Technology & Innovation

Privacy uncovered

April 13, 2013


April 13, 2013

Sara Mosavi

Former editor

Sara is a Policy and Research Manager at UK Commission for Employment and Skills working on issues such as youth Read complete bio


The key findings of this report are:

  • Consumers don’t know how their data is used, and think regulation and data protection are weak. When asked about the security of their personal information held by a number of entities, consumers only rarely said it was very secure. This is particularly the case for online entities: only 3% say that their data is very secure with social networks and 11% say the same about online retailers. Meanwhile, just 26% think that businesses are transparent enough in how they use customers’ personal data, and three-quarters of respondents believe that regulation preventing the misuse of such information is too weak. 
  • Although fears of potential abuse abound, they are not stopping consumers from sharing data. Individuals are increasingly willing to share information. Over four-fifths (84%) of survey respondents, for example, belong to social networks, and 34% say that they are more willing to share basic personal information online than they were three years ago, compared with 23% who say the opposite. At the same time, however, well over eight in ten respondents are very or somewhat concerned that such information might be hacked and used to steal their money, or that sharing data might lead to them being targeted by marketers. 
  • Companies’ revenues and reputation stand to suffer because of privacy concerns. Sixty-six percent of respondents report sometimes not buying a product or service because of concerns about the security and privacy of their personal data. Of the 23% of respondents who have suffered a data breach, 46% advised family and friends to be careful when sharing information with the organisation. Moreover, the most active Internet shoppers are also the least forgiving of transgressions. Among those who shop online at least once a week and have experienced a data breach that compromised their personal information, 59% ceased to do business with the organisation in question.
  • Data security policies are not just about protecting data, but also about building and maintaining customer relationships.
    Interviewees for this study stress the need to develop trust with customers on data issues, not just for regulatory or ethical reasons, but also because it provides a competitive advantage as it can encourage customers to share more information. A good relationship involves showing respect for customer data. This starts with good practice in areas such as data minimisation. But equally important is regular communication with customers on how their information is being used. 
  • Policies need to recognise cultural differences on privacy issues. The understanding of privacy, and fears of its breach, can vary by country. The EIU survey results indicate, for example, that while Americans and Europeans have similar levels of unease, the former are now less likely to share information than before. Similarly, French respondents are more likely to have suffered a data breach, which may have had an impact on their buying habits. Companies need to understand that what is sufficient in one country might not win trust in another.

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