a database and a message is sent back specifying whether the drugs are genuine. The system is free to use because the drug companies cover the cost of the text messages. It was launched in Ghana in 2007, and mPedigree's founders hope to extend it to all 48 sub-Saharan African countries within a decade, and to other parts of in the developing world.
The effort is being supported by Ghana's Food and Drug Board, and by local telecoms operators and drug manufacturers. Mr Gogo has now been admitted into a special progamme at Dartmouth College in the United States that develops entrepreneurial skills, in addition to technical skills, in engineers. Like Dr Kirumira, he is benefiting from opportunities that did not exist in his home country, and his country is benefiting too. This case of mPedigree shows that it is wrong to assume that the movement of talent is one-way (from poor to rich countries) and permanent. As it has become easier to travel and communications technology has improved, skilled workers have become more likely to spend brief spells in other countries that provide opportunities, rather than emigrating permanently.
And many entrepreneurs and innovators shuttle between two or more places — between Tel Aviv and Silicon Valley, for example, or Silicon Valley and Hsinchu in Taiwan — in a pattern of "circular" migration, in which it is no longer meaningful to distinguish between "sending" and "receiving" countries.
The benefits of a diaspora
Migration (whether temporary, permanent or circular) to a foreign country can be facilitated by the existence of a diaspora, since it can be easier to adjust to a new culture when you are surrounded by compatriots who have already done so. Some observers worry that diasporas make migration too easy, in the sense that they may encourage a larger number of talented individuals to leave their home country than would otherwise be the case, to the detriment of that country.
But as with the broader debate about migration, this turns out to be only part of the story. Diasporas can have a powerful positive effect in promoting innovation and benefiting the home country. Large American technology firms, for example, have set up research centres in India in part because they have been impressed by the calibre of the migrant Indian engineers they have employed in America. Diasporas also provide a channel for knowledge and skills to pass back to the home country.
James Nakagawa, a Canadian of Japanese origin and the founder of Mobile Healthcare, is a case in point. A third-generation immigrant, he grew up in Canada but decided in 1994 to move to Japan, where he worked for a number of technology firms and set up his own financial-services consultancy. In 2000 he had the idea that led him to found Mobile Healthcare, when a friend was diagnosed with diabetes and lamented that he found it difficult to determine which foods to eat, and which to avoid.
The rapid spread of advanced mobile phones in Japan, a world leader in mobile telecoms, prompted Mr Nakagawa to devise Lifewatcher, Mobile Healthcare's main product. It is a "disease selfmanagement system" used in conjunction with a doctor, based around a secure online database that can be accessed via a mobile phone. Patients record what medicines they are taking and what food they are eating, taking a picture of each meal. A database of common foodstuffs, including menu items from restaurants and fast-food chains, helps users work out what they can safely eat. Patients can also call up their medical records to follow the progress of key health indicators, such as blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and calorie intake.
All of this information can also be accessed online by the patient's doctor or nutritionist. The system allows people with diabetes or obesity (both of which are rapidly becoming more prevalent in Japan and elsewhere) to take an active role in managing their conditions. Mr Nakagawa did three months of research in the United States and Canada while developing Lifewatcher, which was created with support from Apple (which helped with hardware and software), the Japanese Red Cross and Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare (which provided full access to its nutritional database).
Japanese patients who are enrolled in the system have 70% of the cost covered by their health insurance. Mr Nakagawa is now working to introduce Lifewatcher in the United States and Canada, where obesity and diabetes are also becoming more widespread — along advanced mobile phones of the kind once only found in Japan. Mr Nakagawa's ability to move freely between Japanese and North American cultures, combining the telecoms expertise of the former with the entrepreneurial approach of the latter, has resulted in a system that can benefit both.
The story of Calvin Chin, the Chinese-American founder of Qifang, is similar. Mr Chin was born and educated in America, and worked in the financial services and technology industries for several years before moving to China. Expatriate Chinese who return to the country, enticed by opportunities in its fast-growing economy, are known as "returning turtles". Qifang is a "peer to peer" (P2P) lending site that enables students to borrow money to finance their education from other users of the site. P2P lending has been pioneered in other countries by sites such as Zopa and Prosper in other countries.
Such sites require would-be borrowers to provide a range of personal details about themselves to reassure lenders, and perform credit checks on them. Borrowers pay above-market rates, which is what attracts lenders. Qifang adds several twists to this formula. It is concentrating solely on student loans, which means that regulators are more likely to look favourably on the company's unusual business model. It allows payments to be made directly to educational institutions, to make sure the money goes to the right place. Qifang also requires borrowers to give their parents' names when taking out a loan, which increases the social pressure on them not to default, since that would cause the family to lose face.
Mr Chin has thus tuned an existing business model to take account of the cultural and regulatory environment in China, where P2P lending could be particularly attractive, given the relatively undeveloped state of China's financial-services market. In a sense, Qifang is just an updated, online version of the community group-lending schemes that are commonly used to finance education in China. The company's motto is that "everyone should be able to get an education, no matter their financial means".
Just as Mr Chin is trying to use knowledge acquired in the developed world to help people in his mother country of China, Sachin Duggal hopes his company, Nivio, will do something similar for people in India. Mr Duggal was born in Britain and is of Indian extraction. He worked in financial services, including a stint as a technologist at Deutsche Bank, before setting up Nivio, which essentially provides a PC desktop, personalised with a user's software and documents, that can be accessed from any web browser.
This approach makes it possible to centralise the management of PCs in a large company, and is already popular in the business world. But Mr Duggal hopes that it will also make computing more accessible to people who find the prospect of owning and managing their own PCs (and dealing with spam and viruses) too daunting, or simply cannot afford a PC at all. Nivio's software was developed in India, where Mr Duggal teamed up with Iqbal Gandham, the founder of Net4India, one of India's first internet service providers. Mr Duggal believes that the "virtual webtop" model could have great potential in extending access to computers to rural parts of India, and thus spreading the opportunities associated with the country's high-tech boom. A survey of the bosses of Indian software firms clearly shows how diasporas can promote innovation.
It found that those bosses who had lived abroad and returned to India made far more use of diaspora links upon their return than entrepreneurs who had never lived abroad, which gave them access to capital and skills in other countries. Diasporas can, in other words, help to ensure that "brain drain" does indeed turn into "brain gain", provided the government of the country in question puts appropriate policies in place to facilitate the movement of people, technology and capital.
Making the connection
Multinational companies can also play an important role in providing new opportunities for talented individuals, and facilitating the transfer of skills. In recent years many technology companies have set up large operations in India, for example, in order to benefit from the availability of talented engineers and the services provided by local companies. Is this simply exploitation of low-paid workers by Western companies?
The example of JiGrahak Mobility Solutions, a start-up based in Bangalore, illustrates why it is not. The company was founded by Sourabh Jain, an engineering graduate from the Delhi Institute of Technology. After completing his studies he went to work for the Indian research arm of Lucent Technologies, an American telecoms-equipment firm. This gave him a solid grounding in mobile-phone technology, which subsequently enabled him to set up JiGrahak, a company that provides a mobile-commerce service called Ngpay.
In India, where many people first experience the internet on a mobile phone, rather than a PC, and where mobile phones are far more widespread than PCs, there is much potential for phone-based shopping and payment services. Ngpay lets users buy tickets, pay bills and transfer money using their handsets. Such is its popularity that with months of its launch in 2008, Ngpay accounted for 4% of ticket sales at Fame, an Indian cinema chain.
The role of large companies in nurturing talented individuals, who then leave to set up their own companies, is widely understood in Silicon Valley. Start-ups are often founded by alumni from Sun, HP, Oracle and other big names. Rather than worrying that they could be raising their own future competitors, large companies understand that the resulting dynamic, innovative environment benefits everyone, as large firms spawn, compete with and acquire smaller ones.
As large firms establish outposts in developing countries, such catalysis of innovation is becoming more widespread. Companies with large numbers of employees and former employees spread around the world can function rather like a corporate diaspora, in short, providing another form of network along which skills and technology can diffuse. The network that has had the greatest impact on spreading ideas, promoting innovation and allowing potential partners to find out about each other's research is, of course, the internet. As access to the internet becomes more widespread, it can allow developing countries to link up more closely with developed countries, as the rise of India's software industry illustrates. But it can also promote links between developing countries.
The Cows to Kilowatts Partnership, based in Nigeria, provides an unusual example. It was founded by Joseph Adelagan, a Nigerian engineer, who was concerned about the impact on local rivers of effluent from the Bodija Market abattoir in Ibadan. As well as the polluting the water supply of several nearby villages, the effluent carried animal diseases that could be passed to humans. Dr Adelagan proposed setting up an effluent-treatment plant.
He discovered, however, that although treating the effluent would reduce water pollution, the process would produce carbon-dioxide and methane emissions that contribute to climate change. So he began to look for ways to capture these gases and make use of them. Researching the subject online, he found that a research institution in Thailand, the Centre for Waste Utilisation and Management at King Mongkut University of Technology Thonburi, had developed anaerobic reactors that could transform agro-industrial waste into biogas. He made contact with the Thai researchers, and together they developed a version of the technology
suitable for use in Nigeria that turns the abattoir waste into clean household cooking gas and organic fertiliser, thus reducing the need for expensive chemical fertiliser. The same approach could be applied across Africa, Dr Adelagan believes. The Cows to Kilowatts project illustrates the global nature of modern innovation, facilitated by the free movement of both ideas and people. Thanks to the internet, people in one part of the world can easily make contact with people trying to solve similar problems elsewhere.
Lessons learned
What policies should governments adopt in order to develop and attract innovation talent, encourage its movement and benefit from its circulation? At the most basic level, investment in education is vital. Perhaps surprisingly, however, Amar Bhidé of Columbia University suggests that promoting innovation does not mean pushing as many students as possible into technical subjects.
Although researchers and technologists provide the raw material for innovation, he points out, a crucial role in orchestrating innovation is also played by entrepreneurs who may not have a technical background. So it is important to promote a mixture of skills. A strong education system also has the potential to attract skilled foreign students, academics and researchers, and gives foreign companies an incentive to establish nearby research and development operations.
Many countries already offer research grants, scholarships and tax benefits to attract talented immigrants. In many cases immigration procedures are "fast tracked" for individuals working in science and technology. But there is still scope to remove barriers to the mobility of talent. Mobility of skilled workers increasingly involves short stays, rather than permanent moves, but this is not yet widely reflected in immigration policy. Removing barriers to short-term stays can increase "brain circulation" and promote diaspora links.
Another problem for many skilled workers is that their qualifications are not always recognised in other countries. Greater harmonisation of standards for qualifications is one way to tackle this problem; some countries also have formal systems to evaluate foreign qualifications and determine their local equivalents. Countries must also provide an open and flexible business environment to ensure that promising innovations can be brought to market. If market access or financial backing are not available, after all, today's global-trotting innovators increasingly have the option of going elsewhere.
The most important point is that the global competition for talent is not a zero-sum game in which some countries win, and others lose. As the Technology Pioneers described here demonstrate, the nature of innovation, and the global movement of talent and ideas, is far more complicated that the simplistic notion of a "talent war" between developed and developing nations would suggest. Innovation is a global activity, and granting the greatest possible freedom to innovators can help to ensure that the ideas they generate will benefit the greatest possible number of people.

Integrated Transformation: How rising customer expectations are turning com...
Modern customers have it good. Spoilt for choice and convenience, today’s empowered consumers have come to expect more from the businesses they interact with. This doesn’t just apply to their wanting a quality product at a fair price, but also tailored goods, swift and effective customer service across different channels, and a connected experience across their online shopping and in-store experience, with easy access to information they need when they want it.
Meeting these expectations is a significant challenge for organisations. For many, it requires restructuring long-standing operating models, re-engineering business processes and adopting a fundamental shift in mindset to put customer experience at the heart of business decision- making. Download our report to learn more.
Pioneering Leadership: Service
Watch our video above to learn how CIOs can pioneer leadership at their organisations:
-Theresa Payton, former CIO of the White House, current CEO of Fortalice Solutions
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About the research
Accelerating urban intelligence: People, business and the cities of tomorrow is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Nutanix. It explores expectations of citizens and businesses for smart-city development in some of the world’s major urban centres. The analysis is based on two parallel surveys conducted in 19 cities: one of 6,746 residents and another of 969 business executives. The cities included are Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Dubai, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, New York, Paris, Riyadh, San Francisco, São Paulo, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo and Zurich.
Respondents to the citizen survey were evenly balanced by age (roughly one-third in each of the 18-38, 39-54 and 55 years and older age groups) and gender. A majority (56%) had household incomes above the median level in their city, with 44% below it. Respondents to the business survey were mainly senior executives (65% at C-suite or director level) working in a range of different functions. They work in large, midsize and small firms in over a dozen industries. See the report appendix for full survey results and demographics.
Additional insights were obtained from indepth interviews with city officials, smart-city experts at NGOs and other institutions, and business executives. We would like to thank the following individuals for their time and insights.
Pascual Berrone, academic co-director, Cities in Motion, and professor, strategic management, IESE Business School (Barcelona) Lawrence Boya, director, Smart City Programme, city of Johannesburg Amanda Daflos, chief innovation officer, city of Los Angeles Linda Gerull, chief information officer, city of San Francisco Praveen Pardeshi, municipal commissioner, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (Mumbai) • Brian Roberts, policy analyst, city of San Francisco Sameer Sharma, global general manager, Internet of Things (IoT), Intel • Marius Sylvestersen, programme director, Copenhagen Solutions Lab Tan Kok Yam, deputy secretary of the Smart Nation and Digital Government, Prime Minister’s Office, SingaporeThe report was written by Denis McCauley and edited by Michael Gold.

Talent for innovation
Talent for innovation: Getting noticed in a global market incorporates case studies of the 34 companies selected as Technology Pioneers in biotechnology/health, energy/environmental technology, and information technology.
Leonardo Da Vinci unquestionably had it in the 15th century; so did Thomas Edison in the 19th century. But today, "talent for innovation" means something rather different. Innovation is no longer the work of one individual toiling in a workshop. In today's globalised, interconnected world, innovation is the work of teams, often based in particular innovation hotspots, and often collaborating with partners, suppliers and customers both nearby and in other countries.
Innovation has become a global activity as it has become easier for ideas and talented people to move from one country to another. This has both quickened the pace of technological development and presented many new opportunities, as creative individuals have become increasingly prized and there has been greater recognition of new sources of talent, beyond the traditional innovation hotspots of the developed world.
The result is a global exchange of ideas, and a global market for innovation talent. Along with growth in international trade and foreign direct investment, the mobility of talent is one of the hallmarks of modern globalisation. Talented innovators are regarded by companies, universities and governments as a vital resource, as precious as oil or water. They are sought after for the simple reason that innovation in products and services is generally agreed to be a large component, if not the largest component, in driving economic growth. It should be noted that "innovation" in this context does not simply mean the development of new, cutting-edge technologies by researchers.
It also includes the creative ways in which other people then refine, repackage and combine those technologies and bring them to market. Indeed, in his recent book, "The Venturesome Economy", Amar Bhidé, professor of business at Columbia University, argues that such "orchestration" of innovation can actually be more important in driving economic activity than pure research. "In a world where breakthrough ideas easily cross national borders, the origin of ideas is inconsequential," he writes. Ideas cross borders not just in the form of research papers, e-mails and web pages, but also inside the heads of talented people. This movement of talent is not simply driven by financial incentives. Individuals may also be motivated by a desire for greater academic freedom, better access to research facilities and funding, or the opportunity to work with key researchers in a particular field.
Countries that can attract talented individuals can benefit from more rapid economic growth, closer collaboration with the countries where those individuals originated, and the likelihood that immigrant entrepreneurs will set up new companies and create jobs. Mobility of talent helps to link companies to sources of foreign innovation and research expertise, to the benefit of both. Workers who emigrate to another country may bring valuable knowledge of their home markets with them, which can subsequently help companies in the destination country to enter those markets more easily. Analysis of scientific journals suggests that international co-authorship is increasing, and there is some evidence thatcollaborative work has a greater impact than work carried out in one country. Skilled individuals also act as repositories of knowledge, training the next generation and passing on their accumulated wisdom.
But the picture is complicated by a number of concerns. In developed countries which have historically depended to a large extent on foreign talent (such as the United States), there is anxiety that it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract talent as new opportunities arise elsewhere. Compared with the situation a decade ago, Indian software engineers, for example, may be more inclined to set up a company in India, rather than moving to America to work for a software company there. In developed countries that have not historically relied on foreign talent (such as Germany), meanwhile, the ageing of the population as the birth rate falls and life expectancy increases means there is a need to widen the supply of talent, as skilled workers leave the workforce and young people show less interest than they used to in technical subjects. And in developing countries, where there is a huge supply of new talent (hundreds of thousands of engineers graduate from Indian and Chinese universities every year), the worry is that these graduates have a broad technical grounding but may lack the specialised skills demanded by particular industries.
Other shifts are also under way. The increasing sophistication of emerging economies (notably India and China) is overturning the old model of "create in the West, customise for the East". Indian and Chinese companies are now globally competitive in many industries. And although the mobility of talent is increasing, workers who move to another country are less likely to stay for the long-term, and are more likely to return to their country of origin. The number of Chinese students studying abroad increased from 125,000 in 2002 to 134,000 in 2006, for example, but the proportion who stayed in the country where they studied after graduating fell from 85% to 69% over the same period, according to figures from the OECD (see page 10).
What is clear is that the emergence of a global market for talent means gifted innovators are more likely to be able to succeed, and new and unexpected opportunities are being exploited, as this year's Technology Pioneers demonstrate. They highlight three important aspects of the global market for talent: the benefits of mobility, the significant role of diasporas, and the importance of network effects in catalysing innovation.
Brain drain, or gain?
Perhaps the most familiar aspect of the debate about flows of talent is the widely expressed concern about the "brain drain" from countries that supply talented workers. If a country educates workers at the taxpayers' expense, does it not have a claim on their talent? There are also worries that the loss of skilled workers can hamper institutional development and drive up the cost of technical services. But such concerns must be weighed against the benefits of greater mobility.
There are not always opportunities for skilled individuals in their country of birth. The prospect of emigration can encourage the development of skills by individuals who may not in fact decide to emigrate. Workers who emigrate may send remittances back to their families at home, which can be a significant source of income and can help to alleviate poverty. And skilled workers may return to their home countries after a period working abroad, further stimulating knowledge transfer and improving the prospects for domestic growth, since they will maintain contacts with researchers overseas. As a result, argues a recent report from the OECD, it makes more sense to talk of a complex process of "brain circulation" rather than a one-way "brain drain". The movement of talent is not simply a zero-sum gain in which sending countries lose, and receiving countries benefit. Greater availability and mobility of talent opens up new possibilities and can benefit everyone.
Consider, for example, BioMedica Diagnostics of Windsor, Nova Scotia. The company makes medical diagnostic systems, some of them battery-operated, that can be used to provide health care in remote regions to people who would otherwise lack access to it. It was founded by Abdullah Kirumira, a Ugandan biochemist who moved to Canada in 1990 and became a professor at Acadia University. There he developed a rapid test for HIV in conjunction with one of his students, Hermes Chan (a native of Hong Kong who had moved to Canada to study). According to the United States Centers for Disease Control, around one-third of people tested for HIV do not return to get the result when it takes days or weeks to determine. Dr Kirumira and Dr Chan developed a new test that provides the result in three minutes, so that a diagnosis can be made on the spot. Dr Kirumira is a prolific inventor who went on to found several companies, and has been described as "the pioneer of Nova Scotia's biotechnology sector".
Today BioMedica makes a range of diagnostic products that are portable, affordable and robust, making them ideally suited for use in developing countries. They allow people to be rapidly screened for a range of conditions, including HIV, hepatitis, malaria, rubella, typhoid and cholera. The firm's customers include the World Health Organisation. Providing such tests to patients in the developing world is a personal mission of Dr Kirumira's, but it also makes sound business sense: the market for invitro diagnostics in the developing world is growing by over 25% a year, the company notes, compared with growth of only 5% a year in developed nations.
Moving to Canada gave Dr Kirumira research opportunities and access to venture funding that were not available in Uganda. His innovations now provide an affordable way for hospitals in his native continent of Africa to perform vital tests. A similar example is provided by mPedigree, a start-up that has developed a mobile-phone-based system that allows people to verify the authenticity of medicines. Counterfeit drugs are widespread in the developing world: they are estimated to account for 10-25% of all drugs sold, and over 80% in some countries. The World Health Organisation estimates that a fake vaccine for meningitis, distributed in Niger in 1995, killed over 2,500 people. mPedigree was established by Bright Simons, a Ghanaian social entrepreneur, in conjunction with Ashifi Gogo, a fellow Ghanaian. The two were more than just acquaintances having met at Secondary School. There are many high-tech authentication systems available in the developed world for drug packaging, involving radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips, DNA tags, and so forth.
The mPedigree system developed my Mr Gogo, an engineering student, is much cheaper and simpler and only requires the use of a mobile phone — an item that is now spreading more quickly in Africa than in any other region of the world. Once the drugs have been purchased, a panel on the label is scratched off to reveal a special code. The patient then sends this code, by text message, to a particular number. The code is looked up in a database and a message is sent back specifying whether the drugs are genuine. The system is free to use because the drug companies cover the cost of the text messages. It was launched in Ghana in 2007, and mPedigree's founders hope to extend it to all 48 sub-Saharan African countries within a decade, and to other parts of in the developing world.
The effort is being supported by Ghana's Food and Drug Board, and by local telecoms operators and drug manufacturers. Mr Gogo has now been admitted into a special progamme at Dartmouth College in the United States that develops entrepreneurial skills, in addition to technical skills, in engineers. Like Dr Kirumira, he is benefiting from opportunities that did not exist in his home country, and his country is benefiting too. This case of mPedigree shows that it is wrong to assume that the movement of talent is one-way (from poor to rich countries) and permanent. As it has become easier to travel and communications technology has improved, skilled workers have become more likely to spend brief spells in other countries that provide opportunities, rather than emigrating permanently.
And many entrepreneurs and innovators shuttle between two or more places — between Tel Aviv and Silicon Valley, for example, or Silicon Valley and Hsinchu in Taiwan — in a pattern of "circular" migration, in which it is no longer meaningful to distinguish between "sending" and "receiving" countries.
The benefits of a diaspora
Migration (whether temporary, permanent or circular) to a foreign country can be facilitated by the existence of a diaspora, since it can be easier to adjust to a new culture when you are surrounded by compatriots who have already done so. Some observers worry that diasporas make migration too easy, in the sense that they may encourage a larger number of talented individuals to leave their home country than would otherwise be the case, to the detriment of that country.
But as with the broader debate about migration, this turns out to be only part of the story. Diasporas can have a powerful positive effect in promoting innovation and benefiting the home country. Large American technology firms, for example, have set up research centres in India in part because they have been impressed by the calibre of the migrant Indian engineers they have employed in America. Diasporas also provide a channel for knowledge and skills to pass back to the home country.
James Nakagawa, a Canadian of Japanese origin and the founder of Mobile Healthcare, is a case in point. A third-generation immigrant, he grew up in Canada but decided in 1994 to move to Japan, where he worked for a number of technology firms and set up his own financial-services consultancy. In 2000 he had the idea that led him to found Mobile Healthcare, when a friend was diagnosed with diabetes and lamented that he found it difficult to determine which foods to eat, and which to avoid.
The rapid spread of advanced mobile phones in Japan, a world leader in mobile telecoms, prompted Mr Nakagawa to devise Lifewatcher, Mobile Healthcare's main product. It is a "disease selfmanagement system" used in conjunction with a doctor, based around a secure online database that can be accessed via a mobile phone. Patients record what medicines they are taking and what food they are eating, taking a picture of each meal. A database of common foodstuffs, including menu items from restaurants and fast-food chains, helps users work out what they can safely eat. Patients can also call up their medical records to follow the progress of key health indicators, such as blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and calorie intake.
All of this information can also be accessed online by the patient's doctor or nutritionist. The system allows people with diabetes or obesity (both of which are rapidly becoming more prevalent in Japan and elsewhere) to take an active role in managing their conditions. Mr Nakagawa did three months of research in the United States and Canada while developing Lifewatcher, which was created with support from Apple (which helped with hardware and software), the Japanese Red Cross and Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare (which provided full access to its nutritional database).
Japanese patients who are enrolled in the system have 70% of the cost covered by their health insurance. Mr Nakagawa is now working to introduce Lifewatcher in the United States and Canada, where obesity and diabetes are also becoming more widespread — along advanced mobile phones of the kind once only found in Japan. Mr Nakagawa's ability to move freely between Japanese and North American cultures, combining the telecoms expertise of the former with the entrepreneurial approach of the latter, has resulted in a system that can benefit both.
The story of Calvin Chin, the Chinese-American founder of Qifang, is similar. Mr Chin was born and educated in America, and worked in the financial services and technology industries for several years before moving to China. Expatriate Chinese who return to the country, enticed by opportunities in its fast-growing economy, are known as "returning turtles". Qifang is a "peer to peer" (P2P) lending site that enables students to borrow money to finance their education from other users of the site. P2P lending has been pioneered in other countries by sites such as Zopa and Prosper in other countries.
Such sites require would-be borrowers to provide a range of personal details about themselves to reassure lenders, and perform credit checks on them. Borrowers pay above-market rates, which is what attracts lenders. Qifang adds several twists to this formula. It is concentrating solely on student loans, which means that regulators are more likely to look favourably on the company's unusual business model. It allows payments to be made directly to educational institutions, to make sure the money goes to the right place. Qifang also requires borrowers to give their parents' names when taking out a loan, which increases the social pressure on them not to default, since that would cause the family to lose face.
Mr Chin has thus tuned an existing business model to take account of the cultural and regulatory environment in China, where P2P lending could be particularly attractive, given the relatively undeveloped state of China's financial-services market. In a sense, Qifang is just an updated, online version of the community group-lending schemes that are commonly used to finance education in China. The company's motto is that "everyone should be able to get an education, no matter their financial means".
Just as Mr Chin is trying to use knowledge acquired in the developed world to help people in his mother country of China, Sachin Duggal hopes his company, Nivio, will do something similar for people in India. Mr Duggal was born in Britain and is of Indian extraction. He worked in financial services, including a stint as a technologist at Deutsche Bank, before setting up Nivio, which essentially provides a PC desktop, personalised with a user's software and documents, that can be accessed from any web browser.
This approach makes it possible to centralise the management of PCs in a large company, and is already popular in the business world. But Mr Duggal hopes that it will also make computing more accessible to people who find the prospect of owning and managing their own PCs (and dealing with spam and viruses) too daunting, or simply cannot afford a PC at all. Nivio's software was developed in India, where Mr Duggal teamed up with Iqbal Gandham, the founder of Net4India, one of India's first internet service providers. Mr Duggal believes that the "virtual webtop" model could have great potential in extending access to computers to rural parts of India, and thus spreading the opportunities associated with the country's high-tech boom. A survey of the bosses of Indian software firms clearly shows how diasporas can promote innovation.
It found that those bosses who had lived abroad and returned to India made far more use of diaspora links upon their return than entrepreneurs who had never lived abroad, which gave them access to capital and skills in other countries. Diasporas can, in other words, help to ensure that "brain drain" does indeed turn into "brain gain", provided the government of the country in question puts appropriate policies in place to facilitate the movement of people, technology and capital.
Making the connection
Multinational companies can also play an important role in providing new opportunities for talented individuals, and facilitating the transfer of skills. In recent years many technology companies have set up large operations in India, for example, in order to benefit from the availability of talented engineers and the services provided by local companies. Is this simply exploitation of low-paid workers by Western companies?
The example of JiGrahak Mobility Solutions, a start-up based in Bangalore, illustrates why it is not. The company was founded by Sourabh Jain, an engineering graduate from the Delhi Institute of Technology. After completing his studies he went to work for the Indian research arm of Lucent Technologies, an American telecoms-equipment firm. This gave him a solid grounding in mobile-phone technology, which subsequently enabled him to set up JiGrahak, a company that provides a mobile-commerce service called Ngpay.
In India, where many people first experience the internet on a mobile phone, rather than a PC, and where mobile phones are far more widespread than PCs, there is much potential for phone-based shopping and payment services. Ngpay lets users buy tickets, pay bills and transfer money using their handsets. Such is its popularity that with months of its launch in 2008, Ngpay accounted for 4% of ticket sales at Fame, an Indian cinema chain.
The role of large companies in nurturing talented individuals, who then leave to set up their own companies, is widely understood in Silicon Valley. Start-ups are often founded by alumni from Sun, HP, Oracle and other big names. Rather than worrying that they could be raising their own future competitors, large companies understand that the resulting dynamic, innovative environment benefits everyone, as large firms spawn, compete with and acquire smaller ones.
As large firms establish outposts in developing countries, such catalysis of innovation is becoming more widespread. Companies with large numbers of employees and former employees spread around the world can function rather like a corporate diaspora, in short, providing another form of network along which skills and technology can diffuse. The network that has had the greatest impact on spreading ideas, promoting innovation and allowing potential partners to find out about each other's research is, of course, the internet. As access to the internet becomes more widespread, it can allow developing countries to link up more closely with developed countries, as the rise of India's software industry illustrates. But it can also promote links between developing countries.
The Cows to Kilowatts Partnership, based in Nigeria, provides an unusual example. It was founded by Joseph Adelagan, a Nigerian engineer, who was concerned about the impact on local rivers of effluent from the Bodija Market abattoir in Ibadan. As well as the polluting the water supply of several nearby villages, the effluent carried animal diseases that could be passed to humans. Dr Adelagan proposed setting up an effluent-treatment plant.
He discovered, however, that although treating the effluent would reduce water pollution, the process would produce carbon-dioxide and methane emissions that contribute to climate change. So he began to look for ways to capture these gases and make use of them. Researching the subject online, he found that a research institution in Thailand, the Centre for Waste Utilisation and Management at King Mongkut University of Technology Thonburi, had developed anaerobic reactors that could transform agro-industrial waste into biogas. He made contact with the Thai researchers, and together they developed a version of the technology
suitable for use in Nigeria that turns the abattoir waste into clean household cooking gas and organic fertiliser, thus reducing the need for expensive chemical fertiliser. The same approach could be applied across Africa, Dr Adelagan believes. The Cows to Kilowatts project illustrates the global nature of modern innovation, facilitated by the free movement of both ideas and people. Thanks to the internet, people in one part of the world can easily make contact with people trying to solve similar problems elsewhere.
Lessons learned
What policies should governments adopt in order to develop and attract innovation talent, encourage its movement and benefit from its circulation? At the most basic level, investment in education is vital. Perhaps surprisingly, however, Amar Bhidé of Columbia University suggests that promoting innovation does not mean pushing as many students as possible into technical subjects.
Although researchers and technologists provide the raw material for innovation, he points out, a crucial role in orchestrating innovation is also played by entrepreneurs who may not have a technical background. So it is important to promote a mixture of skills. A strong education system also has the potential to attract skilled foreign students, academics and researchers, and gives foreign companies an incentive to establish nearby research and development operations.
Many countries already offer research grants, scholarships and tax benefits to attract talented immigrants. In many cases immigration procedures are "fast tracked" for individuals working in science and technology. But there is still scope to remove barriers to the mobility of talent. Mobility of skilled workers increasingly involves short stays, rather than permanent moves, but this is not yet widely reflected in immigration policy. Removing barriers to short-term stays can increase "brain circulation" and promote diaspora links.
Another problem for many skilled workers is that their qualifications are not always recognised in other countries. Greater harmonisation of standards for qualifications is one way to tackle this problem; some countries also have formal systems to evaluate foreign qualifications and determine their local equivalents. Countries must also provide an open and flexible business environment to ensure that promising innovations can be brought to market. If market access or financial backing are not available, after all, today's global-trotting innovators increasingly have the option of going elsewhere.
The most important point is that the global competition for talent is not a zero-sum game in which some countries win, and others lose. As the Technology Pioneers described here demonstrate, the nature of innovation, and the global movement of talent and ideas, is far more complicated that the simplistic notion of a "talent war" between developed and developing nations would suggest. Innovation is a global activity, and granting the greatest possible freedom to innovators can help to ensure that the ideas they generate will benefit the greatest possible number of people.

Integrated Transformation: How rising customer expectations are turning com...
Modern customers have it good. Spoilt for choice and convenience, today’s empowered consumers have come to expect more from the businesses they interact with. This doesn’t just apply to their wanting a quality product at a fair price, but also tailored goods, swift and effective customer service across different channels, and a connected experience across their online shopping and in-store experience, with easy access to information they need when they want it.
Meeting these expectations is a significant challenge for organisations. For many, it requires restructuring long-standing operating models, re-engineering business processes and adopting a fundamental shift in mindset to put customer experience at the heart of business decision- making. Download our report to learn more.
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The pace at which new technologies—cloud, big data analytics, virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and more—are developing is breathtaking. But if you really want to hear CIOs gasp for air, ask them about the new demands CIOs face as they seek to turn clever IT innovations into real-world business transformation.
CIOs must manage increasing IT complexity and the growing demands of business stakeholders. As Simon Bolton, CIO of UK-based Jaguar Land Rover also notes, modernising business strategies and aligning them with emerging technologies remain a CIO imperative: “My biggest aspiration is to help Jaguar Land Rover to be seen as a technology leader outside of the company within the automotive space.
“We’ve seen the industry changes: electrification, connected cars, autonomous driving, etc. We need to transform our business so that we’re ready to maximise those opportunities. In today’s world, where customers’ expectations are changing very quickly, we need to have systems that can respond to those changing requirements.”
CIOs face the dual challenge of maintaining business critical systems while adapting the business to leverage new technologies. Renata Marques, Latin America CIO of Whirlpool, advises CIOs to “have a very solid and stable foundation that doesn't consume the agenda of innovation and digital transformation.”
And yet many CIOs and their staff are not necessarily prepared for all of this change and the major implications for the workforce and skills. In a recent survey conducted by McKinsey, more than 60% of business executives said that due to advancing automation and digitisation, they’ll need to retrain or replace more than a quarter of their workforce between now and 2023 [1].
To make many of these changes successfully, integration of business and IT knowledge will be essential. Ritesh Sarda, CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong says:
“Technologies without the business acumen or those that fail to solve the relevant business problem are absolutely useless. I think CIOs have to become more business savvy and have to be integrated and engrained into the business so that we know how we can use technology to resolve business challenges and make things forward-looking from an industry perspective."
New demands = New opportunities
Although balancing traditional business needs with the desire for innovation is always a challenge, the same changes that have reshaped the role of the CIO have also created new opportunities for workforce transformation.
Indeed, one reason CIOs need new skills is the way IT has moved beyond the back office and into customer-facing products and services. Consider today’s new cars. Essentially rolling data centres, they’re equipped with computerised engine components, Wi-Fi networks, GPS navigation, backup cameras, lane-departure warning systems and more. Tomorrow promises even more onboard IT, including electric batteries, voice-activated controls and self-driving capabilities.
Alongside these new tools, customers’ growing IT savvy puts even more pressure on CIOs. At Jaguar Land Rover, designers work on a seven-year product life cycle. For traditional automotive designers and engineers, to create a highly complex vehicle, that may seem like the blink of an eye. But for today’s consumers, it’s more like an eternity.
One path forward may be the adoption and implementation of Agile practices. “We need to do all we can to remain agile,” Mr Bolton says. “That’s becoming ever more challenging as technology moves faster and faster. As a company, we need to wrap our heads around this and make sure we’re all going forward at that speed.”
Ms Marques of Whirlpool brought in an Agile coach into the IT function to train her team once a week: “We started to transform our projects by adopting Agile methodology and delivering technology to the business in a different way. This is something that we’ve worked on a lot, not to just to speed up our process, but to create this future of innovation.”
Mr Bolton of Jaguar agrees that these changes bring new opportunities for workforce organisation. Historically, Jaguar Land Rover’s strengths have been engineering, manufacturing and design. Today, the company seeks to add to those strengths by placing greater emphasis on technology.
“Increasingly, we’re going to have to demonstrate real leadership around technology,” Mr Bolton says. “That requires a shift in skills, not just in the technology function, but across the company.”
That said, non-IT employees aren’t as far behind as they used to be, and like many consumers, both IT and non-IT staff have gained technological sophistication too. “One of the changes we’re going through,” notes Mr Bolton, “is we’re insourcing—not for every skill—but we’re bringing back in certain areas of technology that we’ve outsourced over the past few years”.
Marc Probst, CIO of Intermountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit health system based in Salt Lake City, Utah, has had a front-row view of the dramatic changes in overall familiarity with technology. Technical positions at Intermountain that formerly reported into IT and Mr Probst have shifted to its clinical and financial business units.
For Mr Probst, that means assuming a new role. “I’ve become more of a co-ordinator,” he says, “and a technical resource to make sure the things they’re doing fall within our security parameters and don’t blow up the system. It’s really different.”
Ms Marques of Whirlpool similarly describes the importance of being a technical resource for the business and understanding its strategic needs: “Our role as CIO is to be the conduit—to convert all the technical knowledge into a single strategy and not have a lot of different technologies everywhere not in conversation with our business.”
The value of reskilling and mentorship
Though IT employees still generally have a better understanding of technology than other employees, given the fast-changing nature of technology, many CIOs find that their current IT staff members still struggle to keep up with consumer or colleague expectations. It’s a rare IT department that employs experts in big data analytics, AI and VR. Yet these skills are increasingly in demand. Some even say the IT industry faces a talent shortage.
Two ways forward may be hiring for greater diversity and improving mentoring and internal training. In theory, that should not be difficult. One person advocating for those changes is Theresa Payton.
“Recruiters tell me, ‘there’s a war for talent, and we just can’t find qualified people.’ I reply, ‘Well, maybe it’s because you and the hiring managers are all looking for the same people. There are only so many unicorns to go around,’” says Ms Payton, CEO of cyber-security firm Fortalice Solutions. Ms Payton was also formerly the CIO at the White House under George W Bush’s presidency from 2006 to 2008—and the first woman to hold that position.
Instead, Ms Payton recommends that CIOs start by considering the personal qualities they’re looking for in new hires, what she calls “non-negotiables”. The rest, she maintains, can be gained with training.
Ms Payton practices what she preaches and has implemented a mentor-protégé programme at her cyber-security firm. She explains the rationale: “Take advantage of your own amazing people and have them be responsible for some of the retooling and retraining of your workforce. Make it part of their workday. Build it into your resource plans that you’re going to train, coach and mentor the next generation. Doing that creates that cross training, that esprit de corps.”
Ms Payton also works hard to keep her own skills and knowledge up-to-the-minute. While working in Washington, DC, she got into the habit of waking at 3:30 am to read and make other preparations before the day’s first briefing. “You have to constantly be a student of the job,” she says. “Stay close to the business, and stay close to the technologies.”
To learn more about The EIU's Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, articles and an in-depth report, here.
[1] McKinsey, “Retraining and reskilling workers in the age of automation” January 2018.

Possibilities require purpose: The role of emerging technology in digital t...
In theory, new technologies drive digital transformation, but CIOs often find it’s not that easy. In fact, adopting new technologies to drive business results requires the CIO’s strategic involvement from the very beginning, from choosing the technologies to ensuring they’re working effectively across the enterprise.
“The CIO must be totally cognizant of all emerging technologies and solutions coming onto the market,” says Ritesh Sarda, CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong. “But at the same time, technologies that fail to solve a relevant business problem are absolutely useless.”
Indeed, a recent survey of CIOs conducted by executive recruiter Harvey Nash and professional-services firms KPMG found that enterprise digital strategies were described as “very effective” by fewer than one in five IT leaders [1]. In another survey, conducted by IT advisory firm Gartner, more than 90% of respondents said their organisations haven’t yet reached “transformational” levels of maturity with data analytics, even though those companies’ CIOs have identified that technology as their number one investment priority [2].
Innovating with the customer in mind
Some CIOs, however, are doing an excellent job of identifying and evaluating new technologies for digital transformation. Increasingly, their organisations are doing the same with customer-facing products and services and implementing new technologies across their companies’ operations.
That’s the case at Whirlpool. The world’s leading home-appliance provider, Whirlpool ships more than 70m products a year, many of them digitally enabled. Various Whirlpool appliances now interact with artificial intelligence (AI) tools for analytics, automatic ordering services and several virtual assistants for voice control. Renata Marques, CIO of Whirlpool Latin America, and her IT team recently helped to develop a “smart” beer cooler, not yet on the market, that replenishes consumers’ beer supplies by detecting when beer is running out, then automatically ordering more from a partner marketplace. Moreover, the company recently acquired a mobile app called Yummly; it uses image recognition to inventory the food in a consumer’s pantry, then recommends recipes using only those ingredients on hand.
Ms Marques has encouraged her teams to leverage new technologies for consumer-facing innovation. The Latin America division, based in São Paulo, Brazil, brings in roughly a quarter of Whirlpool’s global sales, which totalled US$21bn last year. “Because digital transformation is part of our strategic agenda,” Ms Marques says, “our IT organisation works closely with engineering, marketing and other business areas.”
And Ms Marques is also adopting Agile, a methodology borrowed from software development, to speed up her new IT projects. Her team recently evaluated a new web platform using an Agile concept known as MVP. Short for minimum viable product, it provides just enough features to garner user feedback. “Agile is something we’ve worked on a lot,” Ms Marques says, “to not just speed up our process, but also create our future of innovation.”
For Ms Marques, “creating a future of innovation” includes a cloud-first strategy that has been key to helping her IT group meet business needs. For example, using the cloud, Whirlpool Latin America recently implemented a new commerce platform for its KitchenAid home appliance brand to improve the consumer experience. The project, though massive, was completed in less than five months. “Without our cloud-first strategy,” Ms Marques says, “we could never have delivered such a big project so quickly.”
Partnering for innovation
Partnerships are another way for CIOs to implement emerging technologies for digital transformation. It’s an approach that works well for Sun Life Financial, a Toronto-based provider of insurance, wealth and asset-management solutions to individuals and corporate clients.
Due to Sun Life’s size—it has 33,000 employees, offices in over 25 countries and assets under management in excess of C$930bn (US$736bn)—moving quickly on new technologies can be a challenge. “As a large enterprise, sometimes we cannot innovate that far,” says Mr Sarda, who joined Sun Life in 2006 and became CIO of its Hong Kong unit in 2016. “So we partner with accelerators and incubation centres where we can pick fintechs and partner with them to evolve a business idea.”
These partnerships have led to some innovative results. One partnership has resulted in Sun Life’s adoption of software robotic automation, also known as “tech bots”, to process customer applications that previously involved lots of painstaking paperwork. The software robots now mimic the work previously done by humans, including underwriting, examining historical records and reviewing claims records. “Where there are inherent system deficiencies, we can create bots rather than putting humans in to do the dirty jobs,” Mr Sarda says.
Another project enhanced by partnership is Sun Life’s implementation of chatbots. These AI implementations populate a website to answer customers’ frequently asked questions. Partners are also now working with Sun Life on blockchain, a platform for decentralised applications, and facial-recognition systems for identity authentication. At any given time, Mr Sarda and his team are partnering with as many as ten specialist companies. “Then,” he adds, “we see which ideas eventually become mature.”
DIY tech
At Intermountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit health system based in Salt Lake City, Utah, CIO Marc Probst and his team have taken a different approach to new technologies: they build what they need and then turn their solutions into new products and services for the company.
One internally developed IT innovation at Intermountain has even led to the formation of a separate company. Called Empiric Health, it offers software designed to help surgical teams control their costs by assessing how different procedures like supply utilisation or staffing affect health outcomes. “That was actually a piece of software we wrote for our internal operating rooms,” Mr Probst says. “We found it was saving us tens of millions of dollars a year, so our people said, ‘Hmm…this may be something of value to other organisations.’”
And using emerging technologies to drive business innovation can also help create better outcomes for patient health. For example, Intermountain clinicians developed a care process model to guide care provision for acute respiratory disease syndrome (ARDS), an illness that’s often fatal. While the model reduced mortality rates, Mr Probst’s team was able to leverage AI and Intermountain’s data to not only replicate the model for ARDS but also identify additional risk factors to further improve the quality of care.
“That’s one of the very real powers of AI. It took what would have taken months or years and allowed it to happen in days,” says Mr Probst.
As Intermountain shows, digital transformation involves shifting advanced technology beyond the IT department’s walls, bringing IT and the business ever closer. Although sometimes challenging, the introduction of new tech offers meaningful change for patients, providers and staff.
Putting it all together
Though every organisation is at a different stage of their transformation, there are several practices CIOs can keep in mind along the way:
Stay aware of new technologies and potential use cases to meet new customer demands; Leverage partnerships for innovation to pool resources and take risks; and Be creative about translating IT solutions into business innovations.In the end, the opportunities offered by emerging technologies may be well worth their weight in gold.
To learn more about the Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, articles and an in-depth report, here.
[1] KPMG, “Press release, the Harvey Nash / KPMG CIO Survey 2017” May 23rd 2017, [2] Gartner, “Gartner Survey shows organizations are slow to advance in data and analytics”, 2018 require purpose: The role of emerging technology in digital transformation
In theory, new technologies drive digital transformation, but CIOs often find it’s not that easy. In fact, adopting new technologies to drive business results requires the CIO’s strategic involvement from the very beginning, from choosing the technologies to ensuring they’re working effectively across the enterprise.
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CIOs’ executive brief: three ways to update IT skills for digital transformation
Keep your own IT skills current. “Read, read, read as much as you can,” advises Theresa Payton, CEO of Fortalice Solutions and former White House CIO. “Then ask yourself, ‘what am I going to do—while I’m transforming the business—that allows me to transform myself in my role?’” Take a multi-tactic approach to building IT staff skills. Wondering whether to train, hire or outsource? All of the above, advise IT leaders. “The skills of those who report to the CIO are much more technical than they used to be,” says Marc Probst, CIO of Intermountain Healthcare. Engage with tomorrow’s IT experts today. Jaguar Land Rover, anticipating a shortage of skilled engineers, has engaged with more than 2m young people in the UK, encouraging them to consider STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) education through its Inspiring Tomorrow’s Engineers initiative. Next, the company plans to engage with 2m more young people, this time worldwide, by 2020.
The pace at which new technologies—cloud, big data analytics, virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and more—are developing is breathtaking. But if you really want to hear CIOs gasp for air, ask them about the new demands CIOs face as they seek to turn clever IT innovations into real-world business transformation.
CIOs must manage increasing IT complexity and the growing demands of business stakeholders. As Simon Bolton, CIO of UK-based Jaguar Land Rover also notes, modernising business strategies and aligning them with emerging technologies remain a CIO imperative: “My biggest aspiration is to help Jaguar Land Rover to be seen as a technology leader outside of the company within the automotive space.
“We’ve seen the industry changes: electrification, connected cars, autonomous driving, etc. We need to transform our business so that we’re ready to maximise those opportunities. In today’s world, where customers’ expectations are changing very quickly, we need to have systems that can respond to those changing requirements.”
CIOs face the dual challenge of maintaining business critical systems while adapting the business to leverage new technologies. Renata Marques, Latin America CIO of Whirlpool, advises CIOs to “have a very solid and stable foundation that doesn't consume the agenda of innovation and digital transformation.”
And yet many CIOs and their staff are not necessarily prepared for all of this change and the major implications for the workforce and skills. In a recent survey conducted by McKinsey, more than 60% of business executives said that due to advancing automation and digitisation, they’ll need to retrain or replace more than a quarter of their workforce between now and 2023 [1].
To make many of these changes successfully, integration of business and IT knowledge will be essential. Ritesh Sarda, CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong says:
“Technologies without the business acumen or those that fail to solve the relevant business problem are absolutely useless. I think CIOs have to become more business savvy and have to be integrated and engrained into the business so that we know how we can use technology to resolve business challenges and make things forward-looking from an industry perspective."
New demands = New opportunities
Although balancing traditional business needs with the desire for innovation is always a challenge, the same changes that have reshaped the role of the CIO have also created new opportunities for workforce transformation.
Indeed, one reason CIOs need new skills is the way IT has moved beyond the back office and into customer-facing products and services. Consider today’s new cars. Essentially rolling data centres, they’re equipped with computerised engine components, Wi-Fi networks, GPS navigation, backup cameras, lane-departure warning systems and more. Tomorrow promises even more onboard IT, including electric batteries, voice-activated controls and self-driving capabilities.
Alongside these new tools, customers’ growing IT savvy puts even more pressure on CIOs. At Jaguar Land Rover, designers work on a seven-year product life cycle. For traditional automotive designers and engineers, to create a highly complex vehicle, that may seem like the blink of an eye. But for today’s consumers, it’s more like an eternity.
One path forward may be the adoption and implementation of Agile practices. “We need to do all we can to remain agile,” Mr Bolton says. “That’s becoming ever more challenging as technology moves faster and faster. As a company, we need to wrap our heads around this and make sure we’re all going forward at that speed.”
Ms Marques of Whirlpool brought in an Agile coach into the IT function to train her team once a week: “We started to transform our projects by adopting Agile methodology and delivering technology to the business in a different way. This is something that we’ve worked on a lot, not to just to speed up our process, but to create this future of innovation.”
Mr Bolton of Jaguar agrees that these changes bring new opportunities for workforce organisation. Historically, Jaguar Land Rover’s strengths have been engineering, manufacturing and design. Today, the company seeks to add to those strengths by placing greater emphasis on technology.
“Increasingly, we’re going to have to demonstrate real leadership around technology,” Mr Bolton says. “That requires a shift in skills, not just in the technology function, but across the company.”
That said, non-IT employees aren’t as far behind as they used to be, and like many consumers, both IT and non-IT staff have gained technological sophistication too. “One of the changes we’re going through,” notes Mr Bolton, “is we’re insourcing—not for every skill—but we’re bringing back in certain areas of technology that we’ve outsourced over the past few years”.
Marc Probst, CIO of Intermountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit health system based in Salt Lake City, Utah, has had a front-row view of the dramatic changes in overall familiarity with technology. Technical positions at Intermountain that formerly reported into IT and Mr Probst have shifted to its clinical and financial business units.
For Mr Probst, that means assuming a new role. “I’ve become more of a co-ordinator,” he says, “and a technical resource to make sure the things they’re doing fall within our security parameters and don’t blow up the system. It’s really different.”
Ms Marques of Whirlpool similarly describes the importance of being a technical resource for the business and understanding its strategic needs: “Our role as CIO is to be the conduit—to convert all the technical knowledge into a single strategy and not have a lot of different technologies everywhere not in conversation with our business.”
The value of reskilling and mentorship
Though IT employees still generally have a better understanding of technology than other employees, given the fast-changing nature of technology, many CIOs find that their current IT staff members still struggle to keep up with consumer or colleague expectations. It’s a rare IT department that employs experts in big data analytics, AI and VR. Yet these skills are increasingly in demand. Some even say the IT industry faces a talent shortage.
Two ways forward may be hiring for greater diversity and improving mentoring and internal training. In theory, that should not be difficult. One person advocating for those changes is Theresa Payton.
“Recruiters tell me, ‘there’s a war for talent, and we just can’t find qualified people.’ I reply, ‘Well, maybe it’s because you and the hiring managers are all looking for the same people. There are only so many unicorns to go around,’” says Ms Payton, CEO of cyber-security firm Fortalice Solutions. Ms Payton was also formerly the CIO at the White House under George W Bush’s presidency from 2006 to 2008—and the first woman to hold that position.
Instead, Ms Payton recommends that CIOs start by considering the personal qualities they’re looking for in new hires, what she calls “non-negotiables”. The rest, she maintains, can be gained with training.
Ms Payton practices what she preaches and has implemented a mentor-protégé programme at her cyber-security firm. She explains the rationale: “Take advantage of your own amazing people and have them be responsible for some of the retooling and retraining of your workforce. Make it part of their workday. Build it into your resource plans that you’re going to train, coach and mentor the next generation. Doing that creates that cross training, that esprit de corps.”
Ms Payton also works hard to keep her own skills and knowledge up-to-the-minute. While working in Washington, DC, she got into the habit of waking at 3:30 am to read and make other preparations before the day’s first briefing. “You have to constantly be a student of the job,” she says. “Stay close to the business, and stay close to the technologies.”
To learn more about The EIU's Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, articles and an in-depth report, here.
[1] McKinsey, “Retraining and reskilling workers in the age of automation” January 2018.

Pioneering Leadership: CIOs Reinventing Technology and Business
Today these changes require going beyond simply introducing new technologies to digitise the company. As a result, we asked leading CIOs globally from across industries to explore how they are pioneering successful digital transformations to accelerate innovation and strategic enablement across their businesses.

Q&A with Theresa Payton, CEO, Fortalice, former CIO, White House
In this Q&A, we ask Theresa Payton, CEO of Fortalice Solutions and former CIO of the White House, about the changing role of the CIO, today’s cyber threat landscape and best practices in security and IT operations.
Theresa Payton is a leading expert in cyber-security and IT strategy. Ms Payton is currently CEO of Fortalice Solutions, a cyber-security consulting firm, and was the first woman CIO at the White House, serving under president George W Bush from 2006 to 2008. Ms Payton also previously held leadership roles at Bank of America and Wachovia.
EIU: How do you think the role of the CIO has changed since your time at the White House?
When I was CIO, which was from 2006 to 2008, we were right at the beginning of the social media revolution. People forget that the first iPhone was released in 2007. We can’t remember life without smartphones, but that was really a huge transformation in technology.
The things that have stayed the same are you absolutely have to have operational stability and resiliency. In an age where cybercrime constantly changes, as does the technology in the hands of people, the CIO has to foster the ability to adapt processes, people and security strategies to accommodate these changes. If the CIO ignores this, they will actually face outages in the long run and will not recover quickly from natural or man-made disasters.
You always have to walk that balance between how do you make sure that operation is resilient and secure, but at the same time, enable the staff that’s on the front lines of doing critically important business.
EIU: You were the first woman CIO in the White House. Tell us what you think about diversity and bringing more people into the technology industry.
A lot of progress has been made, but we still have so far to go. First of all, I am so grateful that president Bush made diversity and inclusion such a high priority during his administration.
I was equally thankful that I was the first female CIO at the White House. There was a wonderful level of professional courtesy and respect, and when you’re working 18-hour days with people, you tend to break down most barriers pretty quickly. And I am very proud of improving the overall technology and security platforms at the White House, as well as being able to recruit really great talent, including women and minorities, into the CIO team at the Executive Office of the President.
Within our own company, Fortalice, we do a mentor/protégé programme. When people come in and they haven’t done cyber before, they get assigned somebody in the company that’s their coach and mentor.
If you’re the best at what you do, you can do a lot of the training internally. Take advantage of your own amazing people and have them train and be responsible for some of the retooling and retraining of your own people. Make it part of their workday. Build it into your resource plans that you’re going to train, coach and mentor the next generation. It’s succession planning, and it’s, again, team talent, resiliency and operational stability. Doing that creates that cross training, that esprit de corps.
Of course, you’re going to have to spend some money on retooling and retraining, but you’re going to have an incredibly loyal employee that you’ve created in that process.
EIU: The White House is clearly a sensitive environment with a lot of mission critical information. How were you able to successfully manage security?
One of the strategies that I think was so successful at the White House, and the reason why we did not have a data breach while we were there, is I always think about things in zones of information, zones of protection and zones of need-to-know. We zoned off different parts of the operations within the White House. By creating those zones, you can create behavioral-based analytics about events.
The job of being CIO and responsible for security really has to start with the end-user case first, because then that’s how you will understand how cyber-criminals will actually try to take advantage of vulnerabilities in those use cases, and that’s at that level where you have to be thinking about protection. Once you know the critical assets the business must protect, you have to set daily battle rhythms for the team. This allows you to help the overall organisation stay focused on their day jobs while integrating security into the culture. The CIO can’t see security as a discrete function or a project, it has to be part of the service delivery.
EIU: What advice you would give to CIOs today?
The CIO job can be a little overwhelming because it is a massive undertaking in today’s day and age. You have the legacy systems that you have to maintain and operate, and the less sexy side of the CIO job: “Did you run payroll?” “Yeah, we made sure payroll ran.” There’s that least sexy side all the way to, are you actually transforming the business with really cool, cutting- and leading-edge technologies?
My counsel to CIOs is you need to be a constant student of your job. Whatever you thought made you successful to be here, throw some of that out the window, and reinvent yourself and reinvent your job on a regular basis.
Why are some companies successful? It’s because they’re reinventing themselves constantly as they see what the market demands are and what their competitors are doing. Then they can decide to be a fast follower, a total follower, a “no, I’m going to do my own thing”, or a leader. The CIO needs to be thinking about that.
EIU: Any best practices CIOs should remember when balancing these challenges and trying to reinvent themselves?
You have to stay close to the business and stay close to the technologies. Being a constant student of your job is easier said than done, but it’s actually never been easier than it is right now. Here are a few examples:
Pick something that along your career you were good at, and find ways to constantly keep learning. I started out as a developer. I’m not going to be as good as the developers I have working for me today because that’s what they do all day long. But just to make sure I keep my edge, I do online programming classes. Recently, I did one in Python.
Talk to smart people. I call them walk-abouts. I spend time talking to my team, and then our own CIOs and CISOs as clients. I ask them if you had to say what are your biggest three challenges this year, what are they and how are you going to tackle them? And you learn so much from other people. Conferences can be helpful as well. Take advantage of the information sharing that goes on at conferences.
Read, read, read as much as you can. I get up extra early in the morning. I got in the habit of getting up at 3:30 in the morning when I was in the White House to make sure that I could plan out my day and start reading before daily briefing started. If I wanted to make sure I had my day planned out and that I was being a student of my job, I had to get up extra early.
My biggest recommendation to CIOs everywhere is, every week, be thinking about what am I going to do that, as I’m transforming the business, allows me to transform myself in my role.
To learn more about The EIU’s Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, upcoming articles and an in-depth report, click here.
Workforce transformation and the CIO: Integrating technology and business
CIOs’ executive brief: three ways to update IT skills for digital transformation
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Pioneering Leadership: CIOs Reinventing Technology and Business
Today these changes require going beyond simply introducing new technologies to digitise the company. As a result, we asked leading CIOs globally from across industries to explore how they are pioneering successful digital transformations to accelerate innovation and strategic enablement across their businesses.

Possibilities require purpose: The role of emerging technology in digital t...
In theory, new technologies drive digital transformation, but CIOs often find it’s not that easy. In fact, adopting new technologies to drive business results requires the CIO’s strategic involvement from the very beginning, from choosing the technologies to ensuring they’re working effectively across the enterprise.
“The CIO must be totally cognizant of all emerging technologies and solutions coming onto the market,” says Ritesh Sarda, CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong. “But at the same time, technologies that fail to solve a relevant business problem are absolutely useless.”
Indeed, a recent survey of CIOs conducted by executive recruiter Harvey Nash and professional-services firms KPMG found that enterprise digital strategies were described as “very effective” by fewer than one in five IT leaders [1]. In another survey, conducted by IT advisory firm Gartner, more than 90% of respondents said their organisations haven’t yet reached “transformational” levels of maturity with data analytics, even though those companies’ CIOs have identified that technology as their number one investment priority [2].
Innovating with the customer in mind
Some CIOs, however, are doing an excellent job of identifying and evaluating new technologies for digital transformation. Increasingly, their organisations are doing the same with customer-facing products and services and implementing new technologies across their companies’ operations.
That’s the case at Whirlpool. The world’s leading home-appliance provider, Whirlpool ships more than 70m products a year, many of them digitally enabled. Various Whirlpool appliances now interact with artificial intelligence (AI) tools for analytics, automatic ordering services and several virtual assistants for voice control. Renata Marques, CIO of Whirlpool Latin America, and her IT team recently helped to develop a “smart” beer cooler, not yet on the market, that replenishes consumers’ beer supplies by detecting when beer is running out, then automatically ordering more from a partner marketplace. Moreover, the company recently acquired a mobile app called Yummly; it uses image recognition to inventory the food in a consumer’s pantry, then recommends recipes using only those ingredients on hand.
Ms Marques has encouraged her teams to leverage new technologies for consumer-facing innovation. The Latin America division, based in São Paulo, Brazil, brings in roughly a quarter of Whirlpool’s global sales, which totalled US$21bn last year. “Because digital transformation is part of our strategic agenda,” Ms Marques says, “our IT organisation works closely with engineering, marketing and other business areas.”
And Ms Marques is also adopting Agile, a methodology borrowed from software development, to speed up her new IT projects. Her team recently evaluated a new web platform using an Agile concept known as MVP. Short for minimum viable product, it provides just enough features to garner user feedback. “Agile is something we’ve worked on a lot,” Ms Marques says, “to not just speed up our process, but also create our future of innovation.”
For Ms Marques, “creating a future of innovation” includes a cloud-first strategy that has been key to helping her IT group meet business needs. For example, using the cloud, Whirlpool Latin America recently implemented a new commerce platform for its KitchenAid home appliance brand to improve the consumer experience. The project, though massive, was completed in less than five months. “Without our cloud-first strategy,” Ms Marques says, “we could never have delivered such a big project so quickly.”
Partnering for innovation
Partnerships are another way for CIOs to implement emerging technologies for digital transformation. It’s an approach that works well for Sun Life Financial, a Toronto-based provider of insurance, wealth and asset-management solutions to individuals and corporate clients.
Due to Sun Life’s size—it has 33,000 employees, offices in over 25 countries and assets under management in excess of C$930bn (US$736bn)—moving quickly on new technologies can be a challenge. “As a large enterprise, sometimes we cannot innovate that far,” says Mr Sarda, who joined Sun Life in 2006 and became CIO of its Hong Kong unit in 2016. “So we partner with accelerators and incubation centres where we can pick fintechs and partner with them to evolve a business idea.”
These partnerships have led to some innovative results. One partnership has resulted in Sun Life’s adoption of software robotic automation, also known as “tech bots”, to process customer applications that previously involved lots of painstaking paperwork. The software robots now mimic the work previously done by humans, including underwriting, examining historical records and reviewing claims records. “Where there are inherent system deficiencies, we can create bots rather than putting humans in to do the dirty jobs,” Mr Sarda says.
Another project enhanced by partnership is Sun Life’s implementation of chatbots. These AI implementations populate a website to answer customers’ frequently asked questions. Partners are also now working with Sun Life on blockchain, a platform for decentralised applications, and facial-recognition systems for identity authentication. At any given time, Mr Sarda and his team are partnering with as many as ten specialist companies. “Then,” he adds, “we see which ideas eventually become mature.”
DIY tech
At Intermountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit health system based in Salt Lake City, Utah, CIO Marc Probst and his team have taken a different approach to new technologies: they build what they need and then turn their solutions into new products and services for the company.
One internally developed IT innovation at Intermountain has even led to the formation of a separate company. Called Empiric Health, it offers software designed to help surgical teams control their costs by assessing how different procedures like supply utilisation or staffing affect health outcomes. “That was actually a piece of software we wrote for our internal operating rooms,” Mr Probst says. “We found it was saving us tens of millions of dollars a year, so our people said, ‘Hmm…this may be something of value to other organisations.’”
And using emerging technologies to drive business innovation can also help create better outcomes for patient health. For example, Intermountain clinicians developed a care process model to guide care provision for acute respiratory disease syndrome (ARDS), an illness that’s often fatal. While the model reduced mortality rates, Mr Probst’s team was able to leverage AI and Intermountain’s data to not only replicate the model for ARDS but also identify additional risk factors to further improve the quality of care.
“That’s one of the very real powers of AI. It took what would have taken months or years and allowed it to happen in days,” says Mr Probst.
As Intermountain shows, digital transformation involves shifting advanced technology beyond the IT department’s walls, bringing IT and the business ever closer. Although sometimes challenging, the introduction of new tech offers meaningful change for patients, providers and staff.
Putting it all together
Though every organisation is at a different stage of their transformation, there are several practices CIOs can keep in mind along the way:
Stay aware of new technologies and potential use cases to meet new customer demands; Leverage partnerships for innovation to pool resources and take risks; and Be creative about translating IT solutions into business innovations.In the end, the opportunities offered by emerging technologies may be well worth their weight in gold.
To learn more about the Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, articles and an in-depth report, here.
[1] KPMG, “Press release, the Harvey Nash / KPMG CIO Survey 2017” May 23rd 2017, [2] Gartner, “Gartner Survey shows organizations are slow to advance in data and analytics”, 2018
Q&A with Renata Marques, CIO, Whirlpool Latin America
In this Q&A, The EIU asks Renata Marques, CIO of Whirlpool Latin America, about the changing role of the CIO, how emerging technologies like cloud are enabling innovation and how businesses execute their digital transformation journeys.
Renata Marques is the CIO at Whirlpool Latin America, responsible for information technology and digital business transformation solutions. Ms Marques has held previous IT leadership roles at ABB and Monsanto.
__________EIU: How would you describe your role as a CIO today? What do you and your teams need to do to succeed looking forward?
My role as CIO is to be the conduit—to convert all the technical knowledge into a single strategy and not have a lot of different technologies everywhere not in conversation with our business. We should guide the business to use technology to enable their strategy, grow revenue and improve the consumer experience. So the changing nature of IT is our challenge.
Today, we are focused a lot on soft skills, to make sure that we hire people who are passionate for learning, comfortable taking risks, and very consumer and business focused. We understand that people with soft skills can adopt and learn new technologies much faster. Our internal IT teams are also consumers. They can use their own experience as a consumer to understand the business needs and to bring new capabilities to the company.
And to keep up, personally, I always feel that I need more. I am always looking for knowledge from other businesses and new research. I participate in events and conferences. As IT leaders, we must always be starving for new stuff.
EIU: What do you think about technology’s role in innovation?
We believe in innovation with a purpose. We work to fully understand the consumer and offer innovation that has meaning, strong rigour and focuses on the consumer’s benefit. We spend so much time and effort to understand what the consumer truly needs, for today and tomorrow.
That’s why we worked very hard last year on the consumer journey to understand their pain points, and through this experience, become able to design new services, with all the innovation and technology available in the market.
That said, digital transformation is part of our strategic agenda and not just our digital products and services, but everything that touches the consumer in all functions of the organisation: logistics, services, products, etc.
Our biggest projects will be on analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to improve how we bring products and services to our customers. We are using AI for a new generation of websites to provide consumers more self-service and a better user experience. Nowadays, it’s not important to just sell the product, but to support the consumer during his or her entire user journey.
It’s important to remember, though, that keeping the lights on is part of our agenda too. These are the basics. We should make sure the business is running very well and reliably. I think the secret there is: have a very solid and stable foundation that doesn’t consume the agenda of innovation and digital transformation. When you have a lot of issues here, it’s a problem, because then you don’t have time to focus on digital transformation.
EIU: Has cloud specifically affected your ability to deliver innovations?
We recently launched a B2B e-commerce platform that’s being implemented in Latin America to support spare parts for KitchenAid, our home appliance brand. This project was implemented in four and a half months. We used and are continuing to use an Agile development model. From the business point of view, the main driver of the initiative was the customer experience—to set clear pricing policies, update the catalogue, maintain the online store 24-7, improve wholesale services and so on. Without a cloud first strategy, we would never have been able to deliver a big project like that in four and a half months. Now we can.
Using the cloud first strategy, we can shift our agenda to be more business driven and innovative. When you are in the cloud, you cut immediately to the project phase. It’s much faster to contract services and infrastructure in the cloud.
EIU: How do you think about and manage failure as part of digital transformation?
We have some key performance indicators (KPIs) for the proof of concepts and minimum viable products (MVPs) that we perform during the year. We have a percentage that we can let fail, and it’s not a bad thing. We can learn from that, and that’s why starting small is really important, because starting small means we’ll be learning. We may fail, but if we fail, we can move faster to another alternative.
I don’t think that failure is the problem. We don’t want to make the same mistake over and over again, but if you fail and you learn from that—that is something that is very supported by the organisation. It’s been a cultural change.
EIU: Organisations are often in many different stages of their digital transformation. How would you describe your journey?
The first cycle of my journey at Whirlpool was to focus on technical debt elimination. I focused on what systems we should make stable and integrate. For example, we integrated our enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and moved it to a cloud as well. With that, we created a ready-for-use platform that would not consume our digital agenda but would actually be plugged into it.
More recently, I was able to focus more on digital transformation, to engage the organisation to shift and consolidate the way we create and deliver solutions, to have a clear understanding of business protocols, to leverage our methodologies and to encourage creativity, innovation, co-creation and partnership. This is the last two years’ agenda that could happen only because we stabilised the other systems.
The next cycle will be to consolidate this innovation and collaboration across the organisation to provide consistency and integration across all business units. We, as a big company, have many different functions, areas and departments. We want to continue this phase of not only focusing on the individual business function needs but to also engage all functions to work together and embrace digital transformation.
To learn more about The EIU’s Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, upcoming articles and an in-depth report, click here.
Pioneering Leadership: CIOs Reinventing Technology and Business
CIOs find digital transformation often demands not only technological change but also a re-imagination of roles, skills and culture. This report examines how CIOs are changing themselves and their organisations to ready themselves for the future.
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Keep your own IT skills current. “Read, read, read as much as you can,” advises Theresa Payton, CEO of Fortalice Solutions and former White House CIO. “Then ask yourself, ‘what am I going to do—while I’m transforming the business—that allows me to transform myself in my role?’” Take a multi-tactic approach to building IT staff skills. Wondering whether to train, hire or outsource? All of the above, advise IT leaders. “The skills of those who report to the CIO are much more technical than they used to be,” says Marc Probst, CIO of Intermountain Healthcare. Engage with tomorrow’s IT experts today. Jaguar Land Rover, anticipating a shortage of skilled engineers, has engaged with more than 2m young people in the UK, encouraging them to consider STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) education through its Inspiring Tomorrow’s Engineers initiative. Next, the company plans to engage with 2m more young people, this time worldwide, by 2020.
The pace at which new technologies—cloud, big data analytics, virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and more—are developing is breathtaking. But if you really want to hear CIOs gasp for air, ask them about the new demands CIOs face as they seek to turn clever IT innovations into real-world business transformation.
CIOs must manage increasing IT complexity and the growing demands of business stakeholders. As Simon Bolton, CIO of UK-based Jaguar Land Rover also notes, modernising business strategies and aligning them with emerging technologies remain a CIO imperative: “My biggest aspiration is to help Jaguar Land Rover to be seen as a technology leader outside of the company within the automotive space.
“We’ve seen the industry changes: electrification, connected cars, autonomous driving, etc. We need to transform our business so that we’re ready to maximise those opportunities. In today’s world, where customers’ expectations are changing very quickly, we need to have systems that can respond to those changing requirements.”
CIOs face the dual challenge of maintaining business critical systems while adapting the business to leverage new technologies. Renata Marques, Latin America CIO of Whirlpool, advises CIOs to “have a very solid and stable foundation that doesn't consume the agenda of innovation and digital transformation.”
And yet many CIOs and their staff are not necessarily prepared for all of this change and the major implications for the workforce and skills. In a recent survey conducted by McKinsey, more than 60% of business executives said that due to advancing automation and digitisation, they’ll need to retrain or replace more than a quarter of their workforce between now and 2023 [1].
To make many of these changes successfully, integration of business and IT knowledge will be essential. Ritesh Sarda, CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong says:
“Technologies without the business acumen or those that fail to solve the relevant business problem are absolutely useless. I think CIOs have to become more business savvy and have to be integrated and engrained into the business so that we know how we can use technology to resolve business challenges and make things forward-looking from an industry perspective."
New demands = New opportunities
Although balancing traditional business needs with the desire for innovation is always a challenge, the same changes that have reshaped the role of the CIO have also created new opportunities for workforce transformation.
Indeed, one reason CIOs need new skills is the way IT has moved beyond the back office and into customer-facing products and services. Consider today’s new cars. Essentially rolling data centres, they’re equipped with computerised engine components, Wi-Fi networks, GPS navigation, backup cameras, lane-departure warning systems and more. Tomorrow promises even more onboard IT, including electric batteries, voice-activated controls and self-driving capabilities.
Alongside these new tools, customers’ growing IT savvy puts even more pressure on CIOs. At Jaguar Land Rover, designers work on a seven-year product life cycle. For traditional automotive designers and engineers, to create a highly complex vehicle, that may seem like the blink of an eye. But for today’s consumers, it’s more like an eternity.
One path forward may be the adoption and implementation of Agile practices. “We need to do all we can to remain agile,” Mr Bolton says. “That’s becoming ever more challenging as technology moves faster and faster. As a company, we need to wrap our heads around this and make sure we’re all going forward at that speed.”
Ms Marques of Whirlpool brought in an Agile coach into the IT function to train her team once a week: “We started to transform our projects by adopting Agile methodology and delivering technology to the business in a different way. This is something that we’ve worked on a lot, not to just to speed up our process, but to create this future of innovation.”
Mr Bolton of Jaguar agrees that these changes bring new opportunities for workforce organisation. Historically, Jaguar Land Rover’s strengths have been engineering, manufacturing and design. Today, the company seeks to add to those strengths by placing greater emphasis on technology.
“Increasingly, we’re going to have to demonstrate real leadership around technology,” Mr Bolton says. “That requires a shift in skills, not just in the technology function, but across the company.”
That said, non-IT employees aren’t as far behind as they used to be, and like many consumers, both IT and non-IT staff have gained technological sophistication too. “One of the changes we’re going through,” notes Mr Bolton, “is we’re insourcing—not for every skill—but we’re bringing back in certain areas of technology that we’ve outsourced over the past few years”.
Marc Probst, CIO of Intermountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit health system based in Salt Lake City, Utah, has had a front-row view of the dramatic changes in overall familiarity with technology. Technical positions at Intermountain that formerly reported into IT and Mr Probst have shifted to its clinical and financial business units.
For Mr Probst, that means assuming a new role. “I’ve become more of a co-ordinator,” he says, “and a technical resource to make sure the things they’re doing fall within our security parameters and don’t blow up the system. It’s really different.”
Ms Marques of Whirlpool similarly describes the importance of being a technical resource for the business and understanding its strategic needs: “Our role as CIO is to be the conduit—to convert all the technical knowledge into a single strategy and not have a lot of different technologies everywhere not in conversation with our business.”
The value of reskilling and mentorship
Though IT employees still generally have a better understanding of technology than other employees, given the fast-changing nature of technology, many CIOs find that their current IT staff members still struggle to keep up with consumer or colleague expectations. It’s a rare IT department that employs experts in big data analytics, AI and VR. Yet these skills are increasingly in demand. Some even say the IT industry faces a talent shortage.
Two ways forward may be hiring for greater diversity and improving mentoring and internal training. In theory, that should not be difficult. One person advocating for those changes is Theresa Payton.
“Recruiters tell me, ‘there’s a war for talent, and we just can’t find qualified people.’ I reply, ‘Well, maybe it’s because you and the hiring managers are all looking for the same people. There are only so many unicorns to go around,’” says Ms Payton, CEO of cyber-security firm Fortalice Solutions. Ms Payton was also formerly the CIO at the White House under George W Bush’s presidency from 2006 to 2008—and the first woman to hold that position.
Instead, Ms Payton recommends that CIOs start by considering the personal qualities they’re looking for in new hires, what she calls “non-negotiables”. The rest, she maintains, can be gained with training.
Ms Payton practices what she preaches and has implemented a mentor-protégé programme at her cyber-security firm. She explains the rationale: “Take advantage of your own amazing people and have them be responsible for some of the retooling and retraining of your workforce. Make it part of their workday. Build it into your resource plans that you’re going to train, coach and mentor the next generation. Doing that creates that cross training, that esprit de corps.”
Ms Payton also works hard to keep her own skills and knowledge up-to-the-minute. While working in Washington, DC, she got into the habit of waking at 3:30 am to read and make other preparations before the day’s first briefing. “You have to constantly be a student of the job,” she says. “Stay close to the business, and stay close to the technologies.”
To learn more about The EIU's Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, articles and an in-depth report, here.
[1] McKinsey, “Retraining and reskilling workers in the age of automation” January 2018.

Possibilities require purpose: The role of emerging technology in digital t...
In theory, new technologies drive digital transformation, but CIOs often find it’s not that easy. In fact, adopting new technologies to drive business results requires the CIO’s strategic involvement from the very beginning, from choosing the technologies to ensuring they’re working effectively across the enterprise.
“The CIO must be totally cognizant of all emerging technologies and solutions coming onto the market,” says Ritesh Sarda, CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong. “But at the same time, technologies that fail to solve a relevant business problem are absolutely useless.”
Indeed, a recent survey of CIOs conducted by executive recruiter Harvey Nash and professional-services firms KPMG found that enterprise digital strategies were described as “very effective” by fewer than one in five IT leaders [1]. In another survey, conducted by IT advisory firm Gartner, more than 90% of respondents said their organisations haven’t yet reached “transformational” levels of maturity with data analytics, even though those companies’ CIOs have identified that technology as their number one investment priority [2].
Innovating with the customer in mind
Some CIOs, however, are doing an excellent job of identifying and evaluating new technologies for digital transformation. Increasingly, their organisations are doing the same with customer-facing products and services and implementing new technologies across their companies’ operations.
That’s the case at Whirlpool. The world’s leading home-appliance provider, Whirlpool ships more than 70m products a year, many of them digitally enabled. Various Whirlpool appliances now interact with artificial intelligence (AI) tools for analytics, automatic ordering services and several virtual assistants for voice control. Renata Marques, CIO of Whirlpool Latin America, and her IT team recently helped to develop a “smart” beer cooler, not yet on the market, that replenishes consumers’ beer supplies by detecting when beer is running out, then automatically ordering more from a partner marketplace. Moreover, the company recently acquired a mobile app called Yummly; it uses image recognition to inventory the food in a consumer’s pantry, then recommends recipes using only those ingredients on hand.
Ms Marques has encouraged her teams to leverage new technologies for consumer-facing innovation. The Latin America division, based in São Paulo, Brazil, brings in roughly a quarter of Whirlpool’s global sales, which totalled US$21bn last year. “Because digital transformation is part of our strategic agenda,” Ms Marques says, “our IT organisation works closely with engineering, marketing and other business areas.”
And Ms Marques is also adopting Agile, a methodology borrowed from software development, to speed up her new IT projects. Her team recently evaluated a new web platform using an Agile concept known as MVP. Short for minimum viable product, it provides just enough features to garner user feedback. “Agile is something we’ve worked on a lot,” Ms Marques says, “to not just speed up our process, but also create our future of innovation.”
For Ms Marques, “creating a future of innovation” includes a cloud-first strategy that has been key to helping her IT group meet business needs. For example, using the cloud, Whirlpool Latin America recently implemented a new commerce platform for its KitchenAid home appliance brand to improve the consumer experience. The project, though massive, was completed in less than five months. “Without our cloud-first strategy,” Ms Marques says, “we could never have delivered such a big project so quickly.”
Partnering for innovation
Partnerships are another way for CIOs to implement emerging technologies for digital transformation. It’s an approach that works well for Sun Life Financial, a Toronto-based provider of insurance, wealth and asset-management solutions to individuals and corporate clients.
Due to Sun Life’s size—it has 33,000 employees, offices in over 25 countries and assets under management in excess of C$930bn (US$736bn)—moving quickly on new technologies can be a challenge. “As a large enterprise, sometimes we cannot innovate that far,” says Mr Sarda, who joined Sun Life in 2006 and became CIO of its Hong Kong unit in 2016. “So we partner with accelerators and incubation centres where we can pick fintechs and partner with them to evolve a business idea.”
These partnerships have led to some innovative results. One partnership has resulted in Sun Life’s adoption of software robotic automation, also known as “tech bots”, to process customer applications that previously involved lots of painstaking paperwork. The software robots now mimic the work previously done by humans, including underwriting, examining historical records and reviewing claims records. “Where there are inherent system deficiencies, we can create bots rather than putting humans in to do the dirty jobs,” Mr Sarda says.
Another project enhanced by partnership is Sun Life’s implementation of chatbots. These AI implementations populate a website to answer customers’ frequently asked questions. Partners are also now working with Sun Life on blockchain, a platform for decentralised applications, and facial-recognition systems for identity authentication. At any given time, Mr Sarda and his team are partnering with as many as ten specialist companies. “Then,” he adds, “we see which ideas eventually become mature.”
DIY tech
At Intermountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit health system based in Salt Lake City, Utah, CIO Marc Probst and his team have taken a different approach to new technologies: they build what they need and then turn their solutions into new products and services for the company.
One internally developed IT innovation at Intermountain has even led to the formation of a separate company. Called Empiric Health, it offers software designed to help surgical teams control their costs by assessing how different procedures like supply utilisation or staffing affect health outcomes. “That was actually a piece of software we wrote for our internal operating rooms,” Mr Probst says. “We found it was saving us tens of millions of dollars a year, so our people said, ‘Hmm…this may be something of value to other organisations.’”
And using emerging technologies to drive business innovation can also help create better outcomes for patient health. For example, Intermountain clinicians developed a care process model to guide care provision for acute respiratory disease syndrome (ARDS), an illness that’s often fatal. While the model reduced mortality rates, Mr Probst’s team was able to leverage AI and Intermountain’s data to not only replicate the model for ARDS but also identify additional risk factors to further improve the quality of care.
“That’s one of the very real powers of AI. It took what would have taken months or years and allowed it to happen in days,” says Mr Probst.
As Intermountain shows, digital transformation involves shifting advanced technology beyond the IT department’s walls, bringing IT and the business ever closer. Although sometimes challenging, the introduction of new tech offers meaningful change for patients, providers and staff.
Putting it all together
Though every organisation is at a different stage of their transformation, there are several practices CIOs can keep in mind along the way:
Stay aware of new technologies and potential use cases to meet new customer demands; Leverage partnerships for innovation to pool resources and take risks; and Be creative about translating IT solutions into business innovations.In the end, the opportunities offered by emerging technologies may be well worth their weight in gold.
To learn more about the Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, articles and an in-depth report, here.
[1] KPMG, “Press release, the Harvey Nash / KPMG CIO Survey 2017” May 23rd 2017, [2] Gartner, “Gartner Survey shows organizations are slow to advance in data and analytics”, 2018
Q&A with Ritesh Sarda, CIO, Sun Life Financial Hong Kong
In this Q&A, The EIU asks Ritesh Sarda, CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong, about the changing role of the CIO, digital transformation in the financial services industry and how CIOs can leverage emerging technologies to enable their business strategies. Ritesh Sarda is the CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong.
Mr Sarda has been in the financial services industry for 18 years and held senior IT roles in Singapore, Japan, India and the Philippines. He has led large digital transformation projects in Asia and North America and previously worked for GE Capital, Aon Hewitt and IBM.
The role of the CIO has moved beyond simply managing technology to offering a competitive advantage for business. A great CIO is an absolutely unique differentiator. Throughout my career and during my time at Sun Life Financial, I’ve learned there are two aspects of the job that have become crucial to maintaining that differentiation.
First, it’s important for a CIO to be cognizant of all the emerging technologies and solutions in the market—not just the local market but also the global market and in global industries. You have to look beyond your own industry and geography. Given our global reach at Sun Life Financial, we always look to Singapore, China and Canada for innovative business scenarios and usage of advanced technology. For example, we admire WeChat and Alipay-based payment systems that enable clients to use their platform of choice to make payments.
Second, technologies without business acumen or those that fail to solve the relevant business problem are absolutely useless. CIOs have to become more business savvy and have to be integrated and engrained into the business so that we know how we can use technology to resolve business challenges and make things forward-looking from an industry perspective.
Bottom line, the CIO has moved from the back office to the boardroom. There’s no boardroom conversation that happens without the CIO involved.
The insurance business, primarily the life insurance business, for a very long time has been a very manual, operationally based world. When we look at my role as CIO today, which includes legacy work, digital transformation, information management, security and more, to address this challenge, we must consider a few key principles.
Our digital strategy is based on making sure that: first, we become more client-centric and, second, we empower and enable our financial advisers to become more well informed and connected with clients than they’ve ever been. Client-centric thinking is paramount from a digital transformation perspective because most of our relationships are with financial advisers. We don’t necessarily have a well-connected client.
For our end-user clients, we built a mobile application, the my Sun Life client app. Clients can see their entire portfolio in a single view, across multiple relationships they might have with Sun Life. If they want to use the app for electronic servicing, to change basic contact information, update beneficiary information or even file electronic claims, it enables them to do that.
We’re working on a mobile-based point of sale system that enables our advisers to complete the sales process on an iPad. They will be able to do financial need analyses, proposal and sales illustrations, and the whole application process, including the payment and underwriting. This facilitates an almost straight-through processing of applications and near-real-time issuance of policy contract to clients.
Finally, we’re working on the adviser home office mobile app, an adviser-servicing platform that enables advisers to respond to client queries more quickly. And as advisers learn what life-changing moments are happening in clients’ lives, the app enables them to do maybe more upselling.
EIU: How do you evaluate digital transformation projects?
When we started a few years back, evaluation was more about keeping up with market changes. Over the last few years, we have matured, and today the key performance indicators (KPIs) are wide ranging and not necessarily only financial KPIs but also the softer KPIs, including adviser churn ratios, client retention, returning and repeat clients, opportunities to do cross-sells and upsells, our Net Promoter Scores and so on.
We now have the right metrics to determine the value of everything we do for client experience, adviser efficiency and operational efficiency. It’s easy to put fancy, front-end digital assets in front of clients and advisers but they don’t help if we have broken operational processes. So, the metrics are also about operational efficiency in terms of how much straight-through processing are we able to do? How are we making our processes more automated?
EIU: How are you leveraging emerging technologies to make those improvements in operational efficiency?
We’re using robotic process automation to make sure that wherever there are inherent system deficiencies, we are able to work on them without having humans do the dirty jobs, and instead have bots streamline those processes. We are using bots in two areas.
One is where there is a lot of manual process, for example, when an application comes through paper or electronically, to look at underwriting, amount histories and existing client claims records. Most often, the operational user has to enter multiple systems to pull out the information. Now, a bot will mimic human behaviour to enter multiple systems, search for the right information and present it to the user to make the sale more quickly.
A second example is in the contact centre. When a client calls up, normally customer services people have to go into multiple systems to find the right information. Now, all they do is fire a bot, and the bot extracts the right information to answer the customer call.
We’ve also done proof of concepts with chatbots that use natural language processing (NLP) to interpret client conversations and conduct system queries to fetch the relevant information from the backend system. We plan to deploy some in the near future.
All of these projects have a very strong layer of data and analytics that serve as glue between the adviser and client. If a client contacts Sun Life—via an adviser, branch offices or the contact centre—everybody gets the holistic view of client interaction across these digital assets.
Data and analytics are also helping us make sense of client behaviours; to do better client segmentations; to make more appropriate and relevant product design based on client demographics; and to facilitate lead generation and outreach to target client segments based on their stage of life, product requirements and so on.
In a nutshell, adviser-oriented, client-oriented, and empowered by data and analytics is what our digital transformation looks like. It lets us address our business challenges and provide deeper insights and recommendations to our clients to help them meet their financial goals.
To learn more about The EIU’s Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, upcoming articles and an in-depth report, here.
Q&A with Theresa Payton, CEO, Fortalice, former CIO, White House
In this Q&A, we ask Theresa Payton, CEO of Fortalice Solutions and former CIO of the White House, about the changing role of the CIO, today’s cyber threat landscape and best practices in security and IT operations.
Theresa Payton is a leading expert in cyber-security and IT strategy. Ms Payton is currently CEO of Fortalice Solutions, a cyber-security consulting firm, and was the first woman CIO at the White House, serving under president George W Bush from 2006 to 2008. Ms Payton also previously held leadership roles at Bank of America and Wachovia.
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Workforce transformation and the CIO: Integrating technology and business
CIOs’ executive brief: three ways to update IT skills for digital transformation
Keep your own IT skills current. “Read, read, read as much as you can,” advises Theresa Payton, CEO of Fortalice Solutions and former White House CIO. “Then ask yourself, ‘what am I going to do—while I’m transforming the business—that allows me to transform myself in my role?’” Take a multi-tactic approach to building IT staff skills. Wondering whether to train, hire or outsource? All of the above, advise IT leaders. “The skills of those who report to the CIO are much more technical than they used to be,” says Marc Probst, CIO of Intermountain Healthcare. Engage with tomorrow’s IT experts today. Jaguar Land Rover, anticipating a shortage of skilled engineers, has engaged with more than 2m young people in the UK, encouraging them to consider STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) education through its Inspiring Tomorrow’s Engineers initiative. Next, the company plans to engage with 2m more young people, this time worldwide, by 2020.
The pace at which new technologies—cloud, big data analytics, virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and more—are developing is breathtaking. But if you really want to hear CIOs gasp for air, ask them about the new demands CIOs face as they seek to turn clever IT innovations into real-world business transformation.
CIOs must manage increasing IT complexity and the growing demands of business stakeholders. As Simon Bolton, CIO of UK-based Jaguar Land Rover also notes, modernising business strategies and aligning them with emerging technologies remain a CIO imperative: “My biggest aspiration is to help Jaguar Land Rover to be seen as a technology leader outside of the company within the automotive space.
“We’ve seen the industry changes: electrification, connected cars, autonomous driving, etc. We need to transform our business so that we’re ready to maximise those opportunities. In today’s world, where customers’ expectations are changing very quickly, we need to have systems that can respond to those changing requirements.”
CIOs face the dual challenge of maintaining business critical systems while adapting the business to leverage new technologies. Renata Marques, Latin America CIO of Whirlpool, advises CIOs to “have a very solid and stable foundation that doesn't consume the agenda of innovation and digital transformation.”
And yet many CIOs and their staff are not necessarily prepared for all of this change and the major implications for the workforce and skills. In a recent survey conducted by McKinsey, more than 60% of business executives said that due to advancing automation and digitisation, they’ll need to retrain or replace more than a quarter of their workforce between now and 2023 [1].
To make many of these changes successfully, integration of business and IT knowledge will be essential. Ritesh Sarda, CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong says:
“Technologies without the business acumen or those that fail to solve the relevant business problem are absolutely useless. I think CIOs have to become more business savvy and have to be integrated and engrained into the business so that we know how we can use technology to resolve business challenges and make things forward-looking from an industry perspective."
New demands = New opportunities
Although balancing traditional business needs with the desire for innovation is always a challenge, the same changes that have reshaped the role of the CIO have also created new opportunities for workforce transformation.
Indeed, one reason CIOs need new skills is the way IT has moved beyond the back office and into customer-facing products and services. Consider today’s new cars. Essentially rolling data centres, they’re equipped with computerised engine components, Wi-Fi networks, GPS navigation, backup cameras, lane-departure warning systems and more. Tomorrow promises even more onboard IT, including electric batteries, voice-activated controls and self-driving capabilities.
Alongside these new tools, customers’ growing IT savvy puts even more pressure on CIOs. At Jaguar Land Rover, designers work on a seven-year product life cycle. For traditional automotive designers and engineers, to create a highly complex vehicle, that may seem like the blink of an eye. But for today’s consumers, it’s more like an eternity.
One path forward may be the adoption and implementation of Agile practices. “We need to do all we can to remain agile,” Mr Bolton says. “That’s becoming ever more challenging as technology moves faster and faster. As a company, we need to wrap our heads around this and make sure we’re all going forward at that speed.”
Ms Marques of Whirlpool brought in an Agile coach into the IT function to train her team once a week: “We started to transform our projects by adopting Agile methodology and delivering technology to the business in a different way. This is something that we’ve worked on a lot, not to just to speed up our process, but to create this future of innovation.”
Mr Bolton of Jaguar agrees that these changes bring new opportunities for workforce organisation. Historically, Jaguar Land Rover’s strengths have been engineering, manufacturing and design. Today, the company seeks to add to those strengths by placing greater emphasis on technology.
“Increasingly, we’re going to have to demonstrate real leadership around technology,” Mr Bolton says. “That requires a shift in skills, not just in the technology function, but across the company.”
That said, non-IT employees aren’t as far behind as they used to be, and like many consumers, both IT and non-IT staff have gained technological sophistication too. “One of the changes we’re going through,” notes Mr Bolton, “is we’re insourcing—not for every skill—but we’re bringing back in certain areas of technology that we’ve outsourced over the past few years”.
Marc Probst, CIO of Intermountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit health system based in Salt Lake City, Utah, has had a front-row view of the dramatic changes in overall familiarity with technology. Technical positions at Intermountain that formerly reported into IT and Mr Probst have shifted to its clinical and financial business units.
For Mr Probst, that means assuming a new role. “I’ve become more of a co-ordinator,” he says, “and a technical resource to make sure the things they’re doing fall within our security parameters and don’t blow up the system. It’s really different.”
Ms Marques of Whirlpool similarly describes the importance of being a technical resource for the business and understanding its strategic needs: “Our role as CIO is to be the conduit—to convert all the technical knowledge into a single strategy and not have a lot of different technologies everywhere not in conversation with our business.”
The value of reskilling and mentorship
Though IT employees still generally have a better understanding of technology than other employees, given the fast-changing nature of technology, many CIOs find that their current IT staff members still struggle to keep up with consumer or colleague expectations. It’s a rare IT department that employs experts in big data analytics, AI and VR. Yet these skills are increasingly in demand. Some even say the IT industry faces a talent shortage.
Two ways forward may be hiring for greater diversity and improving mentoring and internal training. In theory, that should not be difficult. One person advocating for those changes is Theresa Payton.
“Recruiters tell me, ‘there’s a war for talent, and we just can’t find qualified people.’ I reply, ‘Well, maybe it’s because you and the hiring managers are all looking for the same people. There are only so many unicorns to go around,’” says Ms Payton, CEO of cyber-security firm Fortalice Solutions. Ms Payton was also formerly the CIO at the White House under George W Bush’s presidency from 2006 to 2008—and the first woman to hold that position.
Instead, Ms Payton recommends that CIOs start by considering the personal qualities they’re looking for in new hires, what she calls “non-negotiables”. The rest, she maintains, can be gained with training.
Ms Payton practices what she preaches and has implemented a mentor-protégé programme at her cyber-security firm. She explains the rationale: “Take advantage of your own amazing people and have them be responsible for some of the retooling and retraining of your workforce. Make it part of their workday. Build it into your resource plans that you’re going to train, coach and mentor the next generation. Doing that creates that cross training, that esprit de corps.”
Ms Payton also works hard to keep her own skills and knowledge up-to-the-minute. While working in Washington, DC, she got into the habit of waking at 3:30 am to read and make other preparations before the day’s first briefing. “You have to constantly be a student of the job,” she says. “Stay close to the business, and stay close to the technologies.”
To learn more about The EIU's Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, articles and an in-depth report, here.
[1] McKinsey, “Retraining and reskilling workers in the age of automation” January 2018.

Possibilities require purpose: The role of emerging technology in digital t...
In theory, new technologies drive digital transformation, but CIOs often find it’s not that easy. In fact, adopting new technologies to drive business results requires the CIO’s strategic involvement from the very beginning, from choosing the technologies to ensuring they’re working effectively across the enterprise.
“The CIO must be totally cognizant of all emerging technologies and solutions coming onto the market,” says Ritesh Sarda, CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong. “But at the same time, technologies that fail to solve a relevant business problem are absolutely useless.”
Indeed, a recent survey of CIOs conducted by executive recruiter Harvey Nash and professional-services firms KPMG found that enterprise digital strategies were described as “very effective” by fewer than one in five IT leaders [1]. In another survey, conducted by IT advisory firm Gartner, more than 90% of respondents said their organisations haven’t yet reached “transformational” levels of maturity with data analytics, even though those companies’ CIOs have identified that technology as their number one investment priority [2].
Innovating with the customer in mind
Some CIOs, however, are doing an excellent job of identifying and evaluating new technologies for digital transformation. Increasingly, their organisations are doing the same with customer-facing products and services and implementing new technologies across their companies’ operations.
That’s the case at Whirlpool. The world’s leading home-appliance provider, Whirlpool ships more than 70m products a year, many of them digitally enabled. Various Whirlpool appliances now interact with artificial intelligence (AI) tools for analytics, automatic ordering services and several virtual assistants for voice control. Renata Marques, CIO of Whirlpool Latin America, and her IT team recently helped to develop a “smart” beer cooler, not yet on the market, that replenishes consumers’ beer supplies by detecting when beer is running out, then automatically ordering more from a partner marketplace. Moreover, the company recently acquired a mobile app called Yummly; it uses image recognition to inventory the food in a consumer’s pantry, then recommends recipes using only those ingredients on hand.
Ms Marques has encouraged her teams to leverage new technologies for consumer-facing innovation. The Latin America division, based in São Paulo, Brazil, brings in roughly a quarter of Whirlpool’s global sales, which totalled US$21bn last year. “Because digital transformation is part of our strategic agenda,” Ms Marques says, “our IT organisation works closely with engineering, marketing and other business areas.”
And Ms Marques is also adopting Agile, a methodology borrowed from software development, to speed up her new IT projects. Her team recently evaluated a new web platform using an Agile concept known as MVP. Short for minimum viable product, it provides just enough features to garner user feedback. “Agile is something we’ve worked on a lot,” Ms Marques says, “to not just speed up our process, but also create our future of innovation.”
For Ms Marques, “creating a future of innovation” includes a cloud-first strategy that has been key to helping her IT group meet business needs. For example, using the cloud, Whirlpool Latin America recently implemented a new commerce platform for its KitchenAid home appliance brand to improve the consumer experience. The project, though massive, was completed in less than five months. “Without our cloud-first strategy,” Ms Marques says, “we could never have delivered such a big project so quickly.”
Partnering for innovation
Partnerships are another way for CIOs to implement emerging technologies for digital transformation. It’s an approach that works well for Sun Life Financial, a Toronto-based provider of insurance, wealth and asset-management solutions to individuals and corporate clients.
Due to Sun Life’s size—it has 33,000 employees, offices in over 25 countries and assets under management in excess of C$930bn (US$736bn)—moving quickly on new technologies can be a challenge. “As a large enterprise, sometimes we cannot innovate that far,” says Mr Sarda, who joined Sun Life in 2006 and became CIO of its Hong Kong unit in 2016. “So we partner with accelerators and incubation centres where we can pick fintechs and partner with them to evolve a business idea.”
These partnerships have led to some innovative results. One partnership has resulted in Sun Life’s adoption of software robotic automation, also known as “tech bots”, to process customer applications that previously involved lots of painstaking paperwork. The software robots now mimic the work previously done by humans, including underwriting, examining historical records and reviewing claims records. “Where there are inherent system deficiencies, we can create bots rather than putting humans in to do the dirty jobs,” Mr Sarda says.
Another project enhanced by partnership is Sun Life’s implementation of chatbots. These AI implementations populate a website to answer customers’ frequently asked questions. Partners are also now working with Sun Life on blockchain, a platform for decentralised applications, and facial-recognition systems for identity authentication. At any given time, Mr Sarda and his team are partnering with as many as ten specialist companies. “Then,” he adds, “we see which ideas eventually become mature.”
DIY tech
At Intermountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit health system based in Salt Lake City, Utah, CIO Marc Probst and his team have taken a different approach to new technologies: they build what they need and then turn their solutions into new products and services for the company.
One internally developed IT innovation at Intermountain has even led to the formation of a separate company. Called Empiric Health, it offers software designed to help surgical teams control their costs by assessing how different procedures like supply utilisation or staffing affect health outcomes. “That was actually a piece of software we wrote for our internal operating rooms,” Mr Probst says. “We found it was saving us tens of millions of dollars a year, so our people said, ‘Hmm…this may be something of value to other organisations.’”
And using emerging technologies to drive business innovation can also help create better outcomes for patient health. For example, Intermountain clinicians developed a care process model to guide care provision for acute respiratory disease syndrome (ARDS), an illness that’s often fatal. While the model reduced mortality rates, Mr Probst’s team was able to leverage AI and Intermountain’s data to not only replicate the model for ARDS but also identify additional risk factors to further improve the quality of care.
“That’s one of the very real powers of AI. It took what would have taken months or years and allowed it to happen in days,” says Mr Probst.
As Intermountain shows, digital transformation involves shifting advanced technology beyond the IT department’s walls, bringing IT and the business ever closer. Although sometimes challenging, the introduction of new tech offers meaningful change for patients, providers and staff.
Putting it all together
Though every organisation is at a different stage of their transformation, there are several practices CIOs can keep in mind along the way:
Stay aware of new technologies and potential use cases to meet new customer demands; Leverage partnerships for innovation to pool resources and take risks; and Be creative about translating IT solutions into business innovations.In the end, the opportunities offered by emerging technologies may be well worth their weight in gold.
To learn more about the Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, articles and an in-depth report, here.
[1] KPMG, “Press release, the Harvey Nash / KPMG CIO Survey 2017” May 23rd 2017, [2] Gartner, “Gartner Survey shows organizations are slow to advance in data and analytics”, 2018 with Renata Marques, CIO, Whirlpool Latin America
In this Q&A, The EIU asks Renata Marques, CIO of Whirlpool Latin America, about the changing role of the CIO, how emerging technologies like cloud are enabling innovation and how businesses execute their digital transformation journeys.
Renata Marques is the CIO at Whirlpool Latin America, responsible for information technology and digital business transformation solutions. Ms Marques has held previous IT leadership roles at ABB and Monsanto.
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Workforce transformation and the CIO: Integrating technology and business
CIOs’ executive brief: three ways to update IT skills for digital transformation
Keep your own IT skills current. “Read, read, read as much as you can,” advises Theresa Payton, CEO of Fortalice Solutions and former White House CIO. “Then ask yourself, ‘what am I going to do—while I’m transforming the business—that allows me to transform myself in my role?’” Take a multi-tactic approach to building IT staff skills. Wondering whether to train, hire or outsource? All of the above, advise IT leaders. “The skills of those who report to the CIO are much more technical than they used to be,” says Marc Probst, CIO of Intermountain Healthcare. Engage with tomorrow’s IT experts today. Jaguar Land Rover, anticipating a shortage of skilled engineers, has engaged with more than 2m young people in the UK, encouraging them to consider STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) education through its Inspiring Tomorrow’s Engineers initiative. Next, the company plans to engage with 2m more young people, this time worldwide, by 2020.
The pace at which new technologies—cloud, big data analytics, virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and more—are developing is breathtaking. But if you really want to hear CIOs gasp for air, ask them about the new demands CIOs face as they seek to turn clever IT innovations into real-world business transformation.
CIOs must manage increasing IT complexity and the growing demands of business stakeholders. As Simon Bolton, CIO of UK-based Jaguar Land Rover also notes, modernising business strategies and aligning them with emerging technologies remain a CIO imperative: “My biggest aspiration is to help Jaguar Land Rover to be seen as a technology leader outside of the company within the automotive space.
“We’ve seen the industry changes: electrification, connected cars, autonomous driving, etc. We need to transform our business so that we’re ready to maximise those opportunities. In today’s world, where customers’ expectations are changing very quickly, we need to have systems that can respond to those changing requirements.”
CIOs face the dual challenge of maintaining business critical systems while adapting the business to leverage new technologies. Renata Marques, Latin America CIO of Whirlpool, advises CIOs to “have a very solid and stable foundation that doesn't consume the agenda of innovation and digital transformation.”
And yet many CIOs and their staff are not necessarily prepared for all of this change and the major implications for the workforce and skills. In a recent survey conducted by McKinsey, more than 60% of business executives said that due to advancing automation and digitisation, they’ll need to retrain or replace more than a quarter of their workforce between now and 2023 [1].
To make many of these changes successfully, integration of business and IT knowledge will be essential. Ritesh Sarda, CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong says:
“Technologies without the business acumen or those that fail to solve the relevant business problem are absolutely useless. I think CIOs have to become more business savvy and have to be integrated and engrained into the business so that we know how we can use technology to resolve business challenges and make things forward-looking from an industry perspective."
New demands = New opportunities
Although balancing traditional business needs with the desire for innovation is always a challenge, the same changes that have reshaped the role of the CIO have also created new opportunities for workforce transformation.
Indeed, one reason CIOs need new skills is the way IT has moved beyond the back office and into customer-facing products and services. Consider today’s new cars. Essentially rolling data centres, they’re equipped with computerised engine components, Wi-Fi networks, GPS navigation, backup cameras, lane-departure warning systems and more. Tomorrow promises even more onboard IT, including electric batteries, voice-activated controls and self-driving capabilities.
Alongside these new tools, customers’ growing IT savvy puts even more pressure on CIOs. At Jaguar Land Rover, designers work on a seven-year product life cycle. For traditional automotive designers and engineers, to create a highly complex vehicle, that may seem like the blink of an eye. But for today’s consumers, it’s more like an eternity.
One path forward may be the adoption and implementation of Agile practices. “We need to do all we can to remain agile,” Mr Bolton says. “That’s becoming ever more challenging as technology moves faster and faster. As a company, we need to wrap our heads around this and make sure we’re all going forward at that speed.”
Ms Marques of Whirlpool brought in an Agile coach into the IT function to train her team once a week: “We started to transform our projects by adopting Agile methodology and delivering technology to the business in a different way. This is something that we’ve worked on a lot, not to just to speed up our process, but to create this future of innovation.”
Mr Bolton of Jaguar agrees that these changes bring new opportunities for workforce organisation. Historically, Jaguar Land Rover’s strengths have been engineering, manufacturing and design. Today, the company seeks to add to those strengths by placing greater emphasis on technology.
“Increasingly, we’re going to have to demonstrate real leadership around technology,” Mr Bolton says. “That requires a shift in skills, not just in the technology function, but across the company.”
That said, non-IT employees aren’t as far behind as they used to be, and like many consumers, both IT and non-IT staff have gained technological sophistication too. “One of the changes we’re going through,” notes Mr Bolton, “is we’re insourcing—not for every skill—but we’re bringing back in certain areas of technology that we’ve outsourced over the past few years”.
Marc Probst, CIO of Intermountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit health system based in Salt Lake City, Utah, has had a front-row view of the dramatic changes in overall familiarity with technology. Technical positions at Intermountain that formerly reported into IT and Mr Probst have shifted to its clinical and financial business units.
For Mr Probst, that means assuming a new role. “I’ve become more of a co-ordinator,” he says, “and a technical resource to make sure the things they’re doing fall within our security parameters and don’t blow up the system. It’s really different.”
Ms Marques of Whirlpool similarly describes the importance of being a technical resource for the business and understanding its strategic needs: “Our role as CIO is to be the conduit—to convert all the technical knowledge into a single strategy and not have a lot of different technologies everywhere not in conversation with our business.”
The value of reskilling and mentorship
Though IT employees still generally have a better understanding of technology than other employees, given the fast-changing nature of technology, many CIOs find that their current IT staff members still struggle to keep up with consumer or colleague expectations. It’s a rare IT department that employs experts in big data analytics, AI and VR. Yet these skills are increasingly in demand. Some even say the IT industry faces a talent shortage.
Two ways forward may be hiring for greater diversity and improving mentoring and internal training. In theory, that should not be difficult. One person advocating for those changes is Theresa Payton.
“Recruiters tell me, ‘there’s a war for talent, and we just can’t find qualified people.’ I reply, ‘Well, maybe it’s because you and the hiring managers are all looking for the same people. There are only so many unicorns to go around,’” says Ms Payton, CEO of cyber-security firm Fortalice Solutions. Ms Payton was also formerly the CIO at the White House under George W Bush’s presidency from 2006 to 2008—and the first woman to hold that position.
Instead, Ms Payton recommends that CIOs start by considering the personal qualities they’re looking for in new hires, what she calls “non-negotiables”. The rest, she maintains, can be gained with training.
Ms Payton practices what she preaches and has implemented a mentor-protégé programme at her cyber-security firm. She explains the rationale: “Take advantage of your own amazing people and have them be responsible for some of the retooling and retraining of your workforce. Make it part of their workday. Build it into your resource plans that you’re going to train, coach and mentor the next generation. Doing that creates that cross training, that esprit de corps.”
Ms Payton also works hard to keep her own skills and knowledge up-to-the-minute. While working in Washington, DC, she got into the habit of waking at 3:30 am to read and make other preparations before the day’s first briefing. “You have to constantly be a student of the job,” she says. “Stay close to the business, and stay close to the technologies.”
To learn more about The EIU's Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, articles and an in-depth report, here.
[1] McKinsey, “Retraining and reskilling workers in the age of automation” January 2018.

Possibilities require purpose: The role of emerging technology in digital t...
In theory, new technologies drive digital transformation, but CIOs often find it’s not that easy. In fact, adopting new technologies to drive business results requires the CIO’s strategic involvement from the very beginning, from choosing the technologies to ensuring they’re working effectively across the enterprise.
“The CIO must be totally cognizant of all emerging technologies and solutions coming onto the market,” says Ritesh Sarda, CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong. “But at the same time, technologies that fail to solve a relevant business problem are absolutely useless.”
Indeed, a recent survey of CIOs conducted by executive recruiter Harvey Nash and professional-services firms KPMG found that enterprise digital strategies were described as “very effective” by fewer than one in five IT leaders [1]. In another survey, conducted by IT advisory firm Gartner, more than 90% of respondents said their organisations haven’t yet reached “transformational” levels of maturity with data analytics, even though those companies’ CIOs have identified that technology as their number one investment priority [2].
Innovating with the customer in mind
Some CIOs, however, are doing an excellent job of identifying and evaluating new technologies for digital transformation. Increasingly, their organisations are doing the same with customer-facing products and services and implementing new technologies across their companies’ operations.
That’s the case at Whirlpool. The world’s leading home-appliance provider, Whirlpool ships more than 70m products a year, many of them digitally enabled. Various Whirlpool appliances now interact with artificial intelligence (AI) tools for analytics, automatic ordering services and several virtual assistants for voice control. Renata Marques, CIO of Whirlpool Latin America, and her IT team recently helped to develop a “smart” beer cooler, not yet on the market, that replenishes consumers’ beer supplies by detecting when beer is running out, then automatically ordering more from a partner marketplace. Moreover, the company recently acquired a mobile app called Yummly; it uses image recognition to inventory the food in a consumer’s pantry, then recommends recipes using only those ingredients on hand.
Ms Marques has encouraged her teams to leverage new technologies for consumer-facing innovation. The Latin America division, based in São Paulo, Brazil, brings in roughly a quarter of Whirlpool’s global sales, which totalled US$21bn last year. “Because digital transformation is part of our strategic agenda,” Ms Marques says, “our IT organisation works closely with engineering, marketing and other business areas.”
And Ms Marques is also adopting Agile, a methodology borrowed from software development, to speed up her new IT projects. Her team recently evaluated a new web platform using an Agile concept known as MVP. Short for minimum viable product, it provides just enough features to garner user feedback. “Agile is something we’ve worked on a lot,” Ms Marques says, “to not just speed up our process, but also create our future of innovation.”
For Ms Marques, “creating a future of innovation” includes a cloud-first strategy that has been key to helping her IT group meet business needs. For example, using the cloud, Whirlpool Latin America recently implemented a new commerce platform for its KitchenAid home appliance brand to improve the consumer experience. The project, though massive, was completed in less than five months. “Without our cloud-first strategy,” Ms Marques says, “we could never have delivered such a big project so quickly.”
Partnering for innovation
Partnerships are another way for CIOs to implement emerging technologies for digital transformation. It’s an approach that works well for Sun Life Financial, a Toronto-based provider of insurance, wealth and asset-management solutions to individuals and corporate clients.
Due to Sun Life’s size—it has 33,000 employees, offices in over 25 countries and assets under management in excess of C$930bn (US$736bn)—moving quickly on new technologies can be a challenge. “As a large enterprise, sometimes we cannot innovate that far,” says Mr Sarda, who joined Sun Life in 2006 and became CIO of its Hong Kong unit in 2016. “So we partner with accelerators and incubation centres where we can pick fintechs and partner with them to evolve a business idea.”
These partnerships have led to some innovative results. One partnership has resulted in Sun Life’s adoption of software robotic automation, also known as “tech bots”, to process customer applications that previously involved lots of painstaking paperwork. The software robots now mimic the work previously done by humans, including underwriting, examining historical records and reviewing claims records. “Where there are inherent system deficiencies, we can create bots rather than putting humans in to do the dirty jobs,” Mr Sarda says.
Another project enhanced by partnership is Sun Life’s implementation of chatbots. These AI implementations populate a website to answer customers’ frequently asked questions. Partners are also now working with Sun Life on blockchain, a platform for decentralised applications, and facial-recognition systems for identity authentication. At any given time, Mr Sarda and his team are partnering with as many as ten specialist companies. “Then,” he adds, “we see which ideas eventually become mature.”
DIY tech
At Intermountain Healthcare, a not-for-profit health system based in Salt Lake City, Utah, CIO Marc Probst and his team have taken a different approach to new technologies: they build what they need and then turn their solutions into new products and services for the company.
One internally developed IT innovation at Intermountain has even led to the formation of a separate company. Called Empiric Health, it offers software designed to help surgical teams control their costs by assessing how different procedures like supply utilisation or staffing affect health outcomes. “That was actually a piece of software we wrote for our internal operating rooms,” Mr Probst says. “We found it was saving us tens of millions of dollars a year, so our people said, ‘Hmm…this may be something of value to other organisations.’”
And using emerging technologies to drive business innovation can also help create better outcomes for patient health. For example, Intermountain clinicians developed a care process model to guide care provision for acute respiratory disease syndrome (ARDS), an illness that’s often fatal. While the model reduced mortality rates, Mr Probst’s team was able to leverage AI and Intermountain’s data to not only replicate the model for ARDS but also identify additional risk factors to further improve the quality of care.
“That’s one of the very real powers of AI. It took what would have taken months or years and allowed it to happen in days,” says Mr Probst.
As Intermountain shows, digital transformation involves shifting advanced technology beyond the IT department’s walls, bringing IT and the business ever closer. Although sometimes challenging, the introduction of new tech offers meaningful change for patients, providers and staff.
Putting it all together
Though every organisation is at a different stage of their transformation, there are several practices CIOs can keep in mind along the way:
Stay aware of new technologies and potential use cases to meet new customer demands; Leverage partnerships for innovation to pool resources and take risks; and Be creative about translating IT solutions into business innovations.In the end, the opportunities offered by emerging technologies may be well worth their weight in gold.
To learn more about the Pioneering Leadership programme, find a full range of insights, including more Q&As, articles and an in-depth report, here.
[1] KPMG, “Press release, the Harvey Nash / KPMG CIO Survey 2017” May 23rd 2017, [2] Gartner, “Gartner Survey shows organizations are slow to advance in data and analytics”, 2018