Technology & Innovation

Golden rules of the travel tech space race

March 12, 2015


March 12, 2015

Simon Vincent

President, EMEA

In Simon Vincent’s current position, he leads over 50,000 team members across 70 countries, overseeing 353 operating hotels with a further 200+ under development.  His previous career has seen him act as Chief Executive Officer of Opodo, the online travel agency and Chief Operating Officer of the UK Travel Division at the Thomas Cook Group.  Mr Vincent is industry Co-chair of the UK Tourism Council, a non-executive director at iconic London retailer Fortnum & Mason and was this year awarded an OBE for Services to Hospitality.

Simon Vincent, EMEA President of Hilton Worldwide, outlines his two Golden Rules of the Travel Tech Space Race ahead of The Economist’s Future of Travel event on March 24th.

Simon Vincent, EMEA President of Hilton Worldwide, outlines his two Golden Rules of the Travel Tech Space Race ahead of The Economist’s Future of Travel event on March 24th.

The last time you went abroad – did you check in to your flight online?  It’s a service we take for granted to such a degree today that it barely warrants mention.  But what about your hotel?

I’ve no doubt that Michael O’Leary and Tony Tyler, my co-panellists at The Future of Travel Summit will be at pains to stress the advances in technology that aviation has made compared to us hoteliers. 

But with the lodging sector now buzzing with activity in this space I’m confident we’re going the right way about catching up.  We’ve seen all manner of gadgets hit the headlines in recent months from Google Glass concierges at The Fairmont in San Francisco, to the proposed Henn-na hotel in Japan which will be entirely staffed by robots to Hilton’s own roll out of digital check in and room selection.

The onset of this ‘travel tech space race’ raises the question of the role we want technology to play in evolving our industry.  The future of our businesses depends on us getting these choices right – following these two ‘golden rules’ of innovation:

  1.  Create a seamless travel experience

Despite the incredible advances technology has made in opening up the globe, in many ways it has also created a world where it has never been easier not to travel.  Meetings can be skyped, presentations can become webinars and even once in a lifetime sightseeing trips can now be partially delivered from the comfort of your own home via virtual reality.  

That puts the onus firmly on us to ensure we use technology to make every aspect of the travel experience as appealing as possible.  In hotels that could mean anything from eliminating queues at check in, to customising rooms via apps, but it is a responsibility we all share through each stage of the journey.  Gone are the days when inconvenience was an acceptable by-product of necessity.

  1. Facilitate extraordinary service

History tells us that with every technological advance, from the printing press to the production line, comes an opportunity to exploit efficiency.  Travel is no different in constantly looking to newer systems to improve our operations.

However, in doing so, we must continue to hold sacred the principle of people serving people and avoid turning a desire for convenience into a devaluation of customer service.  Digital advancements shouldn’t serve to make staff obsolete, but to free them from the shackles of paperwork to become ambassadors for the hotels and communities in which they work and live, creating memorable experiences for guests. 

I believe hotels are more than mere places of accommodation. Enriching lives through human interaction is the essence of our business, something technology should help achieve but never replace.

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