Strategy & Leadership




The consumer goods sector is the least troubled by corporate fraud among the industries questioned for our survey.

  • The loss per company is approximately U.S.$600,000, or just 9% of the average, despite the typical respondent in this sector having a higher turnover than most.
  • Perceived risk is very low compared with other sectors. IP theft is the type of fraud to which the greatest number of respondents in this sector consider themselves to be highly vulnerable, but only 11% claim that they fall into this category.
  • Thirty-two percent of firms have suffered no corporate fraud in the past three years, which is more than 50% better than the survey average. The prevalence of every specific type of fraud is also lower in this sector, often significantly so, except for theft of physical property and IP theft, both of which are close to the average for the overall sample.
  • Thirty-four percent of firms have seen the prevalence of fraud decrease and only 23% experienced an increase. However, a very good relative position does not mean that fraud has ceased to be a problem.
  • During the past three years, more than two-thirds of firms have suffered from corporate fraud in this sector
  • Seven in 10 have seen their exposure increase.

One reason for the sector’s success in containing fraud has been how seriously it treats the problem.

  • Use of the most important anti-fraud strategies is more widespread in the consumer goods sector than elsewhere. Financial measures are used by 83% of these firms, against 79% for the average. The spread in other areas is more pronounced, information security is used by 83%, compared with 70% for the average; physical asset security is used by 79% compared with 67%, and management controls used by 69%, compared with 64%.
  • Planned investment in further security measures is also more widespread across the board than in other sectors. For example, 69% plan further investments in information security, against an average of 59%.

The consumer goods sector is working hard to combat corporate fraud, and the results show. Although well ahead of its peers, plenty of scope remains for further progress.

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