Technology & Innovation

Big data, no teenage dream

November 06, 2013


Big data, no teenage dream

November 06, 2013

Riva Richmond

Former editor

Riva Richmond is Director of Digital Media at The Story Exchange, a nonprofit digital media project that tells the stories of women entrepreneurs in articles and videos. Previously she worked as a Senior Editor with The Economist Intelligence Unit's Thought Leadership team in New York. She has reported and written about technology more than a decade, much of that time focused on information security and privacy issues. Prior to her current position, Riva was a freelance journalist writing for The New York Times,, The Wall Street Journal and other national publications.


A new EIU report suggests companies are entering a period of teenage angst about their ability to use big data effectively.

Businesses appear to be reaching a new developmental stage as they work to make smart use of big data—a kind of teenage chapter marked by excitement as well as angst and insecurity.

A new EIU report examining companies’ speed and facility in using big data shows that executives remain convinced that their firms can and do obtain substantial benefits from data analysis and the insights data enable. Yet they are less confident about their actual ability to make good use of that data.

This shift is revealed in the findings of two nearly identical executive surveys conducted by the EIU in April 2012 and again in September 2013, both sponsored by SAP’s Services group. Only 40% of respondents to the 2013 survey consider their company’s ability to leverage data ‘industry leading’ or ‘competitive’, compared with the 50% who ranked their firms highly in 2012. Meanwhile, 18% say their ability to leverage data is ‘inadequate’ or ‘completely inadequate’, up from 15% in 2012.

Moreover, significantly fewer executives report that their firms have processes to access data in a timely fashion—54%, down from 66% in 2012. Achieving speed correlates strongly to feeling positive about the overall abilities of one’s firm, the surveys show.

The growing self-doubt appears to be part of a coming of age, a new awareness that there is a big world out there that spins on with or without you. Things are no longer so simple, and we must confront the mysteries and the promise and perils of living.

Using the framework of “innovation diffusion” from theorist Everett Rogers, we seem to be leaving a period dominated by ‘early adopters’, whose vision and enthusiasm pushed early initiatives forward. Now attitudes are being shaped by the more pragmatic ‘early majority’, who are more focused on the practical realities and challenges—and concerned about how their efforts are falling short of their hopes. Savvy use of big data can provide insights that help companies improve, grow and rise above their competition, but to realise all this they must engage in the hard work and complexities of strategy and execution.

Of course, there is still more growing up to do. With adulthoodcomes the experience and wisdom needed to get things done effectively (we hope). Applying data to business problems quickly can help companies push forward and better compete, but to accomplish this they must set strong strategies and create structures and processes that let employees easily tap and make sense of data. That also requires infusing corporate cultures with values and habits that ensure data exploration.

In the words of actor Richard Kline: “Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond our control.”


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