Technology & Innovation

Coming of age: Asia's evolving R&D landscape

August 28, 2012


August 28, 2012

Our Editors

The Economist Intelligence Unit


Coming of age is a research programme that examines Asia's evolving R&D landscape for high-tech companies

Coming of age: Asia’s evolving R&D landscape is an Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report, commissioned by Mercer. The EIU performed the research, conducted the interviews and wrote the report independently. The findings and views expressed in this report are those of the EIU alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsor.

Over the past 50 years, Asia’s emerging markets have grown at staggering speeds, yet have produced relatively few innovations. Instead they have largely adopted ideas developed elsewhere in the world. This so-called “catch-up” growth came by adopting multiple waves of technology without having to go through the time-consuming process of inventing them.

Today, emerging Asia is starting to produce significant amounts of its own innovation. Global multinational companies (MNCs) have recognised this blossoming of invention and are investing ever more heavily in research and development (R&D) in Asia. How are these companies approaching their Asian R&D investments? Where are they investing? Why? Is the work meeting the expectations of the companies behind these investments?

This report explores the contours of Asia’s R&D landscape in the context of high-technology companies in a bid to answer these questions. It is based on technology sector research, in-depth interview with senior executives and R&D experts, as well as Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) forecasts.

The key findings of the research are as follows:

The rationale for investing in R&D in Asia has shifted from cost to competencies. During the 1990s and early 2000s, Asian R&D strategies were all about finding large pools of skilled engineers with low wages. Today it is rare to find firms investing in R&D in Asia as a way to cut costs. Largely this is because the wages of Asia’s engineers have climbed sharply as the region’s R&D centres have moved up the value chain. Rather than just doing low-end tasks, they have moved with astonishing speed into doing sophisticated work.

Moving R&D to Asia is also about capturing market opportunity. Back in 1990, Asia (ex-Japan) contributed 13.2% of global GDP (measured using purchasing power parity). By 2016, the EIU expects that figure to climb to 33.8%. The region’s importance to the technology sector is climbing in line with its growing economic weight. In order to capture this opportunity, firms understand that they need to put their R&D operations much closer to their new customers in emerging Asia.

Companies are investing in R&D in Asia as a defensive measure. Many global firms have recognised that Asia’s nascent corporate landscape has the potential to create highly disruptive innovations that could reshape whole industries. Products designed in these markets have different specifications for different price points, giving rise to highly elegant solutions that are extremely low-cost and could easily go global. Locating R&D in emerging markets helps firms keep on top of these developments.

R&D in Asia is shifting from product localisation to development. Traditionally, many firms used their R&D teams in emerging markets to “localise” existing products and services by simplifying them to make them more affordable. Today, Asia’s R&D centres are instead firmly focused on developing new products and intellectual property. These innovations address both local and global needs. Indeed, many R&D centres in Asia now
take the global lead for developing product lines.

As well as running global R&D programmes, Asia’s R&D centres are developing excellence in emerging market innovation. Customers in emerging Asia have differing needs and levels of income. Rather than localising global products, companies are using the needs of local customers as the starting point for designing new products. For many firms, Asia’s R&D centres have taken the lead in developing products and services for emerging markets globally.

Companies are recognising that the process companies use to pursue innovation in emerging markets is different. The approach to R&D used in developed markets is often inappropriate for emerging markets. What’s more, companies in emerging markets have much to teach their Western counterparts. They innovate at greater speed and lower cost, and are better at exploring “adjacent opportunities”, and pursuing co-innovation with partners. Many global MNCs have put in place programmes to emulate the best R&D practices of their local Asian competitors, combining those lessons with their own best practices.

In much of emerging Asia, the focus of R&D is still heavily on product development rather than pure science. Many R&D heads note that pure research is harder and more expensive than product development, and in Asia there is still so much opportunity around doing development that there is less need to pursue pure research. However, this is starting to change. In more sophisticated markets, notably Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, pure research activities are already well developed.

In choosing where to locate R&D centres in Asia, the overriding consideration is the availability of skilled workers. Given the sheer quantity of graduates produced in China and India, these two countries are attracting the lion’s share of new R&D investment. However, Australia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan are also popular for certain industries and sectors. Within China and India, new R&D locations are emerging.

Well-established centres, such as Bangalore, Beijing and Shanghai, have drawn so much R&D investment it is becoming tough to hire scientists and engineers there. As such, many MNCs are setting up in new emerging centres, including Chengdu and Dalian in China, and Hyderabad in India.

Government incentives are of limited importance in choosing a location for R&D. All else being equal, companies are happy to accept tax breaks and government offers, but these factors are rarely a deciding factor. One R&D director observes: “Companies run by engineers make R&D decisions for the right reasons: they look for the talent. Companies run by operations specialists, who understand short-term financial performance but are
often ignorant of the technology, tend to be more swayed by government incentives.” Government policy, and the degree to which governments support education and promote technology adoption, is much more important.

Increasingly dispersed R&D activities are giving rise to a “global corporate brain”. Many Asian firms are raising their R&D investments in the West just as Western firms are investing in Asia. Some observers liken this process to building a “global brain”. Increasingly, firms try to move their scientists around these new global R&D networks in order to mix different skills and experiences and foster new innovation. This pursuit of a “global
brain” creates big organisational challenges for MNCs.

Investing in R&D in Asia is meeting expectations, but major challenges exist. Staff turnover and difficulties in recruiting the right calibre of engineer are big headaches. Many companies choose to set up in Asia to access the region’s rising supply of science graduates, only to find the demand for those workers is increasing at a greater pace, forcing up wages. Many companies also complain that only a small percentage of graduates in Asia
actually have the right skills or education.

Companies are learning how to live with staff shortages by deploying a range of personnel policies. One factor helping to address staff problems is the more stimulating nature of work being done in Asia’s R&D centres. With the shift from low-end work to high-end product development, employees become more engaged and more loyal. A related factor is a change in corporate culture. As Asia’s R&D centres have taken on more global responsibility, so they have adopted Western management cultures which are less hierarchical and more open, all of which also improve staff retention. Many companies are addressing local talent shortages in Asia—especially for senior positions—by hiring Asian nationals working in the West. Whereas in the past the thousands of Asians studying at Western universities were keen to pursue careers overseas too, studies show that today many want to return to their homelands because they see greater opportunity in the East than in the West.


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