Technology & Innovation

South Korea gets smart



Could smart grids be the next big thing? If so, South Korea looks the place to be. The government has announced that a whopping US$84.5bn—about 2% of the East Asian country’s total GDP—will be invested in green technologies over the next five years in a bid to boost the competitiveness of its economy. A government aim to create a nationwide smart electricity grid by 2030—and be the first country in the world to do so—means that companies in this technology area may be poised to prosper.

Details are still scanty, but, judging by South Korea’s success at making broadband pervasive, few would challenge the government’s commitment to the project. Moreover, the effect of a nationwide smart grid on some of the biggest IT companies, let alone the South Korean economy, would be dramatic. According to Trip Chowdhry, an analyst with US-based Global Equities Research, IT would be the glue that binds the whole smart-grid ecosystem together. International powerhouses like IBM, Cisco and Google, as well as some of South Korea’s home-grown firms, are looking to capitalise on interest in this area.

Since the South Korean stimulus package was first announced, a US organisation called the GridWise Alliance, which includes IT producers such as IBM and Hewlett-Packard, has teamed up with the Korea Smart Grid Association (KGSA) to share R&D into building smart-grid technology.

According to the Korea Times, authorities reckon the smart-grid project could create up to 500,000 new jobs annually and reduce South Korea’s power consumption by 3% by the time it is ready in 2030. “The money’s there, the opportunity’s there and there’s a regulatory push, as with carbon credits,” says Mr Chowdhry in discussing the smart-grid phenomenon more generally. 

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