

March 01, 2019


March 01, 2019

Rashmi Dalai


Rashmi started her career on Wall Street with time spent in both convertible bonds sales and trading at Goldman Sachs and structured derivative products at Lehman Brothers. She left to form her own healthcare consulting practice, and spent over a decade advising a wide range of clients from large university hospitals to start-ups on business and financial strategies. Her role included taking interim COO and CFO positions for clients managing periods of high growth or other business transitions.

In 2007, she began splitting her time between the US and Asia (China, Indonesia, and Singapore) and expanded her consulting business to include advisory on business communications strategies and global thought leadership. Prior to joining The Economist Group, she was Head of Strategic Planning at Weber Shandwick, a global communications and PR firm, in Singapore.

Rashmi holds a Bachelors in International Affairs from Johns Hopkins University and a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University with a concentration in International Finance and Banking. 

《沉默的代价:亚洲地区心血管疾病现状》是经济学人智库和 EIU Healthcare 所作的报告。它提供了关于心血管疾病危险因素经济影响的研究,研究范围包括以下亚洲市场:中国、澳大利亚、中国香港、日本、新加坡、韩国、中国台湾和泰国。

研究着重探讨了缺血性心脏病(IHD)和中风所造成的损失。缺血性心脏病,又称冠心病(coronary heart disease,CHD)或冠状动脉疾病,是指负责为心肌供血的心脏动脉(冠状动脉)狭窄而导致的心脏疾病。这可能导致稳定性心绞痛、不稳定性心绞痛、心肌梗死或心脏病发作,以及心脏性猝死。中风的主要特征则是大脑局部突然失去血液供应,可能由脑血管阻塞、大出血或血栓所引起。



  • 心血管疾病发病率的上升给亚太市场带来了显著的挑战。
  • 四项可改变的心血管危险因素在沟通方面为政府和医疗健康机构提出了挑战。
  • 其中高血压造成的损失最大。
  • 心血管疾病造成的损失并不固定。
  • 初级预防的策略选择,包括对选择的“推动”。
  • 有效的二级预防也可显著影响成本和结果。

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