Strategy & Leadership

The innovative company

January 19, 2015


January 19, 2015

Aviva Freudmann


Aviva has nearly 40 years of experience as a journalist, researcher and editor covering a variety of industries, including healthcare, financial services, insurance and risk management, transport, logistics, energy and environmental protection.


"The innovative company: How multinationals unleash their creative potential" is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Education First. It explores the challenges companies face when trying to promote innovation across departmental and national boundaries. In particular, it looks at how companies might develop a corporate culture that promotes creative collaboration across borders, specifically to foster and encourage innovation.

In a world of fast-changing technologies, markets and consumer preferences, innovation is important to all companies, regardless of size, location and industry. Companies that cannot change their offerings or improve their functioning to respond to changes in their environments tend to fall by the wayside, surpassed by more nimble competitors. The strategic question for companies is how to foster a culture of creativity and innovate at all levels of the organisation. For many companies this task is closely allied with improving communication, which underpins better collaboration and idea sharing—both within and across departmental and geographical boundaries. This research looks at the ways leading companies have found to encourage collaborative innovation across organisational lines.

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