Strategy & Leadership




In many countries, this industry has a reputation for problems with corporate fraud, and the survey findings bear out the perception that it represents a significant challenge.

  • Construction firms are unusually exposed to a broad range of risks: one-quarter consider themselves highly vulnerable to corruption and bribery, and about one in five feel the same way about compliance breaches, information theft and procurement fraud. All these figures are higher than the survey averages.
  • In general, the construction business suffers from a much higher incidence of corporate fraud than other industries. Particular problems include the theft of physical assets (44% of sector firms have experienced this compared with 35% on average), corruption and bribery (33% compared with an average of 19%), financial mismanagement (30% compared with 20%) and regulatory and compliance breaches (25% compared with 19%).
  • Construction even has the second highest prevalence of money laundering after the financial services industry (albeit still a low figure). It is a problem that affects 7% of firms.
  • Respondents indicate that this high level of corporate fraud has, if anything, increased slightly over the past three years, with 32% seeing an increase and 29% a drop.
  • Construction is experiencing a greater exposure to fraud through high staff turnover (46%), entry into new markets (44%), and increased collaboration (35%) than is experienced by other industries.
  • Thirty percent face increased exposure after having weakened existing internal controls.

Despite these very widespread problems, the response to corporate fraud has been muted so far. Small signs of change are, however, appearing.

  • The proportion of construction companies using anti-fraud strategies, such as financial controls, physical security systems and management controls is slightly higher than in other industries, but the sector lags behind in IT security.
  • A higher proportion of construction firms than the average are investing further in these strategies.

The construction sector has a long way to go, but seems to be making a tentative start. It needs to increase its efforts.

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