Strategy & Leadership

What companies really worry about when expanding overseas

January 15, 2016


January 15, 2016

Martin Koehring

Senior Manager for Sustainability, Climate Change and Natural Resources & Head of the World Ocean Initiative

Martin Koehring is senior manager for sustainability, climate change and natural resources at (part of The Economist Group). He leads Economist Impact's sustainability-related policy and thought leadership projects in the EMEA region. He is also the head of the, inspiring bold thinking, new partnerships and the most effective action to build a sustainable ocean economy.

He is a member of the Advisory Committee for the UN Environment Programme’s Global Environment Outlook for Business and is a faculty member in the Food & Sustainability Certificate Program provided by the European Institute for Innovation and Sustainability.

His previous roles at The Economist Group, where he has been since 2011, include managing editor, global health lead and Europe editor at The Economist Intelligence Unit.

He earned a bachelor of economic and social studies in international relations from Aberystwyth University and a master’s degree in diplomacy and international relations from the College of Europe.


Once a company’s executive team has identified its scope for an overseas expansion, much of the success will rest on comprehensive planning. This includes 'softer' brand-authenticity elements, such as maintaining the company culture and values, that are in some regards more pressing—or perhaps more challenging to master—than 'harder' aspects such as currency hedging, integrating operational systems and ensuring compliance with local regulations.

Bringing new people into a company's culture and values is among the biggest challenges during international expansions, according to , a report published by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and sponsored by TMF Group. The report builds on a survey of 155 senior executives who have knowledge of the issues involved in their company's expansion into foreign markets.

Among those interviewed for the report there was near-unanimous agreement that maintaining company culture while respecting local customs and cultural differences is a fundamental objective for a successful international expansion. While local employment customs, practices and laws are the main concern for HR/payroll, concerns about data protection and privacy laws are the biggest legal/compliance issue.

Excessive bureaucracy in the local tax system is rated as the biggest accounting issue for businesses expanding overseas. By contrast, policymakers may have overstated the importance of a location's level of taxation, as this seems to be far less of a concern in companies' expansion projects than might have been expected.

The survey also finds that a desire to open new markets and gain market share are the principal drivers of corporate expansions abroad, selected by 59% and 57% of respondents respectively. This is especially the case for European countries, as sluggish growth in domestic markets has encouraged many European companies to seek stronger returns overseas. By contrast, the majority of respondents in Asia-Pacific (53%) are particularly driven by the need to find new sources of capital.

Linked to the above-mentioned desires to access new markets and/or gain market share, the survey identifies the socioeconomic circumstances in the target country as the biggest physical location issue in corporate overseas expansion.

Chambers of commerce provide crucial support

Many companies seek support from governments and chambers of commerce. Around half of survey respondents rely on resources provided by their local government and/or chamber of commerce, especially North American respondents. Support from governmental agencies and chambers of commerce also features highly across business areas, including legal/compliance, HR/administration and accounting/tax.

Read the full EIU report:

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