Technology & Innovation

Liveable cities

November 10, 2010


November 10, 2010

Our Editors

The Economist Intelligence Unit


Research Methodology

Liveable cities: Challenges and opportunities for policymakers is the first of two Economist Intelligence Unit reports, commissioned by Philips, which examine the issue of liveable cities. This first report addresses what city residents want from their cities, and how city leaders can deliver on citizens' requirements. The second report examines the role of business within cities.

The Economist Intelligence Unit bears sole responsibility for the content of this report. The findings and views expressed within do not necessarily reflect the views of Philips. Our research drew on two main initiatives:

  • In September 2010, we conducted a survey of urban professionals around the world. In total, 575 respondents took part, representing cities in Asia (30%), North America (30%), Western Europe (30%) and the rest of the world (10%).
  • To supplement the survey results, we also conducted in-depth interviews with 17 city officials,designers and architects, and other experts in urban affairs.

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