Technology & Innovation

Hosting mega-events

March 03, 2014

Middle East

March 03, 2014

Middle East
Aviva Freudmann


Aviva has nearly 40 years of experience as a journalist, researcher and editor covering a variety of industries, including healthcare, financial services, insurance and risk management, transport, logistics, energy and environmental protection.


"Hosting mega-events: Managing innovation in infrastructure" is an Economist Intelligence Unit report which examines the key factors associated with the successful hosting of mega-events, with particular emphasis on innovation in infrastructure.

A new report published by The Economist Intelligence Unit looks at the lessons learnt from hosting some of the biggest events in the world – from Olympics to the World Cups. Hosting mega-events: Managing innovation in infrastructure, sponsored by Philips, includes EIU analysis and comments from a panel of eight prominent experts, including Sir John Armitt, chairman of the Olympic Delivery Authority, UK and Nick Bitel, the chief executive of the London Marathon. The report finds that political leaders should form a consensus at the outset concerning the vision for the event and how infrastructure fits into the larger picture, and communicate this to all participants. Planners should also provide clear and strong briefs to technology and design teams, while leaving some room for innovation and improvements to the plans.

Why read this report:

  • Report captures lessons learnt for future hosts of mega-events
  • A mega-event needs a consensus on aims and stable political support
  • Risks related to mega-events should be managed proactively
  • Harness the potential of mega-events to spur innovation, says the report

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