Technology & Innovation

Finding a niche

September 15, 2014


September 15, 2014


Finding a niche for the Internet of things

Devising an Internet-connected object with a viable business model has proved elusive for many organisations 

Every technology trend carries with it a degree of hype and at present the “Internet of things” (IoT) is overburdened. In August 2014, IT analyst company Gartner declared that IoT is at the very peak of inflated expectations in its annual Hype Cycle of emerging technologies.

Still, if IoT proves to be even a fraction as valuable as its many boosters predict – Harbor Consulting, a Colorado research house, believes it will generate annual worldwide revenues of more than $1 trillion by 2020 – then manufacturers should be falling over each other to devise products that will plug into the IoT. However, finding a commercially viable niche in the IoT has proved elusive for many companies.

Rob Lambert, a technology expert at PA Consulting Group, has spent a lot of time working out how devices can fit into an IoT world. His perspective merits close attention because PA builds projects to meet clear commercial needs identified by its clients. That leaves him with a brief to be utterly practical. “The IoT is a wonderful, seductive idea but the world is still struggling to answer the question ‘where is the business case?’”.

Healthcare is one area where PA’s customers have had no problem finding a business case for connected devise. The latest invention to roll out of the company’s Cambridge Technology Centre is a wearable health patch. This delivers medication through to a patient arm’s while allowing doctors to monitor usage and dosage. The idea is to give patients an improved, personal healthcare regime through specific updates transmitted to their physician.

The challenge to PA’s design team was to combine a bag of vital technical functions in a patch that would sit unobtrusively on the human arm. Within a one inch diameter circle they managed to fit a sensor, some data processing and then storage for this data.

Then there was a need to manage the power for the device to keep it running for a prolonged period. All of this had to be connected to a transmitter linking the patch to wireless communications.

Mr Lambert does not deny that cramming this many functions into such a limited space was a tough job. But his client’s primary concern was not the impressive technical feat but the cost. However, with massive production volumes in prospect allied to the diminished price of computer chips and information processing, Mr Lambert estimates the unit cost of each patch to be in mere pennies.

The health patch represents a marriage of design, innovation and mass market economics. But then it did start out from a defined clinical need.

Other wearable symbols of the IoT have not been so fortunate. The derision that has greeted the Google Glass and the lukewarm consumer response to the idea of smartwatches - watches that flash up a message from the wearer’s mobile apps - suggest some “classic” IoT applications have a long way to go.

Do you think there are enough viable IoT business models to justify the hype? Let us know over on the Future Realities LinkedIn group, sponsored by Dassault Systèmes.

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