Financial Services

Central Banks feel the heat

August 10, 2012


Bank Sign

August 10, 2012

Anonymous Writer



Central banks - particularly the Fed and the ECB - have been garnering unprecedented headline attention as investors and policy makers look to monetary stimulus to repair the damage to the global economy.

Central banks - particularly the Fed and the ECB - have been garnering unprecedented headline attention as investors and policy makers look to monetary stimulus to repair the damage to the global economy. In the wake of announcements from both the Fed and ECB in early August, Steven Leslie, the EIU's financial services analyst, questions what central bankers can do in the current situation.

Tremors from Europe's debt crisis are rolling through every corner of the global economy. The US economy has slowed in the last few months. Global growth essentially stalled in the second quarter of 2012, and looks hardly better at the start of the second half of the year. Central banks - particularly the Fed and the ECB - have been garnering unprecedented headline attention as investors and policy makers look to monetary stimulus to repair the damage to the global economy. In the wake of announcements from both the Fed and ECB in early August, Steven Leslie, the EIU's financial services analyst, questions what central bankers can do in the current situation.


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