
MASLD and MASH: prioritising a global public health threat

September 18, 2024


MASLD and MASH: prioritising a global public health threat

September 18, 2024

Michael Guterbock

Senior Consultant, Economist Impact, Policy and insights

Michael is a Senior Consultant with Economist Impact’s Policy Team. He works with global clients developing and delivering evidence-based policy projects across a wide range of priority areas and manages Economist Impact research teams. Prior to consulting with the Economist Group, Michael worked in disaster preparedness and humanitarian assistance consulting, as well as on policy design and implementation with the US Federal Government. Michael holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), a Master’s degree in Global Health from The University of Michigan, and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in International Affairs from Johns Hopkins SAIS.

Liver Disease: metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH).

The country policy profiles included below for Germany, Japan, and the United States provide an overview of the current policy landscape of MASLD and MASH in each country. The profiles provide a top-level overview of the current state of MASLD and MASH care, with key policy takeaways and opportunities to enhance MASLD and MASH care in the future.

Country profiles



United States

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