SLC Agrícola: reaping the benefits of corporate farming

SLC Agrícola demonstrates how professional management and good use of technology and capital markets can lead to rapid growth. The company made history in 2007, when it became the world’s first grain and cotton producer to list shares on a stock exchange, raising more than R309m (US$181m) to help with its ambitious expansion plans. Since then, it has more than doubled planted area to 220,000 hectares, and plans to reach 450,000 hectares by 2015. Its net operating revenue grew from R269m (US$138.7m) in 2007 to R597m (US$303.4m) in 2009.

SLC was founded in 1945 by three German immigrant families. It produced agricultural machinery and later became a pioneer in automated grain harvesters in Brazil. The transition into farming only occurred in 1977, as soybean fever hit South America. The company continued to produce machinery, however. Its 20-year partnership with John Deere, starting in 1979, inspired SLC to create a professional management team.

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