Financial Services


May 01, 2019


May 01, 2019

Rashmi Dalai


Rashmi started her career on Wall Street with time spent in both convertible bonds sales and trading at Goldman Sachs and structured derivative products at Lehman Brothers. She left to form her own healthcare consulting practice, and spent over a decade advising a wide range of clients from large university hospitals to start-ups on business and financial strategies. Her role included taking interim COO and CFO positions for clients managing periods of high growth or other business transitions.

In 2007, she began splitting her time between the US and Asia (China, Indonesia, and Singapore) and expanded her consulting business to include advisory on business communications strategies and global thought leadership. Prior to joining The Economist Group, she was Head of Strategic Planning at Weber Shandwick, a global communications and PR firm, in Singapore.

Rashmi holds a Bachelors in International Affairs from Johns Hopkins University and a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University with a concentration in International Finance and Banking. 

* 注 : 国际会计准则理事会(IASB)已提议将 IFRS 17 的生效日期由 2021 年推延 12 个月至 2022 年 1 月 1 日。

2017 年 5 月,国际会计准则理事会(下称“IASB”)发布了业界期待多时的 IFRS 17,标志着首份针对 保险合同的全面国际财务报告准则指引在历时多年后终于制定完成。IFRS 17 将取代当前的临时准则: 《国际财务报告准则第 4 号》(下称“IFRS 4”)。过去十年,当 IASB 专注于制定 IFRS 17 时,IFRS 4 为会计实务提供了指导。此外,虽然《国际财务报告准则第 9 号―金融工具》(下称“IFRS 9”)的生效 日期为 2018 年,IASB 容许所有拥有大量保险业务的公司选择延缓三年实施;IFRS 9 将彻底改变保险公 司对债券和股票投资的会计处理方法。该延期决定把上述两项重大会计改革的生效日期契合起来,这意味 着,新准则的启动将成为保险业企业报告变革前所未见的里程碑。

IASB 旨在透过 IFRS 17 确立一套保险合同确认、计量、列报和披露原则。这一目标十分远大,并需要大 量工作,才能使该准则的诠释和应采用达到一致。为了合规,保险公司的许多领域正在发生重大变化,包 括从精算和财务到产品开发和运营。此外,由于全球超过 100 个国家和地区将会采用该准则,而各地区 可能对该准则的实施方法有不同诠释,业界对准则应用上可能出现的差异也有所顾虑。

本报告的目的是为全球保险公司对 IFRS 17 的反应及采用的准备情况提供全面综述,评估行业对实施挑 战的规模和复杂性的看法,并了解系统实施和其它所需变更的时间表是否切实可行。 

我们访问了 340 位保险行业的财务、精算和信息技术高管并得出调研结果。本次调研旨在了解调研参与 者对 IFRS 17 实施挑战的观点。

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