
Wanted: electricity market reform

June 11, 2013


Electric car

June 11, 2013

Malcolm Keay

Senior research fellow

Malcolm Keay’s research focuses on the electricity industry and how government policy can best promote objectives such as energy security and environmental protection.

It might seem strange to call for electricity market reform when the government’s Energy Bill is still making its way through Parliament. But however it has been described, the Bill is not really about electricity market reform.

It is about investment instruments – the Feed-In Tariffs (FITs) and other measures designed to encourage investment in low-carbon generation such as nuclear and renewables. Through the Contracts for Difference (long-term contracts to provide stable and predictable incentives for companies to invest in low-carbon generation), these are linked with the existing electricity market, which remains largely unreformed. But decarbonisation is not just about substituting one sort of generation for another. It implies making fundamental changes to the electricity industry and the energy sector more widely. That will require genuine market reforms.

Just about every aspect of electricity is due to change. Take its cost structure. At present, most of the cost of electricity production is variable and suitably reflected in a price structure based on kWh. But in the future decarbonised industry, most of the costs will be capital. KWh pricing is unlikely to give the right signals for efficient operation. Most renewable producers (like wind power) have zero marginal costs, so marginal prices do not give them useful signals about whether to operate or not. 

System planning and operation will also be affected. At present the approach is to forecast demand, then ensure there is sufficient supply to match. But the supply side is due to get less responsive, with the growth of intermittent renewables and inflexible nuclear, while demand is getting more flexible with the introduction of smart grids and metering. Demand response will be a major component of future planning and operation. That will require big changes, not just in system management, but also in the role of consumers and the price signals they are given. The Energy Bill does not recognise this.

Control and dispatch will be impacted by the growth of local renewable generation, the increasing flexibility of grids and the need to manage demand response. Electricity networks may become more like the internet, with control spread throughout the system, not just from the centre. None of this is reflected in the centralising Energy Bill proposals.

The list could go on, but the message is clear – to deliver effective decarbonisation of electricity, the government needs a coherent strategy for the sector, not just a set of investment drivers. 

Indeed, the issues go wider. Government strategy, as set out in the UK Carbon Plan, is to decarbonise electricity, then increase the use of electricity in other sectors like transport and heating. But the “investment-first” approach means that policy costs fall mainly on electricity – the carbon floor price and FITs will push up the price of electricity as compared with other fuels, impeding the objective of wider electrification.

In short, the government is right about the need for investment in low carbon sources, but to deliver an effective low-carbon system it needs a coherent and comprehensive energy policy, not the present piecemeal approach.

Malcolm will be speaking at the UK Energy Summit on June 27th 2013.

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